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[23 May 2011 | One Comment | 9,776 views]
Why Liberal Sellouts Attack Prophets Like Cornel West

By Chris Hedges, via American Everyman.
The liberal class, which attempted last week to discredit the words my friend Cornel West spoke about Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, prefers comfort and privilege to justice, truth and confrontation. Its guiding ideological stance is determined by what is most expedient to the careers of its members. It refuses to challenge, in a meaningful way, the decaying structures of democracy or the ascendancy of the corporate state. It glosses over the relentless assault on working men and women and the imperial wars that …

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[5 Apr 2011 | 2 Comments | 12,367 views]
Naming Names: Your Real Government

When dark deeds unfold, point the finger in this direction.
By Tony Cartalucci.
This is your real government; they transcend elected administrations, they permeate every political party, and they are responsible for nearly every aspect of the average American and European’s way of life. When the “left” is carrying the torch for two “Neo-Con” wars, starting yet another based on the same lies, peddled by the same media outlets that told of Iraqi WMD’s, the world has no choice, beyond …

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[29 Mar 2011 | One Comment | 10,724 views]
Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya

H/T American Everyman, originally posted at The Economic Collapse.
The rebels in Libya are in the middle of a life or death civil war and Moammar Gadhafi is still in power and yet somehow the Libyan rebels have had enough time to establish a new Central Bank of Libya and form a new national oil company. Perhaps when this conflict is over those rebels can become time management consultants. They sure do get a lot done. What a skilled bunch of rebels – they can fight a war during the day …

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[7 Feb 2011 | 4 Comments | 10,190 views]
West Builds Islam to Create a New War?

Monday, February 07, 2011 – by Staff Report.

Hosni Mubarak’s power fades as US backs his deputy …
Omar Sulieman’s call for orderly reform wins backing of Hillary Clinton on day senior members of ruling NDP resign …
Hillary Clinton at the Munich Security Conference, where she backed Egypt vice-president Omar Suleiman’s call for orderly reform. America swung its support behind Egypt’s vice-president, Omar Suleiman, and the political transition he is leading, calling for a process of orderly reform. The policy, made clear by Hillary Clinton at the Munich Security …

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[4 Feb 2011 | One Comment | 7,307 views]
The hidden agenda of NHS reforms

Thursday 03 February 2011by Solomon Hughes.
What will the coalition’s “reforms” do to the NHS?
More importantly, what are we going to do about them?
Some clues as to the consequences of the current NHS reforms were in evidence outside Southampton hospital last Monday morning.
At each exit was a picket of dozens of health workers waving Unison flags and blowing vuvuzuelas.
Bus drivers and passing cars responded with honks of support.
The strikers are cleaners, demanding what they were promised in a national deal.
They work for the Medirest company …

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[2 Feb 2011 | No Comment | 8,596 views]
Let’s Get the Benefit Thieves!!

When people start throwing around figures in the billions I’d be the first to admit I switch off.
If you said to me ‘so and so’ costs £12 billion, while ‘this and that’ costs $340 million – by mixing up the denominations and the units you can completely throw people off the scent. I’m certainly not thinking, that’s a comparison between £12,000,000,000 and approx £214,000,000.
Or for even easier digestion: £12 billion compared to approx £0.2 billion.
I’m going to borrow an analogy from the superb More Or …

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[1 Feb 2011 | One Comment | 6,859 views]
A privateers’ NHS charter

London Morning Star, Monday 31 January 2011.
David Cameron’s case for his government’s plans to destroy the National Health Service is based on bluster and lies.
Justifying something on the basis that leaving things as they are is not an option is not an argument.
If there are weaknesses in the NHS – and there certainly are – identify those weaknesses and engage in discussion over how to overcome them.
The Tories and their loyal satraps the Liberal Democrats have not done that.
They simply gave a blank sheet of paper …

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[31 Jan 2011 | 2 Comments | 6,894 views]
Corporate Profits Soaring Thanks to Record Unemployment: The Greatest Recovery Part II

By markaprovost.
In a January 2009 ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos, then President-elect Barack Obama said fixing the economy required shared sacrifice, “Everybody’s going to have to give. Everybody’s going to have to have some skin in the game.” (1)
For the past two years, American workers submitted to the President’s appeal—taking steep pay cuts despite hectic productivity growth. By contrast, corporate executives have extracted record profits by sabotaging the recovery on every front—eliminating employees, repressing wages, withholding investment, and shirking federal taxes.
The global recession increased unemployment in every country, but the …

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[20 Jan 2011 | One Comment | 7,666 views]
Neoliberal Takeover of NHS Begins

By the Editor.
It has begun. Using slashed public spending as a precursor and an excuse, the corporate whores in Whitehall are dismantling the NHS piece by piece and handing it to the private healthcare industry.
This from The UK Independent:
Under the proposals published in Health and Social Care Bill yesterday:
* GPs will become responsible for “buying” care from hospitals and will form consortiums to do so.
* Every hospital will be given independence from the Department of Health and will be allowed to fail and will be taken over by private operators …

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[13 Jan 2011 | No Comment | 7,997 views]
Even Lost Wars Make Corporations Rich

By Chris Hedges.
Power does not rest with the electorate. It does not reside with either of the two major political parties. It is not represented by the press. It is not arbitrated by a judiciary that protects us from predators. Power rests with corporations. And corporations gain very lucrative profits from war, even wars we have no chance of winning. All polite appeals to the formal systems of power will not end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We must physically obstruct the war machine or accept a role as …