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Palestine: Should We Celebrate Settler-Colonialists For Refusing to Serve in the IOF?

27 October 2012 14,893 views 3 Comments

By the Editor.

Jewish ‘Israeli’ refusenik Moriel Rothman receives widespread media attention as Palestinian prisoner Ayman Sharawna, facing imminent death on hunger and water strike, is met with silence. Should we even be celebrating settler-colonialists who refuse to enlist?

I, like many in the American Jewish community, am a Zionist ~ Moriel Rothman.

Recently, ‘Israeli’ refusenik Moriel Rothman was detained in ‘Israeli’ prison for refusing to enlist in the ‘Israeli’ Occupation Army. The individual action of refusing to enlist in the IOF is a commendable step. However with regards to such people we must take all of their actions and views in hand at the same time, to keep Zionism in perspective and avoid misplaced hero-worship – something which already seems to be happening in the activist community.

Should we celebrate a Jewish refusenik who settled in Palestine, and supports foreign Jews’ right to do so, thus usurping Palestinian land?

Though 23 year-old Moriel was born in ‘Israel’ and thus holds an ‘Israeli’ passport, he was raised in the United States for twenty years, is an American citizen, and settled in Palestine by choice.

Of his own admission, Moriel is in ‘Israel’ by choice(1): “I am here by choice“. In his Why I Refuse: On God/Love, Nonviolence and Israel’s Military Occupation of the Palestinian Territories(1) piece, he explains his reason for moving to Palestine after being brought up in the United States (emphasis mine).

And a word on my choice to be here: I moved here, to Israel-Palestine, like millions of other Jews over the last century, because I feel a connection to the people and to the land. I chose to be here. I chose to throw my lot in with the Jewish people, in the place on earth in which Jewish decisions- for better and for worse- have the most impact. I want to be a part of this society, and I want to make my contribution to this society’s safety, with the hope that we can break free from the cycle of violence into which the Jewish people was collectively launched, and to live up to the ethical ideals carved into our holy books and our historical memories.

I too feel a connection, a profound connection, to the people and the land of Palestine. I however, cannot settle here because I am not Jewish. The racist immigration policies of ‘Israel’ are in place in order to usurp Palestinian land and engineer the demographics of Historic Palestine, achieving a Jewish majority. Anybody who contributes to this mechanism is contributing in a concrete way to Zionism. Moriel, in his choice to settle in Palestine, is thus a Zionist by deed. The same applies to his forefathers who settled in Palestine as Zionists.

Most will argue that Moriel, like many other ‘Israelis’, was born here and is thus an ‘Israeli’ citizen with a right to reside in Historic Palestine.

This argument is not valid as it ignores the history of Palestine. Palestine was settled by Zionist immigrants who came to the land with the goal of usurping and ethnically cleansing the land. This cultivated in Al Nakba (‘The Catastrophe’, in Arabic) in 1948 wherein approximately 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced from their homeland in a sustained campaign of terrorism, intimidation and murder carried out by foreign Jewish terrorists. This campaign continues to this day in a number of direct, indirect, and surreptitious ways.

This begs the question: do these people and their descendants have a solid moral claim to the land of Palestine? Moriel comes from a white settler-colonialist non-Semitic Ashkenazi family which has zero link to the land of Palestine, outside of religious fairy tales. They settled in Palestine as part of the Zionist colonial project.

How does the status of such people differ from the Jewish settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, universally recognised as illegal by the world? Verily, the only difference is the amount of time that has elapsed since their initial settlement, and the fact that the illegitimate but globally recognised state of ‘Israel’ has been created on the land in question. Once a further sixty years has elapsed and Israel has officially annexed the West Bank, will we recognise the West Bank settlers’ rights to that land? I most certainly will not; this is what ‘Israel’ hopes will happen as it establishes non-removable facts on the ground.

To bring this full circle, ‘forty-eight’ (‘Israel’) is occupied just the same as the West Bank is, though Moriel only considers the West Bank as being occupied. The ‘Israeli’ citizens in forty-eight (excluding those who resided in Palestine before Zionism) are colonists and settlers – this is an incontrovertible fact cemented by the tragic history of Palestine.

In his ‘Why I Refuse’ letter,(1) Moriel hopes that his “action can be an example for others (including other immigrants from the US who have similar privileges and opportunities)“. By ‘immigrants‘ of course, he is referring to Zionist settlers – Jews who have chosen to settle in Palestine, utilising Israel’s racist immigration policies so that they can usurp Palestinian land as part of the Zionist project. All Jews who do so – regardless of their political views or how often they preach peace and love – are strengthening Zionism through its most central mechanism: the theft of Palestinian land and the attainment of a Jewish majority in Palestine.

Moriel’s letter(1) focuses heavily on non-violence. Something which escapes Moriel however is the fact that his (and his forefathers’) decision to settle in Palestine is inherently violent. The settlement of foreign Jews in Palestine results in the usurpation of Palestinian land and rights, and pushes Palestinian self-determination ever further away.

Moriel’s case has been covered by several media outlets and blogs including Mondoweiss(2) and Ha’aretz,(3) but of course the aforementioned issues are absent from the discourse.

