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Viagra-induced rape: ICC ups the ante on propaganda as desperate NATO struggles to crush Libyan resistance

8 June 2011 51,102 views 4 Comments

By the Editor.

Several news outlets including the BBC, right wing Israeli paper Ynet News, and Yahoo News, are running the latest instalment in the desperate propaganda effort to bolster NATO’s flagging war on Libya.

The chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, has said at a news conference today that his office is investigating the possibility that Gaddafi ordered rape to be used as a weapon to ‘control’ the population. Without providing a single shred of evidence Ocampo expounds what is basically a litany of baseless hearsay and rumour, including the cartoonish charge that Gaddafi supplied Viagra to his men to ‘enhance the possibility’ of rape.

It makes you wonder doesn’t it – the only way that ‘increasing the probability of rape’ would really work is if Gaddafi’s men took the Viagra before going out in the field. The idea that scores of conscripts were running around with hard-ons is at once hilarious, surreal, and blatantly imagined. Wouldn’t that make their job quite, shall I say, hard?

Ynet News:

some witnesses confirmed that the government was buying containers of Viagra-type drugs “to enhance the possibility to rape.”

The BBC’s report is similarly light on facts and heavy on sensationalist bullshit:

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor says there is evidence that Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi ordered the rape of hundreds of women as a weapon against rebel forces…

He said he was also looking at possible evidence that pro-Gaddafi security forces had been given medication such as Viagra to enhance their sex drive…

On Wednesday, Mr Moreno-Ocampo said that if the arrest warrants were issued, he might add the charge of rape to the case

Apparently, he decided to punish, using rape”…He said it was difficult to know how widespread the use of rape was.

According to the Associated Press:

“We are trying to see who was involved,” Moreno Ocampo said. “We need to prove the connection with some people.

‘Might’ add the charge of rape to the case? ‘It was difficult to know how widespread the use of rape was’? ‘We need to prove the connection with some people‘? Does this sound like a man sitting on a sound legal basis for an indictment to you? Or does it sound like yet more baseless, sensationalist bullshit meant to demonise the Libyan resistance and legitimise NATO’s blundering, illegal act of aggression? Tried and tested, this is the oldest trick in the book.


  • pearl said:

    I am so sick of psycho governments and other organizations always using women’s suffering for pretext to continue on with wars. What they do is minimize the evil of real rape cases (for both women and men) and other sufferings.

    Rape is second, only to murder, worse crime.

  • Jack Wilson said:

    Geez some people are naive. I wish this blog would get with the fact that the big media’s good, government’s good, never lie, you’re not just wrong to not believe everything they tell you but weak minded too. Wars waged by the US and NATO are good, they’re not for profit and power. Bombs, missiles, bullets cluster bombs esp unexploded cluster bombs, and DU don’t hurt kill and poison civilians. They liberate them, bring democracy to them. General Smedley Butler was wrong, and shamefully thwarted a pro-democracy coup in 1933. Neocons want peace, are pro-democracy, against tyranny and lies, don’t run the US. Saddam Hussein not only had WMDs but had the capability to deploy them AND intended to use them immediately against the US and NATO and every country in the region. The US is a force for good in the world, doesn’t have a history of destroying democracies and democratically elected governments and replacing them with murderous corrupt pro-western despots, never supports tyrants, hasn’t shed the blood of millions of innocents in defenseless third world countries eg Laos Cambodia Vietnam and Iraq, for sure backs non-apartheid Israel’s non ethnic cleansing and generally humane policy towards Palestine and the Palestinians. Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty was an accident; in fact it was probably the fault of the US sailors. The ICC isn’t the legal wing of the corporate banking elites who wage these just humanitarian wars. International l justice isn’t a joke, not a travesty, not a hypocritical sham, meted out only by the Western Colonial powers to its helpless third world victims. And Nuremberg was fair and just bringing all the Allied politicians and generals to justice for their countless war crimes, not just the Nazis. I mean what’s it going to take to get you people to wake up???!!!

  • Annie Linux said:

    The charge that gaddafi is supplying his troops with viagra and urging them to rape the opposition (whom they say was originally unarmed) would be absolutely laughable if it wasn’t for the utter wickedness with which they mean it. I mean come on, almost everything the UN, NATO and our governments said about Iraq was a total lie. They lie so that they can go to war, it’s that simple. God will sort this mess out eventually. And I would not like to be in their flaming shoes when He does.

  • df said:

    Serious doubts about rape allegation:

    German article. So if you are interested and don’t understand German, you can use google translator:


    Gräueltaten fraglich

    Der Wahrheitsgehalt von Nachrichten, wonach der libysche Machthaber Muammar al-Gaddafi seine Soldaten zu Massenvergewaltigungen angestiftet hat, wird von namhaften Fachleuten stark angezweifelt.

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