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NATO mounts psychological warfare operation to conceal bloody final assault on Tripoli

22 August 2011 5,734 views No Comment

By the Editor.

Across the board, the corporate-Zionist media is reporting that Tripoli has fallen to the ‘rebels’ with no resistance. Reports speak of celebrations across the city as rebels are welcomed with open arms and crowds flood the streets in jubilation.

This is a psychological warfare operation aimed at concealing the bloody assault that has been mounted on Tripoli. The wall of deception is also intended to confuse and demoralise the Libyan Resistance, which has been staunch and united against NATO and the rebels ever since the onset of the illegal war.

On Saturday a small number of ‘sleeper cells’ of armed rebels took to the streets of Tripoli, attacking and terrorising Libyans to cause panic and distraction. Then, rebels coordinated by NATO special forces were dropped via highly mobile boats at numerous positions along the Tripoli coast and also moved in from the West, precipitating fighting and increased NATO bombardment that has reportedly killed over 1,500 people since Saturday night.

As the world – intoxicated by propaganda – swoons over the complete fantasy of a ‘jubilant Tripoli‘ celebrating the end of the war, NATO and its proxy terror army is attempting to violently subjugate the Libyan Resistance.

From Tripoli, Thierry Meyssan reports on what he has witnessed:

On Saturday, 20 August 2011, at 8:00 PM, that is to say just after the Iftar, the breaking of the Ramadan fast, the Atlantic Alliance launched “Operation Mermaid.”

The “mermaids” are the mosque loud speakers which were used by Al Qaeda to send the signal to start the revolt. Immediately, rebel “sleeper cells” went into action. Small, highly mobile, groups kept multiplying the attacks. The night combats left 350 dead and 3000 injured.

The situation stabilized on Sunday during the day.

A NATO ship docked near Tripoli unloaded heavy weapons and discharged Al Qaeda jihadists, supervised by officers of the Alliance.

The fighting flared up again on Sunday night, reaching a rare degree of violence. NATO drones and planes have been bombarding in every direction. Helicopters are strafing people in the streets to clear the way for the jihadists.

In the evening, a convoy of official cars carrying prominent figures was attacked. It took refuge in the Rixos Hotel where the foreign press is staying. NATO would not dare bomb it in order to spare its own journalists. The hotel where I lodge has been under heavy fire.

At 11:30 PM, there was nothing the Ministry of Health could do but to take note that the hospitals are saturated. By early evening there were 1300 additional casualties and 5000 injured.

NATO was entrusted by the Security Council to protect civilians. In fact, France and the UK are now back to resume their colonial massacres.

Monday, 1:00 AM: Khamis Gaddafi personally went to deliver arms to the hotel and left. There is heavy fighting all around.

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