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[6 Jul 2011 | 3 Comments | 9,761 views]
Report: UN praises Libya on human rights, social protection, equality

By the Editor.
In a January 2011 United Nations Human Rights Council report, a dizzying number of nations praised the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for its record spanning the areas of human rights, social protection, and equality (especially for women). Libya is also lauded for its rehabilitation programmes and services for the disabled.
Counted amongst the line-up of countries applauding Libya’s human rights record is Qatar, the nation that bankrolled the pernicious propaganda effort underpinning NATO’s illegal war. With reports that have since been verified as lies, the corporate media has tried to …

9/11, Featured, North America »

[5 Jul 2011 | One Comment | 35,116 views]
Twin Towers evacuated several times in weeks leading up to 9/11, September 12, 2001 (link now dead). Click here for a cached version.
Some were on their way to work in lower Manhattan. Others were already sitting at their desks, checking e-mail, sipping coffee or reading their morning papers. Still others were working in kitchens and garages when they heard and felt the sickening crash. Bathed in soot and shaken to their souls, they are the survivors of what New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani called “one of the most heinous acts in world history.” The life and death drama that followed the …

9/11, Featured, North America »

[5 Jul 2011 | No Comment | 17,943 views]
Bomb-sniffing dogs inexplicably removed from WTC 5 days before 9/11

Heightened Security Alert Had Just Been Lifted
By Curtis L. Taylor and Sean Gardiner, September 12, 2001 (link now dead). Click here for a cached version.
The World Trade Center was destroyed just days after a heightened security alert was lifted at the landmark 110-story towers, security personnel said yesterday.
Daria Coard, 37, a guard at Tower One, said the security detail had been working 12-hour shifts for the past two weeks because of numerous phone threats. But on Thursday, bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly removed.
“Today was the first day there was not …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[5 Jul 2011 | 2 Comments | 7,764 views]
The Green Book and the farce that is modern ‘democracy’

By the Editor.
With Muammar Gaddafi being perhaps the most vilified person on the planet right now, I thought it would pay to try and get a better understanding of him. I’ve had my fair share of people telling me how he ‘indoctrinates’ Libyans with The Green Book and how Libya’s children are forced to study it. Needless to say these are the same people who call an all-out war of aggression a ‘no-fly zone’, and a foreign-backed armed insurrection a ‘pro democracy protest’.
Having only read part I of the book, …