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Al Jazeera continues to flog mythical Libya narrative

5 June 2011 14,128 views No Comment

By the Editor.

It’s astonishing that Al-Jazeera can still refer to the NATO-backed, CIA-led, al-Qaeda linked ‘rebels’ as the ‘Libyan people’.  They continue to plug the tired old lie that the Libyan insurrection is a popular uprising, rather than a violent, foreign-linked and backed attempt at regime change.  This isn’t astonishing at all however, knowing what Al-Jazeera has been like from the start on this.

Over 700 civilian deaths as a result of NATO bombing in Libya is conspicuously absent from this poor excuse for journalism.

To see more of Al-Jazeera’s shameful warmongering, watch the following video report from them. The reporter expounds what is essentially a sales pitch for UK/French attack helicopters in Libya. When Western soldiers appear on camera, the reporter dismisses it in a blase fashion, rather than pointing out to his unquestioning audience the fact that their very presence is a breach of international law, and the very resolution that the UN purports to be upholding.

As I (and countless independent researchers and journalists of integrity, as opposed to editors of corporate news outlets) have repeatedly said before, framing events in Libya as ‘Gaddafi versus his own people’ is a crass misrepresentation. This is a violent movement, an insurrection funded and backed by French, British and American intelligence. The ‘rebels’ are actually being led by a CIA asset named Khalifa Haftar.

Any country, including all of those currently at war with Libya, would put down such an armed insurrection with deadly force.

Let’s remember – not only did the Russian military say Gaddafi didn’t ‘fire on his own people’ – the Pentagon themselves admit to no confirmation whatsoever of Gaddafi supposedly attacking civilians.

NATO aggression is galvanising the Libyan people against the foreign invaders, while Al Jazeera pushes the pernicious lie that the CIA-backed rebels are Libyan freedom fighters with popular support.

Remember the economic, strategic, and political factors at play in Libya. Oil, the nationally-owned central bank, Gaddafi’s intention to introduce a new gold-backed currency for Libya and its oil sales (to name the most obvious examples).

The wall of deception being erected by Al-Jazeera et al is aimed at masking these issues. This always happens with war, it is a vital component and only the hopelessly naïve fail to notice it.

The lead-up to the Iraq war saw eerily similar economic ‘incentives’ being revealed.

It’s overtly clear that the war in Libya won’t end when Gaddafi is killed or forced out of power. Libyans will resist this aggression not out of support for Gaddafi (though many will), but out of a willingness to protect their land, families and livelihoods. This is something Al Jazeera’s docile audience will never recognise until they change the channel or even better, switch off.

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