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[7 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 5,143 views]
What’s in a name?

By Stephen M. Walt.
The late George Carlin was a brilliant comedian and social critic, especially in his obsession with how language can be used to distort or deceive. He’s also a lot funnier than Derrida or Bourdieu.
In one of his best routines, Carlin began by noting:
You can’t be afraid of words that speak the truth. I don’t like words that hide the truth. I don’t like words that conceal reality. I don’t like euphemisms or euphemistic language. And American english is loaded with euphemisms. Because Americans …

9/11, Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[6 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 2,485 views]
Rethink 9/11: A Letter To Peace Activists

Dear Every Peace Activist,
The world dramatically changed on 9/11, though, not for the reasons that were given by the Bush administration less than twenty four hours after the attacks, but for reasons that are deeply disturbing, and revealing; reasons that are either unknown, or have been repressed by activists in the peace movement.
As we enter the ninth anniversary of the War on Terror, the war in Afghanistan is intensifying, tensions in Iraq are resurfacing, and the …

Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[6 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 5,371 views]
Oil Imperialism and the US-Israel Relationship

Noam Chomsky interviewed by Roger Hurwitz, David Woolf & Sherman Teichman
Leviathan, 1:1-3, Spring, 1977, pp. 6-9, 86 [March, 1977]
QUESTION: Given the fact that now you have a government dominated by people like Carter and Brzezinski who were deeply involved in the Trilateral Commission, which emphasized maintaining a strong relationship with both Western Europe and Japan, will there be a new emphasis on new policy?
CHOMSKY: First of all, I don’t think there is any significant difference between the Trilateral view and the Kissinger view. The difference is …

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[5 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 2,614 views]
Harsh new US penalties against Iran

By Peter Symonds, 5 July 2010.
US President Barack Obama signed into law last Thursday Congressional legislation against Iran that has the potential to heighten tensions, not only with Tehran, but America’s European and Asia rivals.
The legislation broadly targets foreign banks and corporations doing business in Iran and sets out unilateral US penalties against those that do not fall into line. Companies could be denied access to the US Export-Import Bank, restricting their ability to sell into the US market, or denied US government contracts.
The …

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[2 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 8,396 views]
Banks, Analysts Warn of Massive Money Printing Ahead

by Alex Newman.
As credit and economic activity continue to contract, analysts are warning of big problems and unprecedented fiat-money creation by the Federal Reserve System in the near future.
“Get ready for the cliff-edge,” warned Royal Bank of Scotland credit chief Andrew Roberts in a note to clients late last week. He said “monster” quantitative monetary easing (money printing) is coming and that investors should “Be long gold. Think the unthinkable.”
“We cannot stress enough how strongly we believe that a cliff-edge may be around the corner, for the global banking system (particularly …

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[1 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 4,359 views]
Enough With the Empty Words

By Joharah Baker.
Nothing irks me more than politicians who blow off serious situations with hollow phrases on the outrageous assumption that people will actually believe them. Living in Palestine with a career revolved around words, you can imagine how many times I am irked in a day. Today is no different.
A quick glance at the headlines in Haaretz (really, the only Israeli paper I read), met me with this quote: “Israel’s plan to raze E. Jerusalem homes is an obstacle to peace.” The …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[16 Jun 2010 | One Comment | 8,793 views]
Regime Change 2.0

By the Editor.
The US Department of The Treasury has kindly decided to relax export controls related to technology for Iranian web users. The amendments will allow Internet users in Iran to download software related to communications, such as instant messaging and chat clients, and tools related to social networking. They will also permit the export of the same types of software to Iran.
Deputy Treasury Secretary Neal Wolin opines that this is “consistent with the administration’s deep commitment to the universal rights of all the world’s citizens”. How …

9/11, blog, Featured, Headline »

[10 Jun 2010 | No Comment | 5,998 views]
Operation Northwoods

By the Editor.
181 pages of classified US government documents relating to Operation Northwoods have been released and can be found on the website of the US National Archives and Records Administration. You can read them in full – visit the link above, and once on the site click on the yellow “Search” button near the top of the left column. Then, in the top input field of the page that appears, type “Northwoods” and search. You will see the following item:
Plan for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba …

Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[10 Jun 2010 | No Comment | 2,076 views]
Obama’s Doublespeak on Iran

By Esam Al-Amin.
On April 12, 2010, President Barack Obama hosted a forty-seven nation Nuclear Security Summit in Washington. He met with dozens of heads of state making his case for a fourth set of crippling sanctions on Iran because of its intransigence on the nuclear issue. His main argument was the refusal of Iran to accept the proposal by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of transferring the bulk of Iran’s low enriched uranium outside the country in exchange for medical nuclear isotopes.
The following …

Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[4 Jun 2010 | No Comment | 3,615 views]
Flotilla Eyewitness Account from Kevin Ovenden: ‘I saw people shot’

Kevin Ovenden, a representative of Viva Palestina, was on the main ship of the Freedom Flotilla when Israeli soldiers descended onto the deck – he spoke from Turkey to Siân Ruddick.
“We knew the Israelis were going to attack, or intercept us in some way. At 11pm we had the first contact. A visual warning was that two Israeli warships were approaching us, followed by a third.
“We were 90 miles north of the Israeli coast, and 22 miles away from the buffer zone that Israel …