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Jody McIntyre Destroys BBC Reporter Live On Air

15 December 2010 5,056 views No Comment

By the Editor.

Hat tip to Scott Creighton over at American Everyman for posting this video.

Recently assaulted activist and demonstrator Jody McIntyre, verbally demolishes a BBC reporter live on air in this video interview. After the condescending, patronising interviewer’s repeated attempts to paint Jody and his fellow protesters as violent and threatening, Jody responds:

“Do you think that I could have, in any way, posed a physical threat from the seat of my wheelchair, to an army of police officers armed with weapons? This whole line of argument is absolutely ludicrous because you’re blaming the victims of violence for that violence. In fact, it reminds me a lot of the way the BBC report on the Palestinian conflict.”

Jody is then hastily cut off by the reporter with another question. See the whole interview below:

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