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[14 Oct 2011 | One Comment | 13,012 views]
Alhurra – the Zionist ‘Arab’ news network

By the Editor.
Alhurra (also known as al-Hurra) is a US-based satellite television network established in 2004, and which broadcasts in over 22 countries worldwide. Referring to Alhurra as a ‘news network’ constitutes the most egregious misuse of language; funded by the US Congress, Alhurra is nothing more than an Arabic-language extension of the US State Department’s propaganda mill, the Voice of America. As is customary for such Orwellian propaganda mainstays, Alhurra is Arabic for “The Free One“.
Voice of America, the English language partner of Alhurra is operated by …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[7 Oct 2011 | 3 Comments | 14,468 views]
NATO & NTC militia employ ‘Fallujah’ tactics in Sirte; critical humanitarian catastrophe unfolding as civilians are openly targeted

By the Editor.
A major humanitarian catastrophe is afflicting Sirte, as NATO and NTC militia employ ‘Fallujah’ tactics. Sirte is being transformed into a ‘free-fire’ zone where civilians and civilian buildings are being openly targeted in order to crush resistance and terrorise residents into flight.
In this report alone:

Residents suffering indiscriminate shelling, mortars, and rocket fire;
Patients dying as hospitals lose power, lack medicines, oxygen, and fuel;
NATO bombs hospital during NTC-announced ceasefire;
Civilian buildings and apartment blocks razed to the ground by NATO bombs;
Critical shortages of drinkable water, food;
NTC militia kill family in car, …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[4 Oct 2011 | One Comment | 18,076 views]
Torture in Palestine: a glimpse into Israel’s history of unrivalled cruelty

By the Editor.
Recognition of ‘Israel’ is tantamount to approval of the crimes against humanity that forged its existence. Such recognition is absolutely inexcusable on any level, moral, legal, or otherwise.
Amnesty International has concluded that there is no nation on the face of the planet in which torture is as well-established and documented as in the case of the state of Israel(1). This, coming from an organisation not exactly renowned for its tenacity with respect to the Zionist entity’s crimes, is particularly telling. In addition to this the Zionist entity …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[26 Sep 2011 | 10 Comments | 24,335 views]
Exposed: the ‘Abu Salim prison massacre’ fraud

By the Editor.
Updated 27 September, 2011 – see section: ‘The meals‘.
Updated again 28 September, 2011. Click here to go to this update.
To date Libya has been subjected to decades of foreign meddling and attempts to assassinate and oust its leader Muammar Gaddafi. Throughout this time, foreign-based Libyan opposition groups and globalist propaganda mills have incessantly cited supposed atrocities committed by Gaddafi, and none is more infamous or overused than the ‘Abu Salim prison massacre’ of June, 1996. This is now being invoked yet again in an attempt …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[25 Sep 2011 | 27 Comments | 46,681 views]
Libya: NTC concocts mass grave story in brazen propaganda ploy

By the Editor.
Updated 25 September, 2011 – click here to go to the update.
Updated again 28 September, 2011 – click here to go to this update.
In a truly stunning display of dishonesty, the BBC has reported, citing no evidence to back its claim, that a mass grave containing over 1,200 bodies has been found in Tripoli’s Abu Salim prison complex. The BBC attempts to tie this ‘finding’ to the equally concocted ‘Abu Salim prison massacre‘, as it claims that the bodies are those of the inmates supposedly killed in 1996.
In …

9/11, blog, Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[20 Sep 2011 | 12 Comments | 457,817 views]
September 11, 2001: Zionist shock therapy and the birth of the lie

By the Editor.
New York City, New York. Shock is a curious thing. The human mind is at its most susceptible when the proverbial rug has been pulled from under its feet. When a momentous, shocking event occurs we are thrust into an uncomfortable, unfamiliar, frightening place. We look for explanations, try to make sense of chaos whilst we are at our most vulnerable. Our malleable minds accept and subconsciously cling to the first narrative our ‘protectors’ offer, whether real or imagined, whether plausible or nonsensical.
The …

9/11, blog, Central & South Asia, Featured, North America, The Arab World »

[13 Sep 2011 | 2 Comments | 7,615 views]
Interview with Pakistani analyst Zaid Hamid: essential context on the ‘War on Terror’

By the Editor.
The false flag 9/11 attacks of ten years ago saw the advent of the ‘War on Terror’ and ushered in a new era of global war, the target of which it cannot be denied is Islam and Muslim nations. Adding context to this, Mark Glenn’s December 2010 interview with Pakistani analyst Zaid Hamid is incredibly instructive.
Several essential historical events are covered which bear on current events in intimate ways and simply must be kept in mind in order to reach a working understanding of the ‘War on …

9/11, blog, Featured, Headline »

[10 Sep 2011 | 13 Comments | 17,747 views]
9/11 ten years on: there are no excuses for buying the myth

By the Editor.
New York City, New York. On September 8, 2011 – three days before the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement warning of a ‘credible, specific, but unconfirmed‘ terror threat in New York City and Washington DC. Most obviously, a terror threat that is at once credible and specific, and yet is unconfirmed, is self-evidently contrived.
Keeping true to the decade-long history of scaremongering based on the mythical ‘war on terror’ narrative, the al Qaeda ghost has been recruited again, …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[25 Aug 2011 | One Comment | 9,717 views]
Bringing Libya under the globalist umbrella: Libya Working Group discusses deregulation, theft of oil

By the Editor.
Chatham House, the UK arm of the American Council on Foreign Relations held a Libya Working Group meeting on August 18. Two days before NATO’s murderous assault on Tripoli, the meeting was held to discuss “policy options for transition“, on the premise that “the end game for Colonel Gaddafi’s regime was approaching“.
For context, the corporate membership of Chatham House includes: oil multinationals such as Chevron Corporation, BP plc, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Saudi Petroleum Overseas Ltd, and Royal Dutch Shell, powerful globalist financial interests such as the City …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[23 Aug 2011 | No Comment | 19,468 views]
NATO paves the way for civil war & foreign occupation as Western oil giants pounce on Libya

By the Editor.
The finishing touches are being added to the myth of the Libya war. A barrage of propaganda is convincing the world that the war is almost over. Amid the chaos Western oil giants pounce, foreshadowing a protracted and bloody civil war, and a foreign occupation in the guise of a ‘peacekeeping’ force.
Conventional wisdom has it that events in Libya are the result of an indigenous uprising that has organically risen from the soils of Libya. We are meant to believe that the ‘rebels’ are an …