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Gaddafi’s refusal of the World Bank, IMF, Western multinationals & AFRICOM: the real casus belli obscured by ‘humanitarian’ deceits

2 May 2011 52,344 views 7 Comments

Libya’s Robin Hood and the Robbers

With every passing day, the Libyan picture becomes clearer. The emerging picture confirms what most people, including imperialists, know — that the reason for the military action against Libya is anything but humanitarian.

Protecting Libya’s civilians from Muammar Gaddafi’s forces is only a cover for a campaign aimed at regime change and the plunder of the resources not only of Libya but also of the whole of Africa.

According to a shocking article posted on OpEdNews.com, the Libyan war has its roots in oil and Lockerbie. The author, Susan Lindauer, a CIA ‘asset’ turned anti-war activist, says Libya was made a fall guy in the Lockerbie bombing that was carried out by the CIA’s drug mafia. {For a compilation of the CIA’s drug operations, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_drug_trafficking.}

Lindauer claims that Gaddafi was the fall guy and he was forced to cough up about 2.7 billion dollars in compensation for the 270 victims who died when a bomb planted on Pan Am flight 103 exploded on December 21, 1988 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie. Gaddafi paid the money in 2008 after admitting to a crime which he had not committed to save his country from the pangs of gruelling UN sanctions.

When Gaddafi improved relations with the West in the wake of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, US oil companies wasted no time in striking deals. But they withdrew last year, complaining about the huge kickbacks Gaddafi was demanding.

Justifying the Libyan leader’s demand, Lindauer says, “Gaddafi took on the role of a modern-day Robin Hood, who insisted on replenishing his people for the costs they’d suffered under UN sanctions… You’ve got to admit that Gaddafi’s attempt to balance the scales of justice demonstrated a flair of righteous nationalism.”

She adds: “Don’t kid yourself. This is an oil war, and it smacks of imperialist double standards”. {Visit http://www.opednews.com/articles/2/Libya-s-Blood-for-Oil-The-by-Susan-Lindauer-110327-21.html for Lindauer’s article.}

If oil is the reward that the US is seeking from the Libyan war, the enslavement of Africa is perhaps what France and Britain are after.

Though Gaddafi courted the West by dismantling Libya’s weapons of mass destruction programmes soon after the US invasion of Iraq, the Libyan leader had other ideas. He conceived a vision to free Africa from the West’s neocolonialist clutches.

In 1992, 45 African nations formed RASCOM (Regional African Satellite Communication Organisation) aimed at bringing down the cost of communications in the continent. Africa was paying some US$ 500 million a year as satellite fees to French and other European companies, and the call charges in the continent were the highest in the world. RASCOM had a plan to launch its own African satellite. The project would cost US$ 400 million. For 14 years, they went behind the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other donors. These imperialist-run institutions made borrowing difficult by placing tough conditions.

Gaddafi put an end to these futile pleas and offered US$ 300 million. The African Development Bank with US$50 million and the West African Development Bank with US$27 million contributed to the project which was brought to fruition in December 2007. Africa’s gain was Europe’s loss. No wonder Gaddafi has become a villain for France, Britain and other imperialists though he is a hero for Africa.

Gaddafi had also pledged to fund three ambitious African projects — the creation of an African investment bank, an African monetary fund and an African central bank. Africa felt that these Africa-centred institutions were necessary to end its dependence on the IMF and the World Bank — institutions that prescribe unrealistic and unpopular measures to qualify for loans. These conditions which include measures to privatize natural resources and allowing unlimited access to foreign companies are designed to keep Africa eternally poor or dependant on the West. Libya had pledged funds for these projects from its investments in the United States. The US$ 30 billion which the Barack Obama administration froze (or robbed) at the first signs of the orchestrated troubles in the Libyan town of Benghazi was meant to finance these three African projects which would have given Africa some economic freedom.

Besides oil and Africa’s economic freedom, Libya’ refusal to join Africom, the United State’s African Command, is also a casus belli for the war on Libya. Though Africom’s stated objective is to assist African nations, critics say its military objective is to prevent China from gaining a strategic foothold in Africa. At present Africom operates from an old French base in Djibouti. Is the Libyan war aimed at bringing Africom to Libya? The one who controls Libya controls the Mediterranean, the Middle East and half of Africa. Since the end of World War II, the United States had a huge military base in Libya until Gaddafi in 1969 told the US to get out. Amidst uncertainty over the direction a civilian government in Egypt will take, a base in neighbouring Libya assumes added significance. Gaddafi opposed these moves and played a dangerous game with the West — offering them oil deals while taking steps to check the West’s influence on Africa and the Middle East.

