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The 9/11 Delusion: Israel’s False Flag, Jingoism And Inhumanity

19 September 2011 15,896 views No Comment

by Jonathan Azaziah. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2011.

Welcome to hell madames and sirs, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies. Welcome to dystopia, a nightmarish incarnation where Orwellianism flourishes like fungus in the darkness of the forest and American jingoism and Western exceptionalism act as its foundational pillars. Welcome to a world where militarism is the religion of the masses and rituals of piety and righteousness include the spilling of innocent blood in faraway lands, inhabited by the undesirables commonly mislabeled as ‘ay-rabs and moozlums,’ or in classic Orwellian dialect understood in gleeful ignorance by these said masses, ‘extremists, terrorists, fanatics, islamofascists, despisers of freedom, haters of liberty.’

And the god of this sickening hyper-nationalistic religion? In accordance with the most deranged interpretation of monotheism, there can only be one and it is ‘Israel,’ the usurping supremacist entity evilly resting on the land that it usurped from the indigenous, the bones of the innocents that it slaughtered, the roots of the ancient trees that it uprooted and the history that it buried in the ‘nakba,’ Arabic’s chilling word for ‘catastrophe.’ This bastardized historical abomination, with its global matrix of Zionist operatives and sayanim (helpers) furthering its agenda on a second by second basis, which you, the West, bows down before in awe, begging for its acceptance, begging for a place in its dystopian reality, has fooled you all; a ‘nakba’ of your very own, only your nakba is not of unequivocal annihilation like that of the magnificent Palestinians who continue resisting this Zionist creature putrefying their land with each millisecond that passes. No, your nakba is a mental one, of the utmost severity. You suffer from the most horrific delusion known to modern man: the belief in the official 9/11 narrative, the 9/11 myth, the 9/11 mirage, the 9/11 lie of (literally) earth-shattering proportions.

Continue reading at Mask of Zion.

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