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Israel’s Man in Venezuela: Henrique Capriles Radonski

25 January 2013 82,688 views 12 Comments

By the Editor.

Henrique Capriles Radonski – leader of the Venezuelan opposition – vows to downgrade ties with Iran and cut subsidised oil to Cuba and Nicaragua, should he get into power. What is more, his coalition has links to Israel, and both of his parents are Jewish, though he claims to be a ‘fervent Catholic’.

At a rally in June 2010, much to the disdain of the American Jewish Committee which dismissed the accusations as ‘baseless’,(1) Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez publicly stated that Israel is funding the Venezuelan opposition:

An inspection of the profile of Henrique Capriles Radonski – leader of the Venezuelan opposition – not only elicits deep suspicion, but in fact completely validates the claims made by Chavez.

Firstly, Radonski is the youngest Venezuelan MP ever elected – being elected as an MP at age 26. After entering politics at the age of 25, he became Venezuela’s youngest ever deputy in Congress, and was subsequently chosen to be Vice President of the House. Secondly, he has enjoyed a ‘meteoric rise through the political ranks‘, in the BBC’s wording,(2) insofar as he has held a number of posts, and has not lost a single election.

Radonski’s anti-Iran Stance

In September 2012 the UK Telegraph accompanied Radonski on the campaign trail, wherein he stated(3) what he would do on his ‘first day in office‘. Not only does he signify his intention to downgrade Venezuela’s diplomatic relations with Iran, but he also intends to end subsidised oil to Cuba and Nicaragua – something which would please the United States Government to no end.

“On his first day in office, he said, he would halt the “gifts” of free or heavily-subsidised oil to Mr Chavez’s left-wing ideological allies in Cuba and Nicaragua.”

Radonski informed the Telegraph that the “cosy relationship with Iran would end“, because “Venezuela needs good relations with countries that have democracy and respect human rights“.

Contrary to Chavez’s economically nationalistic policies, Radonski makes clear his neoliberalist stance and his alliance with big business as he decries Chavez’s land reform programme which redistributed Venezuelan land from wealthy foreign owners to poor Venezuelan farmers:

“The expropriations were a big mistake, the whole policy has been a fiasco,”…”Nothing works now. Venezuela has 30 million hectares of fertile land but we only use less than 10 per cent of it and we now import 80 per cent of our food, including rice from the so-called US ‘imperialists’.”

He promised to review each such case of land redistribution with a view to returning the land to its former wealthy foreign owners. This includes Chavez’s seizure of estates from the Vestey Group, which is a ranching and sugar cane company headed by Lord Vestey, one of Britain’s richest men.

Germany Urges EU Countries to Step Up Support of Venezuelan Opposition

In the May 18th 2012 edition of Venezuelan paper ‘Correo Del Orinoco‘ it was reported(4) that, at a EU meeting on Latin American affairs, the German government asked EU countries to step up their support of the MUD (‘Democratic Unity Roundtable’) coalition (the Venezuelan opposition coalition now headed by Henrique Capriles Radonski).

While German government representatives called for such support not to be hidden from the public, Portugal and France called for a more secretive approach. In addition, the report mentions the direct financial support that the Venezuelan opposition enjoys from not only USAID, but also the Zionist and anti-democratic ‘National Endowment for Democracy’.
Ledezma meets with Netanyahu in Israel.

Venezuelan Opposition Made Secret Visit to Israel

Even more revealing is the fact that, on the weekend prior to the 18th May 2012 publication, Venezuelan opposition lawyer and politician Antonio Ledezma secretly flew to Israel – a country which Venezuela has severed diplomatic ties with – on Venezuelan taxpayer money, to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on a three-day visit.

During Ledezma’s private, unannounced trip to Israel paid for with public Venezuelan money, he promised to re-establish ties with the usurping Zionist entity if the Jewish settler state would fund and back Henrique Capriles Radonski. Ledezma told reporters that he spoke to Netanyahu and Lieberman about,

“our (the opposition) disposition to reestablish relations with the State of Israel under a new government presided by Henrique Capriles Radonski”…“In contrast to the current political policy in Venezuela, Capriles will re-establish our historical ties”

Speaking of Ledezma’s meeting with Netanyahu and Lieberman, Venezuelan journalist Miguel Angel Perez Pirela reported that Ledezma had promised Israel “access to [Venezuela’s] resources” should Radonski take the presidential election.

Radonski, a man who feels Venezuela must only have relations with “countries that have democracy and respect human rights“, shows his duplicity as he reaches out to the Zionist entity – a routine human rights abuser which constitutes a Jewish ethnocracy on stolen Palestinian land.

Radonski: ‘Fervent Catholic’ with Jewish Parents

The aforementioned BBC article deceptively refers to Radonski merely as ‘Henrique Capriles’ – choosing to omit his blatantly Jewish surname. Later in the article there is an allusion to his Jewish background; the BBC report casually states that, ‘His maternal grandparents were Jews‘. Well, as far as ‘Israel’ is concerned, that would make his mother a Jew, which makes him a Jew.

