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Pure Evil: NATO Attacked Libyan Water Supply Pipeline and the Factory that Makes Replacement Pipes

31 July 2011 23,686 views 11 Comments

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Infighting between the Libyan “rebel” factions results in murder of the leading commander of their military forces. See the UPDATE section at the end of this article.


Were the Norway terrorist attacks designed in part to cover this story? Both occurred July 22nd, 2011 and only one has really seen the light of day in the alternative as well as the mainstream media.

Last week Pravda reported that NATO attacked the Great Manmade River pipeline in Libya which literally brings water across the desert to millions of Libyans and farms in western and southern Libya as well as to the capital Tripoli and Benghazi. The Manmade River project is not only a life-sustaining source of water for millions of Libyan people and a core part of Libya’s agriculture, it also stands as a source of national pride and identity. It is the largest irrigation system in the world and you can find a map of it on the Libyan dinar note. Gadhafi himself called it “the eighth wonder of the world”.  They started the project in 1983 with an extraordinary session of the People’s Congresses and 25 billion dollars later, it was completed. Funding came from profits from the very oil industry that NATO countries hope to privatize.

NATO’s strikes seem to have been extremely deliberate in their planning. First, they targeted a key section of the water supply line itself, then the next day or so, they targeted the only facility which makes the replacement sections of the pipes.

“July 22 2011. A date for humanity to remember. NATO hit the Libyan water supply pipeline. It will take months to repair. Then on Saturday they hit the pipeline factory producing pipes to repair it.” Pravda

There is absolutely no justification for this action. It is indefensible on every single level. No one can say they “accidentally” hit the pipeline then they “accidentally” hit the only facility which makes replacement pipe section for it. Their intentions are crystal clear; they intend to kill perhaps a million Libyan by depriving them of life’s basic necessity, water. This cowardly action is beyond the definition of a war-crime and has moved into a different realm altogether for which I don’t know if there is word that describes it.

You really have to go all the way back to Nazi Germany to find anything to compare this barbaric behavior to. Perhaps what Suharto did with our blessings in East Timor would qualify for this level of pure malevolence…. perhaps.

Perhaps it’s not a coincidence that the Norway terrorist acts took place on the exact same day as these NATO strikes on the water supply of 70% of the Libyan people. Seems to me that there are just too many strange aspects of the Anders Behring Breivik story for it to have been just another case of a wealthy lone gunman getting mad at the leftists and the Muslims. The whole thing seemed like it was hastily pasted together with his Facebook page being put up just days before the attack and his 1,500 page manifesto lifting so many passages straight from the Unibomber’s.  There would be no possible way for NATO counties to justify the attack on the water supply of the Libyan people, so the only option that would remain to the planners would be to ensure that some other story would garner all of the public’s attention across the Western world.

Just like the story of Umar Fizzlepants was slapped together to distract the nation from the story of President Obama authorizing the cruise missile strikes that killed 23 children in Yemen, this Anders Behring Breivik story did the same thing for the NATO allied nations as they committed one of the most heinous acts of state sponsored terrorism I have recently read about. It’s hard to believe in coincidences like that anymore.

This Libyan video shows the facility that made the replacement sections of the Great Manmade River Project after it was bombed.

It is also important to note as the two strategies seem like they would be connected,NATO attacked the state run TV’s broadcast towers across Libya this past Friday, further cutting off and isolating the people of Libya from their leadership and each other. Clearly these actions and many others during the NATO bombardment of Libya are designed to target the people of Libya in what appears to be yet another application of the Bush era “Shock and Awe” style warfare.

Though the reports of this horrific crime are scarce, one can find them if one looks closely enough. In one article from USA Today which touted that Gadhafi must face war-crimes charges, you find this set of passages which confirms the accuracy of the Pravda story…

NATO planes struck a factory near the embattled oil city of Brega on Friday killing six guards, Libyan officials said.

The plant, located six miles (10 kilometers) south of the strategic oil installation, builds the huge pipes that carry water from underground aquifers deep in the south to the coast as part of the Great Man Made River irrigation project.

Major parts of the plant have been damaged,” said Abdel-Hakim el-Shwehdy, head of the company running the project. “There could be major setback for the future projects.” USA Today

When one thinks about the broader implications of this act, one can’t help but be amazed at the level of pure evil this act constitutes.

Under Gadhafi’s rule, they were able to bring water to the desert, literally. It was a feat of near biblical proportions accomplished not just by Gadhafi and the People’s Congresses, but by all the Libyan people all across the country. Some contributed by building parts, others by installing the line itself, and still others worked in the nationalized oil industry to create the national wealth that permitted it to happen. And NATO, under the guise of the lie of the “humanitarian intervention”, is actively seeking to destroy it.

I am reminded of what the Clinton administration did to the people of Iraq when they imposed harsh sanctions on them in order to weaken or remove Saddam Hussain because they wanted what he had just like they want what Gadhafi and the people of Libya have. It’s an apt comparison because as you all know, Obama brought in many people who served in the Clinton administration and Hillary Clinton now runs the State Department.

I am equally reminded of what Madeleine Albright said on 60 Minutes when asked if killing 500 thousand children in Iraq was “worth it” to weaken Saddam Hussein.  There is no other way to describe this level of contempt for human life other than to say it’s just pure evil.

