[29 Jun 2020 | No Comment | 16,849 views]
The Last of Us Part II: Jewish Propaganda Masquerading as ‘Art’

by The Editor, empirestrikesblack.com
Warning: contains spoilers!
I write this article feeling a touch heartbroken and not a little stupid.  Like so many gamers I waited patiently for The Last of Us Part II, a highly anticipated game that follows on from its PS3 predecessor, The Last of Us.  Ordinarily I would not take the time to write an article about a video game but this issue is very important for reasons that I will discuss.

Let’s quickly rewind to part I.  The first game I genuinely enjoyed.  It was cinematic and had …

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[29 Jun 2020 | No Comment | 16,849 views]
The Last of Us Part II: Jewish Propaganda Masquerading as ‘Art’

by The Editor, empirestrikesblack.com
Warning: contains spoilers!
I write this article feeling a touch heartbroken and not a little stupid.  Like so many gamers I waited patiently for The Last of Us Part II, a highly anticipated game that follows on from its PS3 predecessor, The Last of Us.  Ordinarily I would not take the time to write an article about a video game but this issue is very important for reasons that I will discuss.

Let’s quickly rewind to part I.  The first game I genuinely enjoyed.  It was cinematic and had …

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[23 Sep 2019 | No Comment | 16,166 views]
Never Forget, Never Again

by The Editor, empirestrikesblack.com
You say ‘never forget’
But what is there to forget when you don’t know what indeed happened?
You bow down at the altar of jingoism
Renewing your religion
Every year, a minute’s silence
Singing the hymn of American exceptionalism
Uttering hollow clichés claiming to ‘never forget’
As you drag the names of the dead through the mud
Refusing to do justice to their sacrifice
Alas you will never forget because you haven’t known the truth to be remembered
Dov Zakheim flew those planes
Chertoff released the ‘Israeli’ spies
Silverstein took the lease and buried the evidence
The ‘Israelis’ danced in …

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[10 Aug 2018 | No Comment | 28,483 views]
Meet Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales: Ex Porn Peddler Paid by ‘Israel’ to Spread Zionist Propaganda

by The Editor, empirestrikesblack.com
In the midst of the ongoing ‘Israeli’ government campaign against Jeremy Corbyn,(1) Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has entered the fray launching an inexplicable attack on the Labour leader. His tweet posted on the 9th of August 2018 lambastes Jeremy Corbyn for apparently failing to condemn Hamas rockets:
To those well-versed on the history of Palestine this statement rightfully seems absurd and somewhat topsy-turvy. How can an occupied, brutalised and imprisoned people be castigated for merely defending themselves? While ‘Israel’ occupies land that does not belong to it – …

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[27 Sep 2015 | No Comment | 17,680 views]
Pervasive Israeli Lobby Summons Jeremy Corbyn in Further Subversion of British Democracy

By the Editor.
Labour Friends of Israel, a pro-“Israel” political advocacy group, has invited Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to speak at its annual reception(1) in Brighton on Tuesday. The power of the “Israeli” lobby at Westminster(2) is not news to those with a keen eye on British politics. That being said, for any British voter this should raise eyebrows at the very least.
Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) is a Jewish lobby group(3) which,
“promotes a negotiated two state solution for two peoples; with Israel safe, secure and recognised within its …

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[24 Sep 2014 | 4 Comments | 25,803 views]
ISIS is not ‘Blowback’ from Western Foreign Policy; They ARE Western Foreign Policy

By the Editor.
Notice that ISIS are sworn enemies of Syria, Hizbu’llah, and Iran. This in itself gives a most obvious clue as to the identity of the group’s benefactors.
A prevalent liberal cliché is the “blowback” theory – the theory that ISIS terror attacks, and indeed the group’s very existence, are somehow in retaliation to US/Western/”Israeli” foreign policy actions.
This is a disingenuous theory that is disseminated in order to keep the empire’s citizens on side. Crucially, it distracts from a key truth.
Western and “Israeli” intelligence has historically effected deep infiltration …