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Latest Wikileaks Psyop Maneuver: Providing Israel With Another Useful Existential Threat

24 December 2010 7,920 views One Comment

By Scott Creighton.

UPDATE: New Fake Israeli “leak” exonerates Israel, condemns North Korea (see end of original article)

UPDATE 2: From ridiculous to the sublime – Bradley wants you to wish the troops and his “torturers” a Merry Christmas


Julian Assange has stated on al Jazeera that he will release some 3,700 secret (and even “top-secret”) documents pertaining to Israel in 6 months.

Why would he wait if he had “truth” that needed to be revealed to the world?

What he is doing is providing an existential threat to the state of Israel; one that can and will be used by AIPAC to pressure members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to pass legislation effectively shutting down the open internet as we know it.

The 6 month pending deadline should be just enough time for Israel’s massive propaganda machine.

After Israel’s Dec. 2008-Jan. 2009 attack on Gaza,  their more recent attack on the humanitarian aid flotilla, and the assassination of a Palestinian public official, their public opinion rating has taken a nose-dive. Their megaphoned apologists and their public relations efforts failed in the face of an open and uncensored internet.

Assange’s new, unexplainable, 6 month deadline creates just enough of a pending existential threat to the state of Israel to justify AIPAC influenced U.S. congressmen to pass a draconian internet censoring bill in the same vein as the U.S. Patriot Act.

This serves not only the state of Israel, but also the U.S. state department. After Hillary Clinton’s failed efforts to frame North Korea for the sinking of the Cheonan, it is in the best interest of the imperial U.S. that the freedom of the internet and the rapid exchange of information is curbed. This is ultimately the point of the Wikileaks psyop and at least now we have a definitive time-line.

(The following Julian Assange quotes taken from an interview on al Jazeera and published by Information Clearinghouse)

topic: holding “leaks” pertaining to Israel for 6 months

There are 3,700 files related to Israel and the source of 2,700 files is Israel. In the next six months we intend to publish more files depending on our sources,”

“We will publish 3700 files and the source is the American embassy in Tel Aviv. Prime Minister Netanyahu was traveling to Paris to talk to the US ambassador there. You will see more information about that in six months.”

Why would Assange hold important leaks about Israel for 6 months while knowingly allowing establishment newspapers to publish misleading information about North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and nearly every other Middle East country immediately?

topic: Assange aware that papers he gave “leaks” to are filtering the truth about Israel

files pertaining to the 2006 Lebanon War (Condi Rice’s war) –  ”Yes there is some information about that and these files were classified as top secret.

files pertaining to the assassination of a Palestinian leader – “Yes there are some indication to this and may be some special reports published by newspapers. Mossad agents used Australian, British and European passports to travel to Dubai and there are diplomatic files about that.”

The GuardianEl-Pais and Le Monde have published only two percent of the files related to Israel due to the sensitive relations between Germany, France and Israel. Even New York Times could not publish more due to the sensitivities related to the Jewish community in the US,”

Assange is blaming these entities for filtering the “leaks” yet these cables are in his possession and he could do with them as he pleases. He’s allowing this to happen. Why? If getting out the “truth” is what Wikileaks is all about, why this convoluted and manipulated process?

topic: Official U.S. funding??!?

“We were the biggest institution receiving official funding from the US but after we released a video tape about killing people in cold blood in Iraq in 2007, the funding stopped and we had to depend on individuals for finance.”

What “official funding” is he talking about? Has this money been in place since even before Wikileaks started officially leaking anything? If you read the John Young emails, that would certainly seem to be the case.


It is my sincere hope that this latest ploy by Julian Assange finally exposes  this Wikileaks  psyop to journalists like Pilger and Greenwald.

By giving this arbitrary and pointless deadline, by creating an existential threat which can only benefit AIPAC lobbyists, Assange has finally exposed his purpose in such a way as there cannot be any more question as to what that purpose ultimately is: the end of the free and open internet.


UPDATE: A Raw Story headline completely misrepresents the substance of the article.

Israel destroyed Syrian nuclear reactor in 2007, leaked cable reveals

But the facts within the article show us how the Wikileaks psyop is still working to the advantage of Israel by promoting old, tired propaganda as “fact”.

“On September 6, 2007, Israel destroyed the nuclear reactor built by Syria secretly, apparently with North Korea’s help,” then US secretary of stateCondoleezza Rice wrote in the cable published in Yediot Aharonot newspaper.

Our intelligence experts are convinced that the attack targeted by the Israelis is in fact an atomic reactor of the same type built by North Korea in Yongbyon,” she wrote in the message dated April 2008.

We have good reason to believe that the reactor was not built for peaceful purposes,” she said, adding the attack came only weeks before the reactor was to become operational.  Raw Story

Here is some “truth” being revealed by Wikileaks – a statement by Condi Rice which exonerates Israel for the aggressive and illegal strike on a Syrian facility in 2007 which also serves the dual purpose of implicating North Korea at a time when the U.S. and South Korea are doing everything they can to create a reason to “regime change” that nation.

This cable exposes nothing that we didn’t already know about the 2007 attack on the Syrian facility and actually promotes the previously debunked U.S. and Israeli claim that it was a reactor being made for weapons manufacturing purposes.

Clearly this is just more pro-Israel, anti-North Korea propaganda.

UPDATE 2: This shit is so f*cing stupid, it must be  being written by a 12-year-old. Now Manning the Magnanimous, is hoping that you will wish for a Happy Christmas for all the troops AND his captors at the detention center who, according to him, are torturing him. Gimmie a fucking break.

“I ask that everyone takes the time to remember those who are separated from their loved ones at this time due to deployment and importantmissions.

“Specifically, I am thinking of those that I deployed with and have not seen for the last seven months, and of the staff here at the Quantico Confinement Facility who will be spending their Christmas without their family.” Raw Story

I guess the propagandists writing this drivel figure they got everyone eating out of their hands because of writers like Greenwald and Pilger swallowing this shit hook line and sinker, so they might as well pepper all their sappy propaganda with even more sappy propaganda.

One Comment »

  • Elvis Winehouse said:

    Excellent piece. I couldn’t understand what Assange’s game plan was in saying that he’d release the Israeli related documents in 6 months. Obviously this gives enough time and enough of a threat to get the US Zionist Congress moving on legislation to forever censor freedom of speech on the internet. Everything seems to be going according to plan for the ZioYid controllers. I am still shocked at the amount of ‘progressive’ alternative news outlets still buying into this shit. Keep up the good work exposing this wiki con job. The future is still unwritten.

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