UPDATE:  This past Thursday, former Gadhafi official and military chief of the Benghazi-based Transitional National Council (TNC), General Abdel Fatah Younis was murdered, apparently by CIA connected rival Khalifa Hifter and the CIA linked “al Qaeda” faction of the rebel forces in Libya known as the February 17th Brigade.

“Younis’s death was announced Thursday night by the president of the TNC, Abdul Mustafa Jalil, who revealed that the general had been “summ oned” by TNC security forces earlier in the day for questioning about “military matters.”

The press conference was preceded by exchanges of gunfire between armed men loyal to Younis, who had attacked the Benghazi hotel where it was held demanding Younis’s release. After the announcement of his death, Younis’s troops confronted TNC security forces, shouting, “You killed him.”” Patrick Martin

“According to the Associated Press, the killing was carried out by something called the February seventeenth martyrs brigade, which turns out to be a branch of the Libyan Islamic fighting group and that is a branch of al-Qaeda.

So here we have al-Qaeda killing one of the top two or three people in the entire Benghazi rebel council and alarmingly, (Mustafa Abdul) Jalil, who has emerged as a kind of primus inter pares – Jalil has been covering for al-Qaeda by telling a totally fantasy story about how this happened, that he had been brought to Benghazi for questioning and so forth. In reality he was massacred on the road between Braga and Benghazi.” Webster Tarpley

Is it possible that Younis had finally had enough of this illegal war-crime being committed against the people of Libya and was taken out by CIA linked factions because he threatened to destabilize the so-called “rebellion”? Could it be that the targeting of the people’s water supply was simply too much for Younis to take and he had a change of heart when he realized the kinds of people he had aligned himself with? We will probably never know what really happened, but the timing of his murder is quite odd, isn’t it?

According to Tarpley, at Younis’ funeral, his son cried out “We want Gaddafi back. We want the green flag back.”. If he rises in power due to his affiliation with his father, expect to read about his murder in the next week or so.


  • Edward said:

    looking at “what Madeleine Albright said on 60 Minutes when asked if killing 500 thousand children in Iraq was “worth it” to weaken Saddam Hussein” we can see that for a long time the American government has had no respect for the truth, life or onwership of property.

  • Dddddd said:

    Destroying water and food supply installations with bombs are definitely not actions intended to protect civilians.

    I really love my country, but Germany really has to reconsider, if countries, who unprovokedly commit such barbaric war crimes and which are perfidious enough to call this protecting civilians, should still be friends or close allies in the future. And the German folk really has also to reconsider, how much respect it shows for German political parties, who don’t show disdain for this unparalleled violation of international laws by the Nato.

    His Exc. Mgr. Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli reports about food stores being bombed by Nato aggressors:

    AFRICA/LIBYA – “Food stores are hit, but with what right?” Complains Mgr. Martinelli

    Tripoli (Fides Service) – “They are hitting civilian targets such as food stores” denounces His Exc. Mgr. Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli to Fides. “A few days ago, NATO warplanes hit a food store just outside Tripoli, which contained oil, pasta, tomato sauce. A river of oil came out of the warehouse which was destroyed. I know they have also hit a social center. By what right does one hit a food center? “Asks the Bishop.
    “In addition, but I found out about the news in an indirect way and I have not personally verified, there seems to be demonstrations in the mountains near Tripoli in favor of Gaddafi. Again even in this case there were bombings. I have no news about casualties, and I do not think there are any, but it is clear that all of this is aimed at frightening people by bombing near their demonstrations “, said Mgr. Martinelli, who also refers to the psychological pressure which is affecting the population, because ” NATO aircraft continue to fly , especially at night”…


    Do i really have to mention that the right to demonstrate is a fundamental right of democracies, which almost all of the Nato presided aggressors claim to be?

  • Boronsgraeber Boronsgraeber said:

    why are u using DISQUS?
    I don’t trust them at all.

  • Fdererererdf said:

    Destroying water and food supply installations with bombs are definitely not actions intended to protect civilians.

    I really love my country, but Germany really has to reconsider, if countries, who unprovokedly commit such barbaric war crimes and which are perfidious enough to call this protecting civilians, should still be friends or close allies in the future. And the German folk really has also to reconsider, how much respect it shows for German political parties, who don’t show disdain for this unparalleled violation of international laws by the Nato.

    His Exc. Mgr. Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli reports about food stores being bombed by Nato aggressors:

    AFRICA/LIBYA – “Food stores are hit, but with what right?” Complains Mgr. Martinelli

    Tripoli (Fides Service) – “They are hitting civilian targets such as food stores” denounces His Exc. Mgr. Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Tripoli to Fides. “A few days ago, NATO warplanes hit a food store just outside Tripoli, which contained oil, pasta, tomato sauce. A river of oil came out of the warehouse which was destroyed. I know they have also hit a social center. By what right does one hit a food center? “Asks the Bishop.
    “In addition, but I found out about the news in an indirect way and I have not personally verified, there seems to be demonstrations in the mountains near Tripoli in favor of Gaddafi. Again even in this case there were bombings. I have no news about casualties, and I do not think there are any, but it is clear that all of this is aimed at frightening people by bombing near their demonstrations “, said Mgr. Martinelli, who also refers to the psychological pressure which is affecting the population, because ” NATO aircraft continue to fly , especially at night”…


    Do i really have to mention that the right to demonstrate is a fundamental right of democracies, which almost all of the Nato presided aggressors claim to be

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