Articles tagged with: libya
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by Bill Van Auken.
Refugees from the Libyan coastal city of Sirte report that thousands have died as a result of relentless NATO bombardment and shelling by the the Western-backed “rebels.”
The two-week-old NATO siege of Sirte has left the city without adequate food, drinkable water, medicine and other basic necessities of life, creating hellish condition for its population of 100,000.
While the Benghazi-based National Transitional Council (NTC) has repeatedly issued announcements that the so-called rebels had advanced toward the city center under NATO air cover, they have again and again been forced …
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English translation of the doctoress’ words, from Ibn Sina Hospital, in Sirte, Libya, following a NATO bombing on 23/09:
“Same date, 23 September … We are on Friday, a day of celebration for Muslims. A Muslim holy day … people pray on Fridays, and NATO kills children ….
This is ‘Douaa’ … [pointing to the girl. follows a misunderstood sentence] she was about to start school. [second voice: it is the beginning of the school year] … and this is ‘ Dahna el Samha ‘ … My god … ‘ Dahna el …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
Updated 27 September, 2011 – see section: ‘The meals‘.
Updated again 28 September, 2011. Click here to go to this update.
To date Libya has been subjected to decades of foreign meddling and attempts to assassinate and oust its leader Muammar Gaddafi. Throughout this time, foreign-based Libyan opposition groups and globalist propaganda mills have incessantly cited supposed atrocities committed by Gaddafi, and none is more infamous or overused than the ‘Abu Salim prison massacre’ of June, 1996. This is now being invoked yet again in an attempt …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
Updated 25 September, 2011 – click here to go to the update.
Updated again 28 September, 2011 – click here to go to this update.
In a truly stunning display of dishonesty, the BBC has reported, citing no evidence to back its claim, that a mass grave containing over 1,200 bodies has been found in Tripoli’s Abu Salim prison complex. The BBC attempts to tie this ‘finding’ to the equally concocted ‘Abu Salim prison massacre‘, as it claims that the bodies are those of the inmates supposedly killed in 1996.
In …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
Chatham House, the UK arm of the American Council on Foreign Relations held a Libya Working Group meeting on August 18. Two days before NATO’s murderous assault on Tripoli, the meeting was held to discuss “policy options for transition“, on the premise that “the end game for Colonel Gaddafi’s regime was approaching“.
For context, the corporate membership of Chatham House includes: oil multinationals such as Chevron Corporation, BP plc, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Saudi Petroleum Overseas Ltd, and Royal Dutch Shell, powerful globalist financial interests such as the City …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
The finishing touches are being added to the myth of the Libya war. A barrage of propaganda is convincing the world that the war is almost over. Amid the chaos Western oil giants pounce, foreshadowing a protracted and bloody civil war, and a foreign occupation in the guise of a ‘peacekeeping’ force.
Conventional wisdom has it that events in Libya are the result of an indigenous uprising that has organically risen from the soils of Libya. We are meant to believe that the ‘rebels’ are an …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
Across the board, the corporate-Zionist media is reporting that Tripoli has fallen to the ‘rebels’ with no resistance. Reports speak of celebrations across the city as rebels are welcomed with open arms and crowds flood the streets in jubilation.
This is a psychological warfare operation aimed at concealing the bloody assault that has been mounted on Tripoli. The wall of deception is also intended to confuse and demoralise the Libyan Resistance, which has been staunch and united against NATO and the rebels ever since the onset of …
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by Thierry Meyssan, 16 August 2011.
Just under half of Europeans still support the war against Libya. Their position is based on erroneous information. They still believe, in fact, that in February the “Gaddafi regime” crushed the protests in Benghazi with brutal force and bombed civilian districts in Tripoli, while the Colonel himself was warning of “rivers of blood” if his compatriots continued to challenge his authority.
During my two months’ investigation on the ground, I was able to verify that these accusations were pure propaganda intoxication, designed by the NATO powers …
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by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, 13 August 2011.
On 8-9 August 2011, a large number of casualties occurred in the city of Zliten, in the district of Misurata. 85 people were killed including 33 children, 32 women, and 20 men as a result of NATO’s deliberate targeting of residential areas and civilian infrastructure. Many of the injured civilian victims are in critical condition and near death.
Zliten has been under constant NATO bombardment for several days. The recent NATO attacks started at about 11:30 p.m. EET on August 8, 2011. At least 7 …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
In a decades-long campaign of repression and state terrorism, the Sri Lankan Army has been able to kill and brutalise Tamil civilians and fighters with absolute impunity. During the final months of the 25-year civil war, the Sri Lankan government mounted a ‘final purge’ on Tamil territory while overshadowed by Barack Obama’s election campaign.
With unmitigated brutality, Sri Lankan forces intentionally shelled civilians whom they had penned in to ‘no-fire zones’. Red Cross workers submitted GPS coordinates of makeshift hospitals to the Sri Lankan government, only for …