What is absolutely unforgivable is the fact that, while thousands of Palestinians languish in ‘Israeli’ jails in unthinkable conditions – many being tortured and held in solitary confinement – the online community is focusing on the story of Moriel Rothman, a settler-colonialist who settled in Palestine by choice, strengthening Zionism in a concrete way. While Rothman is cruelly refused vegan food by the IOF catering services,(4) Palestinian Ayman Sharawna remains on hunger strike after more than 115 days. On Wednesday – three days ago – Ayman began refusing water.(5) This brave man is facing imminent death in ‘Israeli’ custody and what do we have from Mondoweiss and Ha’aretz? Deafening silence. We have failed as an online community, this writer included, to draw attention to this brave and selfless man’s struggle.

So the question remains: should we celebrate settler-colonists who refuse to serve in the occupier’s army? No. We should not. We should commend the individual action of refusing to serve, but only in the context of recognising and denouncing what these people have done and what they are still doing: the usurpation of Palestinian land.

Palestinian refugees are scattered all over the Middle East and the world. They still hold the keys to their former homes – long since razed to the ground and now with illegitimate Jewish towns/cities/settlements in their place, sanctioned by an illegitimate Jewish state. Foreign Jews can freely settle anywhere in Palestine’s occupied lands. How can the Right of Return be realised without liberating these stolen lands? We must never cease to draw attention to this ongoing process of colonisation, and cases like colonist Moriel Rothman’s should never obscure our vision.


(1) ‘Why I Refuse: On God/Love, Nonviolence and Israel’s Military Occupation of the Palestinian Territories.’ – thelefternwall.com, October 14, 2012
(2) ‘Moriel Rothman on why he refused Israeli military duty — ‘The Occupation is cruelty and injustice manifest’’ – mondoweiss.net, October 26, 2012
(3) ‘Israeli conscientious objector begins 10-day sentence for refusing to serve in IDF’ – haaretz.com, October 25, 2012
(4) Tweet from @MorielRothman (twitter.com/MorielRothman), October 25, 2012
(5) ‘After 115 Days Of Hunger Strike, Palestinian Detainee Stops Water Intake’ – International Middle East Media Centre, October 24, 2012


  • nooralhaqiqa said:

    Then there are the fanatic Jews who are excused from fighting due to their religious commitment blah blah blah. Many young Jews avoid serving … I have always admired the bravery of the young Shministim however for they are at the age when they are most influenced by their peers but still pay the price and go against the grain, knowing full well this refusal will effect their whole lives.

    This young man deserves recognition for not serving but that is about it. It never ceases to upset me somewhat to read of American wahoo Jews who go over there to “kill me some Moozlims for the rabbis”.

    But your point is powerfully made. The bad guys, and we know who they are, are pulling all the plugs out in their effort to alter the face of their crimes against Palestine and its people. Diverting attention whilst making themselves come across as kinder, gentler, more sensitive to the needs of other… all part of the programme as we know.

    Forced to swallow beef or chicken stock in his food? Poor boy, this does indeed break my heart when I consider how many Palestinians eat substandard food as a result of what has been stolen from them by his people.

  • Adalberto Erazo Jr. said:

    This is an excellent article. I get sick and tired of people looking at these jewish squatters like they are paragons of moral virtue like that scum Uri Avnery. To hell with IsraHell! I want to see Palestine on the map from the river to the sea.

    I have an idea for another sequel to this article. It should be about these American and NATO “soldiers”(aka war criminals) coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan. One thing I get sick and tired of is Americans and other people in western countries making mealy mouthed excuses for the occupations and widespread atrocities these scum commit. Whether it’s on the street,the newspapers, or on the internet,I get tired of hearing things like; “It’s not all the troops, they’re not all bad”. Another excuse I hear is “They’re just victims like everyone else”. And the one that really disgusts me is ” They are poor and they don’t have any money so they have no choice but to join in”. What they are really saying with those lines is that the people being occupied deserve it and shouldn’t resist. At least with the racist claptrap I know what I’m dealing with.

    It’s especially bad for those who should know better and know about the jewish problem and the fact that IsraHell did 9/11 and all the other false flags blamed on Muslims but still make excuses for their own war criminals. They can condemn the IOF scum but they can’t even condemn their own countries war crimes and their scum “soldiers”. Then you have the anti-war movements which just love these war criminals and put them on stage where they confess all their crimes and they expect me to feel sorry for them?! These scum need to be hanging at the end of a rope or at the very least they should kill themselves and stop wasting God’s valuable air on this green earth. Really, is this the best the anti-war movement can do?! Why not the victims of the occupations like the Iraqis,Afghans,Kashmiris, Palestinians and other peoples? These are voices with credibility because they know what it’s like to be oppressed. But then again the anti-war movement has been infiltrated by jews from top to bottom and will do everything they can to direct everyone away from IsraHell and the jewish problem.

    At the end of the day, people around the world see America and IsraHell as their oppressors who are essentially one and the same.Two sides of the same coin. Like two peas in a pod. Birds of a feather who flock together.

    On a final note, it looks like people around the world are getting sick and tired of being occupied by American scum. I expect to see things like this happening on an increasing basis in the future and Americans only have themselves to blame for it. Ain’t nobody gonna shed a tear for this occupier.

    US soldier found dead in Japan

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