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Economic Terrorism: Egypt in the Crosshairs

21 February 2011 5,470 views One Comment

By the Editor.

The UK Independent is today reporting that globalist David Cameron is flying to Egypt for ‘talks’.

Free-market fundamentalist Cameron takes every opportunity to wax lyrical about how we must ‘open markets’ and deregulate economies in order to prosper. Further, in his recent speech to the Kuwaiti national assembly he stressed the need for economic reform in the Middle East:

“In the end, 21st century economies require open societies. I am convinced that the best guarantor of prosperity and stability is for economic and political progress to go in step together.”

Oliver Wright’s Independent article carries a subtle clue as to Cameron’s and the West’s intentions vis-a-vis Egypt and the wider Middle East/North Africa:

Some senior foreign policy experts have called for a new “Marshall Plan” for the region to provide economic incentives which could strengthen new democratic institutions.”

The last time this language was used in this context was Iraq. George Bush called for a new “Marshall Plan” for the country, as did its treasonous US-installed Prime Minister.

This plan had one goal: to open up the Iraqi nation as a market for American multinational corporations wishing to steal resources and wealth permanently. Iraq’s economic backbone was the 200 publically-owned companies that did everything from mine raw materials out of the ground, to producing essential goods and foodstuffs. Financial terrorist Paul Bremer was appointed by the White House to tear Iraq apart limb by limb. The 200 companies that kept the Iraqi economy afloat and its people fed, were sold to US multinationals at a fraction of their actual worth. The new owners then cut costs by laying off workers to boost profits. This was coupled with deregulation of prices on essential goods. The Iraqis that had been thrown out of work and into abject poverty, had no chance of paying increased prices for their staple foods and goods.

Iraq’s 400,000-strong army was disbanded. 400,000 armed, disgruntled young men left without jobs in the midst of a military occupation.

Over 90% of the Iraqi government’s income came from its nationally-owned oil fields. The occupying White House unilaterally ratified Iraq’s ‘oil law’, which allowed American multinationals to sign 30-year oil contracts, and take the profits overseas. Iraq is being consigned to perpetual poverty at the behest of the terrorists at the IMF, World Bank, and the White House.

This is precisely what these disaster capitalists will try to do in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and the wider Middle East & North Africa. It will be done under the guise of ‘development’, ‘growth’, and ‘economic assistance’ – the euphemistic words that are used to cover up the economic rape of disaster-stricken nations that have committed the crime of struggling for independence from the USA.

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