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A good day for war: Al Jazeera is picked up in NY

1 August 2011 11,444 views 2 Comments

By the Editor.

Today Al Jazeera is congratulating itself on being given a cable TV slot across the New York City region. This has caused a slew of naive liberals all over the world to wet their collective pants with excitement and jump for joy as if this is somehow ‘good news’.

The truth of the matter is, this is very bad news. Al Jazeera, with its faux sheen of ‘Arab authenticity’ has truly led the charge in spreading propaganda and disinformation especially with regard to Libya and Syria. The lies it has printed to enable the illegal aggression against Libya have gone unchallenged in the mainstream media while even the DoD has admitted they were just that – lies (with respect to ‘Gaddafi strafing protesters’ – the centre of the casus belli).

Even now Al Jazeera continues to paint a truly mythical narrative of Libya based on fantasy and lies. It continues to laud the cutthroat killers of the CIA-led, al Qaeda-linked NATO proxy army as ‘rebels’ and ‘freedom fighters’. It continues to parrot the rebels’ mere claims as proven fact, while treating credible reports of NATO bombing civilians with doubt and suspicion.

From Libya to Syria, Al Jazeera is erecting a wall of deception to enable the new paradigm of ‘humanitarian intervention’ to be birthed and gain hold.

Hillary Clinton will most definitely be as happy about this event as her naive counterparts on the ‘left’. In March this year, the staunch Zionist and globalist puppet told a Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

“You’ve got a global — a set of global networks — that Al Jazeera has been the leader in, that are literally changing people’s minds and attitudes,”

“Viewership of Al Jazeera is going up in the United States because it’s real news,”

“You may not agree with it, but you feel like you’re getting real news around the clock instead of a million commercials and, you know, arguments between talking heads, and the kind of stuff that we do on our news, which, you know, is not particularly informative to us, let alone foreigners.”

‘Humanitarian intervention’ is the new black

The fraudulent ‘War on Terror’ narrative is getting tired and has far outstretched its shelflife. As the Zionist-globalist axis moves its focus to the nation-state enemy rather than rogue ‘terrorist’ elements, the propaganda war has to keep pace. The goal of shoe-horning Al Jazeera into the States now, is to push the ‘humanitarian intervention’ narrative to sofa-bound Americans; this is the new model for the next era of neocolonial warfare. With its unrivalled ‘Arab’ credibility and its ‘real news’ according to Hillary Clinton, Al Jazeera has done precisely this with respect to Libya and Syria, and it has done it very, very well.

Further reading

“I wish all Arab media were like Al-Jazeera,” – Gideon Ezra, former deputy head of Israeli General Security Service, quoted in ‘Foreign Policy (FP)’, July/August 2006 issue.

And from the Electronic Intifada in 2006:

Pro-Israeli editors seek to influence Al-Jazeera International English Satellite TV
“This writer, who has been working for Aljazeera.net/English (which has now been incorporated into AJI) has discovered, by chance, efforts by some senior western editors at AJI to minimize and avoid as much as possible the publication of articles, especially news and feature stories, portraying Israel in a bad light or otherwise exposing Israeli occupation practices against the Palestinian people.

This trend has become quite conspicuous lately. Aljazeera.net/English, for example, failed to report important newsworthy events from Israel, such as the admission by an Israeli military officer that the Israeli air force dropped over a million cluster bomblets on Lebanon during the recent war with Hizbullah.”

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