Interestingly, what the BBC article fails to mention is that in fact, not only are his mother’s parents Jewish, but his father is also of Jewish ancestry. While Radonski’s mother is a purebred Ashkenazi Jew, his father is of Sephardi Jewish ancestry.(5)

Though Radonski is ostensibly a ‘fervent Catholic’,(5) both of his parents are of Jewish descent. Make of that what you will, but considering his stated willingness to isolate Iran and his opposition coalition’s established relationship with the Zionist entity, this is perhaps a fact worth bearing in mind.

Venezuela enjoys excellent relations with Iran. Furthermore, Hugo Chavez severed ties with Israel after the Zionist state’s murderous assault on Gaza in 2008-2009. At the time, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry stated, “Israel has repeatedly ignored the calls of the United Nations, consistently and shamelessly violating the resolutions approved by overwhelming majorities of member countries, increasingly placing itself on the margin of international law…Israel’s state terrorism has cost the lives of the most vulnerable and innocent: children, women, and the elderly“. If Radonski – Israel’s man in Venezuela – takes the next election, that is all bound to change. Thankfully, with pro-Bolivarian million man marches(6) taking place in the streets in the wake of Hugo Chavez’s absence, along with Chavez’s party crushing the opposition in the recent gubernatorial elections,(7) such a scenario is highly unlikely.


(1) ‘AJC Urges OAS Condemnation of Venezuelan President’s Threats to Israel’ – American Jewish Committee, 4 June 2010.
(2) ‘Profile: Henrique Capriles’ – BBC News, 3 October 2012.
(3) ‘Venezuela’s marathon man looks to run down Chavez’ – The Telegraph, 29 September 2012.
(4) ‘Correo Del Orinoco’, English edition – 18 May 2012.
(5) ‘Campaign turns deadly as huge crowds rally for opposition candidate in Venezuela’ – The Times of Israel, 1 October 2012.
(6) ‘Huge March Defends Venezuela’s Democracy and Revolution’ – VenezuelaAnalysis.com, 23 January 2013.
(7) ‘Chavez Allies Dominate Venezuela Governor Elections’ – ABC News, 17 December 2012.


  • Michael said:

    Just the same as all the rest of the “Made in USA” creeps. The problems that exist in the country now have existed for decades, mainly because of his parties’ predecessors’ policies, of greed. If this little worm gets in power, it will be the end of real democracy in Venezuela, and back to the shoe kissing of all things America.

  • David James Vickery said:

    And now that Chavez is dead, what do readers of this excellent article think? Is Venezuela in danger as this new article suggests?:

    US Plots Conquest of Venezuela in Wake of Chavez’ Death
    by Tony Cartalucci


  • jack said:

    This creature is a neo-con terrorist.

    Thanks to Chavez South America is booming since they have turned their backs on the Yankee thieves.

  • eduardo oppenheim said:

    Radonski is the representative of the great evil(morgan stanley)(Jp morgan and other such excrements of nature.
    Hopefully the 20 million poor people still existing in Venezuela will never vote for their executioner. 20,000 cuban medical staff work in the areas people like radonski cannot visit due to his nazi like mentality and connections with the fashist jewish state. Should he ever achieve power,poor Venezuelans will have to conform again to not eating every day not getting old age pensions and dying on the street like in the US due to lack of medical treatment.

  • Vox said:

    Where once it was the Sudetenland, now the world is demanding an answer to the “jewish question”

  • Charlie said:

    Well Done Br. Martin

    Awesome Article, you hit every nail on the head.


  • Gonzo said:

    Chavez has died but the Venezuelan people will take care to keep his spirit alive and that implies electing Maduro as their next President, and insuring that the Zionist cancer does not does to the whole country what it has done to the United States, England and to Hugo Chavez as well: infest them with deadly cancer.

  • Arminius said:

    Radonski = Zionist Parasite jew

  • don badenoch said:

    There have been no heroes in history, the only possible exception being Chavez. The achievements which he delivered to the Venezuelan people are simply indescribable. Now that he is gone, I can only anticipate that the filthy Zionist scum will regain control! And I think they probably murdered him.

    Just so sad!

  • stevieb said:

    Great article – but I’m going to ask some the commenters to note that currently America is not run by Americans – althought there are many traitors willing to sell out their own people for money and power.

    Like Venezuela, the people who steal from and lie to the people are not Americans – they may have been born there(in some cases), but their alliances are with ‘the Jewish people’…

  • Welcome To Post-Coup Brazil, Where Jews and “Christian” Zionists Run Wild | Mouqawamah Music said:

    […] of food shortages and other forms of destabilizing malice. The homeland of Hugo Chavez (RIP) has long been a target of ‘Israel’–he said so himself–for El Comandante fought the Jewish New World Order tooth and nail, and considering the […]

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