In one such anti-West tirade in 2003, Gaddafi at an Arab summit slammed Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah who was seated opposite him. “You are a product of Britain and protected by the US.”  Six year later, he repeated the accusations at another summit, saying “After six years, it has been proven that with … the grave before you, it is Britain that made you and the Americans that protected you.”

No wonder that Saudi Arabia and other pro-US Gulf states have joined the military campaign against Libya — something they would not even dream of doing to protect the Palestinian people from Israel.


  • lion said:

    down with the imperialism and zionism!!! go Gadaffi!!! save your people!!

  • Udo W. Froese said:

    The above article on Gaddafi and the international West seems researched and sensicle. One needs to scientifically and throroughly research and monitor the “former” colonial powers’ and the new, vicious and ambitious interest of the USA since 1942 in Africa. Such research should not be an emotive one, but based on economic-, financial- and total control meassures and manipulations. This research would have to include the international Western media and the NGO industry, AFRICOM and the “civil and tribal” wars that many African countries had been suffering from. It would further have to include South Africa’s colonial-apartheid and Rhodesia’s (now Zimbabwe) Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) and the holocaust that the southern African region was subjected to. Some 15 million people had lost their lives in soutehrn Africa during those times. The “xenophic” attacks on Africans in South Africa as well as Rwanda’s holocaust of close to one million people in the early 1990s to eventually usher president Paul Kagame in, are areas in dire need of scientific research. So is the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) continuity of “rebel wars” in the north east down to the central parts of the country. This is another holocaust where between 1993 and 2000 close to 9 million people were slaughtered. The war-of-attrition against Zimbabwe’s president Mugabe and his ruling party, ZANU-PF as well as the origins and financials of current South Africa’s oppositions and the media would also need to be researched and exposed. Africa has done huge blood-letting since 1945. Its useless structures such as the African Union (AU), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and COMESA merewly furthered the international West’s interests. This scientific research is of historic importance. (udofroese.wordpress.com)

  • andres morin said:

    I guess the fact that this uprising was started by the Libyan people after 42 years of ruthless dictatorship, utter poverty and strife has nothing to do with it. Blaming the West for everything seems like the easy thing to do doesn’t it?….@ndy

  • Mo Roberts said:

    I don’t know about the utter poverty part. Have you ever been to Libya? Probably not. I have friends who have crossed Libya to reach Italy and what they (not one or two but several) have told me is that generally Libyans are not poor. The problem is that Gaddafi pacifies them into subservience: Free health care, jobs, subsidized utilities. It is the ultimate nanny state. This is from people who have actually been there not any biased, agenda driven Western foreign correspondent.

  • useless eater said:

    Andres, ruthless? Where? To who? The people love him and Libya WAS a very wealthy african country!

    Started by who?? Dont you find the fact that the revolutionaries was helped to make a “national bank” long before victory? First thing they did was joining IMF!!?? lolwtf!?

    Blaming the west? IMF, the world elite are all over the world. Though Europe and North america are their most important playground..

    The Top bankers, The enlightened ones, and the power elite is one bunch of corrupted devils. I guess having much power corrupts, but I think also powerful people usually are the ones that wasnt afraid of stepping on someone elses toes getting there..
    This evil world elite look at us as cannon fodder and useless eaters.
    In their logic: If they manage to rob us and rape us economically, its not them being evil,, its us being stupid, and therefor we deserve being robbed. Same if they kill us. Its our fault for not being prepared and seeing it coming.
    They are some kind of extreme darwinists I would say. These few mighty ones are the fittest, and the rest deserve to die. This wicked logic removes all responsibility from themselves and they are morally free to do anything they like. What they like, is what they profit from, and not whats best for mankind.

    We should show them how a REAL revolution should look like and take the power back.


    […] rules, destroy their economy and create a central Rothschild bank : Indonesia, Iraq, Libya & Gaddafi, Syria, […]


    […] September 11th, 2012, the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya; another formerly secular and sovereign nation that was toppled and destroyed for the same rea…; was attacked by well-armed insurgents whose ultimate goal was to loot a weapons storehouse that […]

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