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[1 Dec 2012 | No Comment | 35,775 views]
Not black-and-white: The chess game behind the recent Gaza-Israel war

by ­Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya for Russia Today.
The recent hostilities between the Gaza Strip and Israel have to be viewed in context of a broader geopolitical chessboard. The events in Gaza are tied to Syria and the US’s regional maneuvers against Iran and its regional alliance system.
­Syria has been compromised as a conduit for weapons to Gaza, because of its domestic instability. Israel has capitalized on this politically and militarily. Benjamin Netanyahu has not only tried to secure his own election victory in the Knesset through an attack on Gaza, but …

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[16 Nov 2012 | No Comment | 10,558 views]
Did the Famed ‘Jerusalem Rocket’ Really Hit Jerusalem?

By the Editor.
Amid Israel’s ongoing pounding of Gaza today, social networking sites were ablaze with feverish chatter both congratulating and condemning Hamas for supposedly hitting Jerusalem with one of its rockets.
On top of this, pro-Israel media outlets have wasted no time in capitalising on the opportunity. Right-wing Israeli outlet Ynet News carries the headline,(1) ‘Hamas fires first rockets at Jerusalem‘.
The ultra-Zionist BBC follows suit:(2) ‘Gaza conflict: Militant rocket targets Jerusalem‘.
Neither of them matches The Times of Israel though, which boasts,(3) ‘‘Surprise’ rocket fire at Jerusalem shows Hamas flailing but …

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[16 Nov 2012 | 2 Comments | 13,628 views]
WATCH: Israeli Occupiers Suppress Gaza Protest in Jerusalem

By the Editor.
Today at approximately 12:30pm Israeli forces put down a Gaza protest at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. Several youths were abducted by the occupying forces, and women were shoved to the ground by soldiers and border police.
The first video is filmed looking down on Damascus Gate from the outside, and shows a number of youths being attacked and taken away by Israeli forces.

(Video: 16 November, 2012. Martin Iqbal)
I filmed the following video moments later on Sultan Suleiman Street immediately north of the gate, and it shows a Palestinian …

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[3 Feb 2012 | 7 Comments | 30,417 views]
Was the Gaza Flotilla Massacre a Turkish-Israeli False Flag and Precursor to the War on Syria?

By the Editor.
Updated Saturday 4 February, 2012. Click here to go to the update.
On 31st May 2010, armed Israeli terrorists committed a heinous act of violence that sent shockwaves around the world. It stunned those not familiar with Israel’s history of terrorism, hatred, bloodshed and murder. Others however, including the Palestinians who are intimately familiar with the usurping Zionist entity’s modus operandi, could only look on unsurprised at this macabre reminder of what ‘Israel’ represents.
After the fact, potentially explosive information has surfaced – the implications of which …

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[23 Aug 2011 | 2 Comments | 34,116 views]
Israel mounts brutal terror attacks on Gaza, killing children

Israeli Video Games in Gaza
by Alison Weir.
He looks at the camera with bright eyes and the beginning of a smile, wearing a miniature dark blue zipper sweatshirt, the cuffs folded up a bit to make it fit.
I can imagine his mother dressing him that morning, making sure he would be warm enough. I wonder if she’s the one who took the picture. Someone has written on the photo “kisses.”
It’s not a formal picture. He’s outside on a sunny day. It looks like he was probably moving when the picture was snapped; …

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[11 Apr 2011 | No Comment | 5,179 views]
Gaza under attack: death and destruction in Rafah

Via Jewbonics.
More mayhem in Gaza via comrades from ISM:
On the afternoon of Thursday April 7th, Israeli forces escalated their attacks on the Gaza Strip. The murderous offensive has killed 18 people so far, the majority of them being civilians. Among the massacred are a mother, her daughter, two children, two elderly men and four members of Al Qassam Brigades. More than sixty people have been injured, some are still fighting for their lives. Since Thursday afternoon the Gaza …

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[6 Apr 2011 | One Comment | 6,465 views]
Ilan Pappe: Goldstone’s shameful U-turn

Ilan Pappe, The Electronic Intifada, 4 April 2011.
“If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone report would have been a different document.” Thus opens Judge Richard Goldstone’s much-discussed op-ed in The Washington Post. I have a strong feeling that the editor might have tampered with the text and that the original sentence ought to have read something like: “If I had known then that the report would turn me into a self-hating Jew in the eyes of my beloved Israel and my own Jewish community in South …

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[4 Apr 2011 | No Comment | 6,747 views]
Al-Jazeera: An Island of Pro-Empire Intrigue

By Sukant Chandan, 26 March 2011.
The Empire admits: without Al-Jazeera, they could not have bombed Libya.
How did Al-Jazeera, once dubbed the ‘terror network’ by some and whose staff were martyred by US bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan, end up becoming the media war propagandist for yet another Western war against a small state of the Global South, Libya? We will not know the full details for some time; perhaps some wikileaks will help us understand later. But this much is already certain: the station is betraying gross political …

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[11 Jan 2011 | 2 Comments | 6,947 views]
Gaza on the edge of no return

A fragile ceasefire holds in Gaza, but it can’t last. Amira Hass – an Israeli journalist who lived there for three years – reports on the unbearable tension of life inside the strip.
“Get away from the window, you’re crazy!” screamed Kauthar. She was terrified to find her daughter standing on the couch by the window, observing the street from the seventh floor. The window had bars. She was afraid not that the girl might fall, but that she would be struck by fire from a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle). A …