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Libya war is about theft of state assets & total restructuring of nation

11 June 2011 9,995 views One Comment

That the multi-billion dollar NATO military machine mobilises for humanitarian purposes is a desperate belief rooted in pure fantasy

By the Editor.

21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen often speaks to Russia Today, and in his latest interview he covers a number of important issues with respect to the Libya war.

A popular mainstream media talking point is that NATO’s war is all about oil. Though Libya’s sweet crude oil is of high quality and thus very desirable, this is a short-sighted analysis. The motives go much deeper than that. Henningsen correctly argues that what we’re seeing in Libya is an attempt to completely restructure the nation economically and politically. Think neoliberalisation – the selling of all state-owned industry and assets to Western multinationals; deregulation of the economy including prices for essential goods and staple foods; cutting of costs across the board – laying off workers and thus increasing unemployment and poverty; crushing of the unions and any notion of collective bargaining, empowering the corporate sector further to force down wages and working conditions (and thus force profits skyward). A ‘circus of nation building’, as Henningsen puts it.

Off the back of a March 19 meeting – the day after NATO began its illegal war on Libya – the Interim National Council (the official face of the CIA’s rag-tag band of ‘rebels’) released a statement detailing their achievements:

Second: The Designation of the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and appointment of a Governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.

Third: The establishment of Libyan Oil Company as supervisory Authority on oil production and policies in the country, based temporarily in Benghazi and appointment of an interim Director-General for the Libyan Oil Company.

So within a day of the onset of the bombing, not only did they replace the largely state-owned Libyan Oil Company, but they replaced the 100% state-owned Central Bank of Libya. Desperate to protect civilians and prevent Gaddafi’s supposed impending massacres huh? It’s eminently clear that these moves were planned months in advance. The circumstances that the ‘Arab spring’ presented were exploited to launch a Western-backed insurrection on Libyan soil, allowing NATO to launch military action under the guise of humanitarianism.

According to the IMF’s latest data, the Libyan Central Bank has over 140 tonnes of gold in its vaults. This is one of the highest per-capita gold reserves of any state bank in the world. The only nation having a higher per-capita reserve in bullion being Lebanon, which holds 286.8 tonnes in its vaults.

Couple this with the fact that Gaddafi was planning to create Libya’s own gold-backed currency, the Dinar, and the ‘humanitarian intervention’ farce seems even more absurd:

The Daily Bell: Gaddafi Planned Gold Dinar, Now Under Attack
The idea, according to Gaddafi, was that African and Muslim nations would join together to create this new currency and would use it to purchase oil and other resources in exclusion of the dollar and other currencies. RT calls it “an idea that would shift the economic balance of the world.”

Libya possesses huge state assets that the degenerate globalists behind the curtain at NATO are literally salivating over. On top of this, Gaddafi was in a position to create a new African currency for the trading of oil and other commodities. This would cause a tectonic shift in the global economic-power system, and constitute a huge threat to the dollar.

Bringing Libya under the ‘globalist umbrella’, has been the game all along Henningsen argues. See below for the interview, which covers other points such as Cynthia McKinney’s report of the presence of Israeli military advisers in Benghazi.

One Comment »

  • Thobekani said:

    This USAID is the silent killer of many developing economies out there including my own country South Africa, this arm will always exist where America has some kind of interest and that poor country will always be deteriorating the quality of life of its poorer segment of population in all yet relative fronts,unemployment, desease, social disorders and conflicts. Then USAID comes in as a messiah to assist but in exchange for something greater for the ever hungry machiavellian America. The interest in Lybia is oil and the halting of measure to curb the further exploitation that see everything balance in a dollar nx!

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