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6 May 2011 11,470 views 2 Comments

By Giles Dexter and Patrick Henningsen.

As Washington and the CIA scramble to shore-up their official narrative this week, it is reported that “Al-Qaeda” has confirmed the death of its leader Osama Bin Laden, according to a statement attributed to the group, and following predictable intelligence agency protocol, posted this scripted statement on seemingly random “jihadist” internet forums.

This recent dubious Al Qaeda broadcast is timed to perfection and reads like a bookend to the White House’s grand proclamation earlier this week. The statement said that Osama bin Laden’s blood would not be “wasted” and that al-Qaeda would continue attacking the US and allies. In addition, the alleged Al Qaeda message goes on to say that Bin Laden’s death would be a “curse” for the US and urged an uprising in Pakistan.

As is the case with most western manufactured Al Qaeda messages, this one should also be read as a hint to a future move on the part of the Washington-London-Tel Aviv axis, one which may see Pakistan as a new potential NATO military conflict opponent.

Assumptions layered on top of lies, layered on assumptions. The fiction now surrounding the life and death of Osama Bin Laden has reached epidemic proportions, and now Washington is scrambling to hold its fragile story together. So it’s time to ask ourselves, what do we actually know about him, and what is pure fiction?

Firstly, what we know, undisputed and documented by public sources:

1) Osama bin Laden was a well known, well paid CIA intelligence asset used over a long period by more than one US administration to fight their proxy wars. Originally he was recruited during the end of the Carter administration to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, he was subsequently used and armed to bolster the Muslim cause where it could be applied as a proxy force in civil wars, including Bosnia in the 1990′s.

BEDFELLOWS: Osama bin Laden and Zbigniew Brzezinski in Afghanistan.

2) On several occasions in the 1990′s (by which time his name was increasingly linked to, but never proven to be responsible for several terrorist attacks), there were opportunities to arrest him, and on each occasion intelligence services interceded on his behalf either directly, or as was the case during the Clinton administration, the case against him was dropped due to a lack of evidence.

3) Though he was claimed by Washington to have “gone rogue”, the rest of his family remain as one of the best established and most westernised of the super-elite Saudi families who have married into British high society. The bin Ladens are linked to the Bushes and have been majority share holders in world foremost transnational arms and development consortiums of the Carlyle Group, whose directors include former US President George Bush Sr and former British PM John Major.

4) There have been numerous reports of Osama bin Laden’s death, including announcements by Heads of State on several occasions. On December 26, 2001, Fox News reported on a Pakistan Observer story that the Afghan Taliban had officially pronounced Osama Bin Laden dead earlier that month. According to the report, he was buried less than 24 hours later in an unmarked grave in accordance with Wahabbist Sunni practices. On January 18, 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced quite bluntly: “I think now, frankly, he is dead”. In October 2002, Afghan President Hamid Karzai told CNN that “I would come to believe that (Bin Laden) probably is dead”. A number of other official admissions can be found here.

5) Al Qaeda is not a genuine organisation, as it was invented by the FBI, CIA and promoted by western governments to sell their global war on terror.

Video: How enemies Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were invented by the West.

What we don’t know:

1) There is no evidence, other than anecdotal and innuendo, whatsoever linking him directly with 9/11.

2) There is no evidence that he has been alive since late 2001. Although a number of videos and audio message have been released by CIA and Pentagon-run media offices, namely Intel Center and SITE, all subsequently proven to be poorly crafted fakes, no real evidence has ever surfaced. The most infamous of these fake tapes was the one which appeared just before the 2004 election, one that both Bush and Kerry attributed to George W. Bush gaining re-election that year.

3) There is no evidence he was ever in the “compound” building in Pakistan’s Abbottabad Valley on May 1, 2011. Certainly, there is no evidence, other than the official statement from Washington this week, that he was killed then and there.

A likely version of events

As a long time western intelligence asset, Osama agreed to be the fall guy for 9/11 in exchange for safe passage and the continued patronage of his family which include a number of multi-billion dollar contracts from major Anglo-American-Saudi contractors. In death, as in life, he continues to do the bidding for his intelligence Puppet Masters, who still continue to use the utterly meaningless, catch-all term “Al Qaeda” to justify imperialist, dictatory and globalist policies, and subsequently announcing their endless agenda of grotesque plans.

Washington’s announcement this week that it will not be releasing bin Laden photos is simply down to the fact that there are no genuine photos of his alleged assassination by US forces. To make this tale even more incredible, President Obama claims that Osama’s body was dumped into the Arabian Sea ten hours after he will killed.

So what do we have? No body, no photos, no video… no evidence. But the official narrative moves forward like a Hollywood script, “a brave team of Navy SEALS carried out a daring operation to capture and kill the world’s number one terrorist”. And for the first night in ten years, American can go to bed feeling proud and safe.

Clearly, a fictional character like Osama bin Laden was worth more alive than he was dead, which explains the lengths which Washington was willing to go in order keep his presence in play. The decision by the White House to cash in their big chip this week is likely due to a need for domestic approval and to re-spin unpopular foreign occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Obama’s latest propaganda stunt is the equivalent of the Holy Grail in terms of 21st century Anglo-American politics. But as well packaged as his delivery of this event appeared on Sunday evening, the fairy tale of bin Laden appears to be unravelling faster than his inexperienced Democrat spin doctors can manage. Perhaps the best strategy for the Obama Administration would have been that of the Bush Administration- to leave the major fictional villain of our epoch, Osama bin Laden… safely buried in the closet. Wheeling him out now will mostly certainly start of chain of events that even the most skilled White House media minions will find difficult to patch up.

The official narrative is easy to believe if you choose to switch off your critical faculties, and allow the Washington spokespeople and media moguls to take over, directing you what to think and when to think it. Conversely, finding the truth… always requires some effort.


  • Anonymous said:

    Dead Men Don’t Lie:

    “The American government is leading the country towards hell. … We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests not the interests of the Jews.

    If the present injustice continues with the wave of national consciousness, it will inevitably move the battle to American soil, just as Ramzi Yousef and others have done. This is my message to the American people. I urge them to find a serious administration that acts in their interest and does not attack people and violate their honor and pilfer their wealth.” – bin Laden 1998 John Miller interview

    OBL came out days after the attacks on NYC and said he and his rebels had nothing to do with 9/11. He died in December 2001 of renal failure.

    Imagine if the world had listened to OBL in 1998.

    America, sweet America, your sons and daughters are dying for zionist Rothschild and his counterfeiting IMF cronies.

    WAKE THE F**K UP!!!

  • Mouser said:


    June 30, 2008
    By Massimo Calabresi

    Which is closer to dying: Osama bin Laden or the CIA’s effort to catch him? Nothing has characterized the fruitlessness of the hunt for the al-Qaeda leader so much as the recurrent — and mostly inaccurate — reports that he is seriously ailing, or even at death’s door. In 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had kidney disease, and that he had required a dialysis machine when he lived in Afghanistan. That same year, the FBI’s top counterterrorism official, Dale Watson, said, “I personally think he is probably not with us anymore.” Since then, of course, bin Laden has appeared on multiple videos looking healthier than ever.”

    This is a failed government/MSM attempt at damage control. Without kidney transplantation, a patient cannot get off dialysis. Ask a nefrologist – one who passes Les Visible’s Litmus test (about the truth of 9/11).

    Osama bin Laden died in December 2001 of renal failure as reported in multiple daily papers in Pakistan.


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