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Abbottabad residents: Operation of killing Bin Laden a hoax

5 May 2011 10,081 views No Comment

BEIJING, May 5 (Xinhuanet) –US President Barack Obama’s dramatic announcement that the world’s most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden was shot dead in a compound in Pakistan’s north western city of Abbotabad surprised the world.

At a distance of about a hundred and thirty kilometers from the federal capital, the garrison city of Abbotabad is a picturesque valley in the foothills of the Karakarom.

Abbottabad is an important military center being the headquarters of an Army brigade.

On May 1st US President Barack Obama’s announcement surprised the people of Pakistan but most of all the Government and the armed forces.

Obama calls it an intelligence driven operation.

An eyewitness of Pakistan said, “We are not fools, it’s America, and the dirty American policies. Whenever they want to take control of an area, they act this way. Osama was never here, America wants to destroy the image of the Pakistan army.”

Pakistan president Asif ali Zardari has denied that Pakistan knew about Osama’s presence in the country.

And those who live close to this compound say bin Laden was never in that house.

An eyewitness of Pakistan said, “I have lived here all my life, I have never seen Osama Bin Laden come or go from here. We are a close knit community. At least we would have seen him once, but we did not. And even if he was killed, the Pakistan army should have conducted the operation”

When I spoke with the members of the anti terrorist squad, surprisingly even they couldn’t confirm Bin Laden’s killing.

Then what are the facts?

Muhammad Imran is a Taliban expert.

Taliban expert Muhammad Imran said, “The people who are living in the adjacent areas and who are the neighbors of this compound, they have a focus on one point, there are certain issues that need to be addressed and I think with the passage of time the story will unfold about what actually happened. Apparently we believe that Bin Laden was here and was killed during the operation, conducted by the American marines.”

There are a number of contradictory theories and growing speculation following Osama Bin Laden’s death as to how and why the operation was carried out in the way it was.

Locals living in the neighborhood say that this operation was a hoax. And if such a high profile target WAS living here, then why didn’t the Pakistani army carry out this operation? Why wasn’t Pakistan kept in the picture. These are the questions that need to be answered by the United states.

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