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ISIS is not ‘Blowback’ from Western Foreign Policy; They ARE Western Foreign Policy

24 September 2014 25,857 views 4 Comments

The origins of ISIS.

The origins of ISIS.

By the Editor.

Notice that ISIS are sworn enemies of Syria, Hizbu’llah, and Iran. This in itself gives a most obvious clue as to the identity of the group’s benefactors.

A prevalent liberal cliché is the “blowback” theory – the theory that ISIS terror attacks, and indeed the group’s very existence, are somehow in retaliation to US/Western/”Israeli” foreign policy actions.

This is a disingenuous theory that is disseminated in order to keep the empire’s citizens on side. Crucially, it distracts from a key truth.

Western and “Israeli” intelligence has historically effected deep infiltration of ‘jihadist’ terror cells throughout the Arab world and the West; these groups are used literally as footsoldiers (see Afghanistan throughout the 1980s) to achieve Western and “Israeli” military and strategic objectives. The “blowback” theory distracts from this key fact.

ISIS aren’t retaliating against Western foreign policy; they are Western foreign policy. These very people were mobilised against Muammar Gaddafi in Libya’s bogus ‘revolution’ of 2011, as with Syria in the same year.

In moving across the Syrian-Iraqi border, ISIS – Zionism’s footsoldiers – underwent a magical media transformation into the ‘bad guys’. The ‘war against ISIS’ is a con, a total scam. It is a pretext for a war against the resistance axis: chiefly Syria, Hizbu’llah, Iran, and the Palestinian resistance. It is a pretext to kick the ‘Yinon plan’ – the plan to balkanise the Arab world to ensure “Israeli” hegemony – into high gear

The WMD lies of 2003 never went away; they simply got re-packaged for the liberal crowd in the post-Bush era.


  • Donna Schwarz-Nielsen said:

    While I agree with your sentiment (wholeheartedly). I find it difficult to believe the West (not Israel so much) would sanction the beheadings.

  • nit2am (author) said:

    Thanks for reading, Donna.

    The beheading videos have been brought into question by even mainstream news sources. They are examples of staged war propaganda.

    The UK Telegraph: Foley murder video ‘may have been staged’

    The truth is, nobody in the West knows how these people died, or indeed whether they died. We are completely at the mercy of a controlled media.

    I’d suggest having a look online; there are lots of informative articles and videos that expose the James Foley hoax, starting with the video itself, to the staged reactions from ‘family members’.

  • Catman said:

    I find it difficult to believe the West (not Israel so much) would sanction the beheadings.

    The USA sanctions beheadings in Saudi Arabia by not reporting on the gruesome method of execution.

    The ‘Kingdom’ executed 59 people so far this year, and that doesn’t include the ones who got a hand lopped off for some misdemeanor.

    But that’s something you’ll never see on USA media, as they cover much more important items, like the latest on Kim K or what Lady Ga Ga was wearing.

    By not reporting this horrific behavior, in effect, the West is sanctioning these barbarities.


  • Sophie said:

    I haven’t watched the James Foley video, but I do not find it hard to believe that it might have been staged or sanctioned by western intelligence agencies etc. I only started to realise what the media are truly capable of after reading about US involvement in the Ukraine coup. After watching and reading about the BBC Panorama Saving Syria’s Children scam (full info here: http://bbcpanoramasavingsyriaschildren.wordpress.com/), and just today read about the ‘liberation of Tripoli’ hoax, I don’t think there is any level the west and their partners would stoop to.

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