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Articles tagged with: iran

Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[6 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 5,383 views]
Oil Imperialism and the US-Israel Relationship

Noam Chomsky interviewed by Roger Hurwitz, David Woolf & Sherman Teichman
Leviathan, 1:1-3, Spring, 1977, pp. 6-9, 86 [March, 1977]
QUESTION: Given the fact that now you have a government dominated by people like Carter and Brzezinski who were deeply involved in the Trilateral Commission, which emphasized maintaining a strong relationship with both Western Europe and Japan, will there be a new emphasis on new policy?
CHOMSKY: First of all, I don’t think there is any significant difference between the Trilateral view and the Kissinger view. The difference is …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[16 Jun 2010 | One Comment | 8,808 views]
Regime Change 2.0

By the Editor.
The US Department of The Treasury has kindly decided to relax export controls related to technology for Iranian web users. The amendments will allow Internet users in Iran to download software related to communications, such as instant messaging and chat clients, and tools related to social networking. They will also permit the export of the same types of software to Iran.
Deputy Treasury Secretary Neal Wolin opines that this is “consistent with the administration’s deep commitment to the universal rights of all the world’s citizens”. How …