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[15 Dec 2010 | No Comment | 5,019 views]
Jody McIntyre Destroys BBC Reporter Live On Air

By the Editor.
Hat tip to Scott Creighton over at American Everyman for posting this video.
Recently assaulted activist and demonstrator Jody McIntyre, verbally demolishes a BBC reporter live on air in this video interview. After the condescending, patronising interviewer’s repeated attempts to paint Jody and his fellow protesters as violent and threatening, Jody responds:
“Do you think that I could have, in any way, posed a physical threat from the seat of my wheelchair, to an army of police officers armed with weapons? This whole line of argument is absolutely ludicrous …

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[6 Dec 2010 | One Comment | 14,159 views]
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has close links to the Economist, controlled by the Rothschild banking family

By Jane Burgermeister.
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has won an award from the “Economist” magazine, a financial publication controlled by the Rothschild banking family, and he has also featured on an “Economist” video clip, raising questions about conflicts of interest.  Assange predicted a bank run could be triggered by bank data leaks but he does not mention that this would result in the robbery of millions of people because of the way the fractional reserve banking system works, and profit the banks.
Is a false flag bank run hyped by the banker’s …

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[19 Nov 2010 | One Comment | 6,594 views]
Europe’s dirty secret

By Stefan Steinberg and Barry Grey.
In a revealing admission concerning the relationship between capitalist governments and international financial interests, the Financial Times on Tuesday wrote of “Europe’s dirty secret.”
The newspaper editorialized against the plan of the European Union, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund to loan Ireland tens of billions of euros in order to guarantee in full the investments of international bankers and bondholders in the country’s failing banking system.
Under the plan, Ireland will effectively surrender sovereignty over its economic policy to the EU and …

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[17 Nov 2010 | One Comment | 8,684 views]
The party game is over. Stand and fight

By John Pilger.
“Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth, like dew
Which in sleep had fall’n on you:
Ye are many – they are few.”
These days, the stirring lines of Percy Shelley’s “Mask of Anarchy” may seem unattainable. I don’t think so. Shelley was both a Romantic and political truth-teller. His words resonate now because only one political course is left to those who are disenfranchised and whose ruin is announced on a government spreadsheet.
Born of the “never again” spirit of 1945, social democracy has surrendered to an …

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[11 Nov 2010 | No Comment | 3,425 views]
Students shake the halls of power

Morning Star, Wednesday 10 November 2010.
Over 50,000 workers and students shook the Westminster halls of power today with a march against the raising of tuition fees.
Anger at the Con-Dem cuts and fee rises spilled over just hours after the march with 300 protesters occupying Tory HQ at Millbank.
Windows were smashed and small fires started inside with nine protesters and two police officers reportedly injured.
Riot police were so overwhelmed by the 2,000-strong protest outside Millbank that as the Star went to press the building remained occupied and they had abandoned plans …

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[10 Nov 2010 | One Comment | 6,837 views]
Obama: We Must Embrace Globalism And The Emerging One World Economy

The Economic Collapse Blog.
Although it received very little coverage in the mainstream media, Barack Obama made some comments about globalism during his speech in Mumbai, India that were very eye-opening.  As he was discussing the new realities of world trade in 2010, Obama warned against “those who see globalization as a threat” and he spoke of the “integrated world” in which we all now live.  But is merging the entire globe into a one world economy, a one world financial system and a one world labor market really the best …

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[8 Nov 2010 | No Comment | 6,084 views]
A Recipe For Fascism

By Chris Hedges.
American politics, as the midterm elections demonstrated, have descended into the irrational. On one side stands a corrupt liberal class, bereft of ideas and unable to respond coherently to the collapse of the global economy, the dismantling of our manufacturing sector and the deadly assault on the ecosystem. On the other side stands a mass of increasingly bitter people whose alienation, desperation and rage fuel emotionally driven and incoherent political agendas. It is a recipe for fascism.
More than half of those identified in a poll by the Republican-leaning …

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[6 Oct 2010 | No Comment | 3,207 views]
March to Nowhere

By Chris Hedges.
We can hold One Nation marches every week. It will not make any difference until we revolt against the formal structures of power.
The liberal preoccupation with positive forms of propaganda ignores the root of our problem. The tea party and hate mongers on Fox such as Glenn Beck, however repugnant, are the manifestation of the crisis, not its cause. The forces assaulting the remnants of American democracy will not be cowed or discredited with rallies, such as the one in Washington on Saturday. We will blunt these …