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Thursday, February 03, 2011 – by Staff Report.
“In a shocking revelation contained in the latest Wikileaks document dump, previously secret information indicates that Al Qaeda now has the nuclear bomb and intends to use it. The documents, which were fed to Wikileaks from anonymous whistle-blowers and passed along to The Daily Telegraph for publication, show that a leading atomic regulator privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a nuclear 9/11.
Al Qaeda, which has sourced nuclear material and recruited rogue scientists to build so-called ‘dirty bombs,’ is …
9/11, Featured, Headline »

Richard Falk, Sunday 09 November 2008, The Journal Issue 13
Every so often attention is called anew to the doubts surrounding the true character of the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks. Recently, the report of the collapse of Building 7 represented such an occasion. Any close student of 9/11 is aware of the many serious discrepancies between the official version of what took place and the actual happenings on that fateful day in 2001. David Ray Griffin and others have analyzed and assessed these discrepancies in such an objective and compelling …
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When people start throwing around figures in the billions I’d be the first to admit I switch off.
If you said to me ‘so and so’ costs £12 billion, while ‘this and that’ costs $340 million – by mixing up the denominations and the units you can completely throw people off the scent. I’m certainly not thinking, that’s a comparison between £12,000,000,000 and approx £214,000,000.
Or for even easier digestion: £12 billion compared to approx £0.2 billion.
I’m going to borrow an analogy from the superb More Or …
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London Morning Star, Monday 31 January 2011.
David Cameron’s case for his government’s plans to destroy the National Health Service is based on bluster and lies.
Justifying something on the basis that leaving things as they are is not an option is not an argument.
If there are weaknesses in the NHS – and there certainly are – identify those weaknesses and engage in discussion over how to overcome them.
The Tories and their loyal satraps the Liberal Democrats have not done that.
They simply gave a blank sheet of paper …
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By markaprovost.
In a January 2009 ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos, then President-elect Barack Obama said fixing the economy required shared sacrifice, “Everybody’s going to have to give. Everybody’s going to have to have some skin in the game.” (1)
For the past two years, American workers submitted to the President’s appeal—taking steep pay cuts despite hectic productivity growth. By contrast, corporate executives have extracted record profits by sabotaging the recovery on every front—eliminating employees, repressing wages, withholding investment, and shirking federal taxes.
The global recession increased unemployment in every country, but the …
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By Justin Elliot.
“In many ways this is a very conservative movement,” says a leading analyst of Egyptian politics
If you were watching Fox on Monday, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Egypt was on the verge of being taken over by a pack of terrorists. Anchor Steve Doocy characterized the Muslim Brotherhood this morning as “the godfather of Al Qaeda.”
And several potential Republican presidential hopefuls have cited worries about the Muslim Brotherhood as a reason for the United States to continue to support the authoritarian regime of …
9/11, Featured, Headline »

By Kevin Ryan.
Nothing moves through the path of most resistance, and certainly not the human mind. A recent article written by journalist Robert Parry has provided another good example of this long-standing fact. In that article, Parry exhibits an astonishing lack of knowledge about the truth movement and the questions posed by honest 9/11 skeptics as he attempts to publicly denigrate those questions and people. The well-respected journalist Parry provides excellent examples, throughout his article, of how normally reasoned and well-researched professionals can suddenly turn into people who cannot deal with facts …
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Washington’s Blog, Sunday 30 January 2011.
Nomi Prins – former managing director of Goldman Sachs and head of the international analytics group at Bear Stearns in London – notes that the Egyptian people are rebelling against being pillaged by giant, international banks and their own government as much as anything else.
She also points out that the Greek, British, Tunisian and other protesters are all in the same boat:
The ongoing demonstrations in Egypt are as much, if not more, about the mass deterioration of economic conditions and the harsh result of years …
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Editorial, London Morning Star.
Bank of England governor Mervyn King left no room for doubt in his address to businessmen at Newcastle Civic Centre on Tuesday night.
He expects working people to pay the price of the economic crisis through job losses and lack of purchasing power because their loss is business’s gain.
It is incredible that King can posture as an authority on the economy when the banking crisis erupted on his watch and he neither foretold it nor was prepared for it.
Like Establishment politicians in all three main …
9/11, Featured, Headline »

By Lori Price.
We read: US fury over UN expert’s 9/11 ‘cover-up’ claims 25 Jan 2011 The United States on Tuesday demanded the sacking of a UN human rights expert for “noxious” [?] comments claiming there had been a US cover-up over the September 11 attacks… The US ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, called Falk’s views “despicable and deeply offensive” and said she had registered a protest and called for his dismissal. Falk wrote in his personal blog on January 11 that there are “awkward gaps and contradictions in …