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There are two kinds of people in this world

5 July 2012 28,736 views 2 Comments

By the Editor.

There are two kinds of people in this world.

The first seeks knowledge, while the second seeks gratification.

The first trembles with anger when injustice is done to others; the second is numb and unconcerned.

The first recognises their duty to speak out, while the second dismisses injustice as being out of their hands or simply ‘the way it is’.

The first is loyal and loving to their human & non-human brothers and sisters, while the second is loyal to their nation.

The first rejects dogma and thinks independently; the second blindly respects authority and bitterly ridicules free thinkers.

The first is humble, always knowing that they could be wrong; the second rigidly adheres to beliefs which ossify with time.

The first removes themselves from contributing to the system of oppression in any and all ways; the second does nothing because they are comfortable.

Which one are you?


  • Dom said:

    I enjoyed reading “Their are Two Kinds of People” because you didn’t provide an opportunity for all the religious folks of all religious denominations to ignore the message and then claim that their “Faith” is more important than their responsibilities as human beings. I say you can go there and you should.

    Here is something I wrote that I would like to share with you

    “We are now living in a world in which the truth is being terrorized by those who know the truth and whom are professional in the way they use their hatchets.”

  • Cass said:

    AGREED, and I am one of the first ones.

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