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[21 Nov 2011 | 5 Comments | 17,947 views]
Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera and the Triumph of Televised Propaganda

by Thierry Meyssan, 26 September, 2011.
Al-Jazeera – the Qatari news channel that in the space of 15 years established itself in the Arab world as an innovative news outlet – suddenly embarked in a vast intoxication campaign to overthrow the regimes of Libya and Syria through any means. As demonstrated by Thierry Meyssan, this was not a conjunctural shift but one that was planned long in advance by individuals who shrewdly concealed their personal interests to the public. Revelations follow …
The Qatari-based Al-Jazeera channel announced the resignation of its director …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[4 Oct 2011 | One Comment | 18,076 views]
Torture in Palestine: a glimpse into Israel’s history of unrivalled cruelty

By the Editor.
Recognition of ‘Israel’ is tantamount to approval of the crimes against humanity that forged its existence. Such recognition is absolutely inexcusable on any level, moral, legal, or otherwise.
Amnesty International has concluded that there is no nation on the face of the planet in which torture is as well-established and documented as in the case of the state of Israel(1). This, coming from an organisation not exactly renowned for its tenacity with respect to the Zionist entity’s crimes, is particularly telling. In addition to this the Zionist entity …

9/11, Featured »

[19 Sep 2011 | No Comment | 15,880 views]
The 9/11 Delusion: Israel’s False Flag, Jingoism And Inhumanity

by Jonathan Azaziah. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2011.
Welcome to hell madames and sirs, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies. Welcome to dystopia, a nightmarish incarnation where Orwellianism flourishes like fungus in the darkness of the forest and American jingoism and Western exceptionalism act as its foundational pillars. Welcome to a world where militarism is the religion of the masses and rituals of piety and righteousness include the spilling of innocent blood in faraway lands, inhabited by the undesirables commonly mislabeled as ‘ay-rabs and moozlums,’ or in classic …

9/11, blog, Central & South Asia, Featured, North America, The Arab World »

[13 Sep 2011 | 2 Comments | 7,614 views]
Interview with Pakistani analyst Zaid Hamid: essential context on the ‘War on Terror’

By the Editor.
The false flag 9/11 attacks of ten years ago saw the advent of the ‘War on Terror’ and ushered in a new era of global war, the target of which it cannot be denied is Islam and Muslim nations. Adding context to this, Mark Glenn’s December 2010 interview with Pakistani analyst Zaid Hamid is incredibly instructive.
Several essential historical events are covered which bear on current events in intimate ways and simply must be kept in mind in order to reach a working understanding of the ‘War on …

Featured, The Arab World »

[23 Aug 2011 | 2 Comments | 34,061 views]
Israel mounts brutal terror attacks on Gaza, killing children

Israeli Video Games in Gaza
by Alison Weir.
He looks at the camera with bright eyes and the beginning of a smile, wearing a miniature dark blue zipper sweatshirt, the cuffs folded up a bit to make it fit.
I can imagine his mother dressing him that morning, making sure he would be warm enough. I wonder if she’s the one who took the picture. Someone has written on the photo “kisses.”
It’s not a formal picture. He’s outside on a sunny day. It looks like he was probably moving when the picture was snapped; …

Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[20 Jul 2011 | No Comment | 25,574 views]
Sowing the Seeds of Violence and Instability

By Ghali Hassan. Tuesday, Jun 7, 2011.
“In terms of a violent society and armed citizens, the U.S. is in a league of its own and sadly the state of disregard for the law and justice filters all the way down from the White House.
– Yvonne Ridley, British journalist
In June 2006, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described the criminal destruction of Lebanon by the Israeli fascist forces as the “birth pang” of a “New Middle East” characterised by violence and instability. The aim is to break-up the Arab states …

Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[7 Jun 2011 | One Comment | 7,402 views]
West Bank activist Bassem Tamimi to Israeli judge: Your military laws are illegitimate, our struggle against occupation is just

06 June 2011 | Popular Struggle Coordination Committee.
Tamimi, who has been held in custody for over two months, pleaded not guilty to the charges against him and held a defiant speech explaining his motivation for organizing civil resistance to the Occupation. See his full statement below.
After more than two months in custody, the trial of Bassem Tamimi, a 44 year-old protest organizer from the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, finally commenced yesterday. Tamimi, who is the coordinator for the Nabi Saleh popular committee, pleaded not guilty to the charges …

Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[16 May 2011 | No Comment | 7,605 views]
Israeli troops kill unarmed Palestinian protestors on borders

By Patrick O’Connor.
Israeli soldiers yesterday killed at least fifteen Palestinians and wounded many more as they suppressed protests held at border posts facing Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza to mark the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the Zionist state.
This latest massacre of Palestinian civilians inflicted by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) again demonstrates the Israeli government’s brazenly unlawful operations. The situation also exposes the Obama administration’s “humanitarian” pretext for the bombardment of Libya.
NATO’s war is supposedly necessary to protect unarmed civilians from the possibility of being killed by government forces—but …