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Afghanistan: US troops kill several women and children

15 May 2011 14,741 views One Comment

Press TV.

American troops have killed several women and children in the troubled eastern Afghanistan amid growing civilian casualties in the war-torn country.

Villagers in Kunar Province say the US troops fired rockets at local residents from their military outposts.

The children were all girls aged 8 to 15.

Also, a 12-year-old child was reportedly killed and four others were injured in a NATO attack in Kunar on Sunday.

In a separate incident on Thursday, a 12-year-old girl was killed in Nangarhar Province after foreign troops hurled a hand grenade towards her.

Afghan authorities say they are investigating the attacks.

A NATO spokesman has said the alliance was aware of civilian casualties in Kunar but could not provide further details.

On Saturday, hundreds of people took to the streets in the eastern province of Nangarhar following the killing of a teenage boy by NATO troops Friday night.

Nearly three thousands civilians were killed in the Afghan conflict last year.

Hundreds of civilians have lost their lives in US-led airstrikes and ground operations in various parts of Afghanistan over the past few months, with Afghans becoming more outraged over the seemingly endless number of deadly assaults.

Civilian casualties have long been a source of friction between the Afghan government and US-led foreign forces. The loss of civilian lives at the hand of foreign forces has dramatically increased anti-American sentiments in Afghanistan.

The war in Afghanistan, with civilian and military casualties at record highs, has become the longest war in US history.

The surge in violence comes despite the presence of 150,000 foreign troops engaged in the so-called war on terrorism.

One Comment »

  • TheAZCowBoy said:

    I’ll never complain about the coming WTC II & III pinata party’s – promise!

    We’ve earned the right to bleed in Budweiser lite gallon buckets. 🙁

    Tombstone, AZ.

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