Articles tagged with: 7/7
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By the Editor.
The official 7/7 account, as with 9/11, is a pack of lies. Though several independent researchers have done a great job in exposing the myth, it has been bolstered by a faux inquest, a fawning corporate media, and a largely unquestioning, overly trusting public.
Most notably, John Hill’s film 7/7 Ripple Effect reviews the evidence and lays out an alternate (and much more credible) narrative. I highly recommend it; you can view it here.
7/7 exhibits eerie similarities with the 9/11 cover-up including the simultaneous drills taking place …
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Editor’s note.
In the immediate aftermath of the 7th July 2005 bombings, forensic investigations found traces of military grade high explosives at all four bomb sites. This was widely reported in the media (see sources below). As time went on, the UK government’s (and its mouthpiece, the BBC’s) official narrative changed to ‘homemade explosives’. Reports of high explosives being used are now very difficult to find, and have never been mentioned again.
Forensic investigations are a scientific process. The presence of military grade high explosives was confirmed by Christophe …
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Explosives used in London bombings ‘originated in the Balkans’
By Sue O’Reilly.
THE BALKANS were last night being named as the possible source of the explosive material used in the London bombings.
French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy told the emergency meeting of EU justice ministers in Brussels that there was strong suspicion the explosives used in the bombings came from the Balkans or Eastern Europe, where it is possible to buy the material on the black market after the Balkan wars.
However, British Home Secretary Charles Clarke said he was bewildered by the comments.
Determining …
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Advanced bombs were so powerful that none of dead have been identified
LONDON — Al Qaida employed light but advanced bombs detonated by timers in last week’s bloody strike on London’s mass transit system.
Officials said the bombs were so powerful that none of the 49 known dead had been identified over the weekend. They said the four bombs were detonated within 50 seconds.
British officials said authorities have determined that the four bombs that blew up in subways and a bus in London on July 7 were composed of less than 4.5 …