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[9 Aug 2011 | 2 Comments | 20,982 views]
The National Front for the Salvation of Libya and its faux-revolutionary poster child

By the Editor.
Created by the CIA and Mossad in 1981, the NFSL was part of a plan to destabilise Libya using a ‘fifth column’ of fighters and insurgents, and this surreptitious and chequered history stretches to the present day. As the current leader of the NFSL pleads in front of the White House for war on Libya, easily-led liberals and naive Libyan expats are seduced by Orwellian references to ‘freedom’ and ‘revolution’, words used to cloak the true intentions of the NFSL, its affiliated groups, and their imperialist creators.
Walking …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[3 Aug 2011 | 7 Comments | 32,780 views]
USCENTCOM buys software to impersonate social networkers & bloggers; blogosphere shows tell-tale signs amid war on Libya

By the Editor. UPDATED Thursday August 4th, click here to go to the update.
At a time of war, destabilisation, and great upheaval in the Middle East and North Africa, social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook are being increasingly relied upon by those seeking information. Allowing to-the-second updates from the on-the-ground journalists and ordinary citizens, even major news outlets are beginning to circulate reports originating from these sources.
In an ominous development in March this year (in the lead-up to the war on Libya and the destabilisation of Syria), US …

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[2 Aug 2011 | One Comment | 7,342 views]
BREAKING: Libyan rebels in total disarray; social momentum building against them; Qatari troops & armoured vehicles sighted on ground

by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya.
TRIPOLI, August 1, 2011. The Muslim holy month of Ramadan has seen no end to fighting inside Libya. NATO has intensified its bombardment of Tripoli and other major cities. Tens of thousands of fliers have been dropped by NATO from the skies asking the Libyan military to surrender.
The social momentum in Libya against NATO and its illegitimate Transitional Council has been picking up speed.  Mass opposition to the rebels is building up in rebels’ stronghold Benghazi.
Following the assassination of General Abdel Fattah Al-Younes, the commander of the …

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[2 Aug 2011 | 2 Comments | 6,369 views]
Benghazi, the color revolution in disarray

by Thierry Meyssan.
Muslims have been encouraged to cease hostilities during the month of Ramadan. Nothing significant should be expected to happen in Libya at the military level until August 28. But who benefits from the respite?
As Ramadan kicks off, NATO’s millitary operation in Libya is sinking into total confusion, has observed Alexis Crow.
This Chatham House analyst, specializing in the study of the Atlantic Alliance, is one of the first Western think tank experts to have publicly addressed Al Qaeda’s role in the bosom of the “rebel forces”. Today again, she …

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[31 Jul 2011 | 11 Comments | 23,673 views]
Pure Evil: NATO Attacked Libyan Water Supply Pipeline and the Factory that Makes Replacement Pipes

by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: Infighting between the Libyan “rebel” factions results in murder of the leading commander of their military forces. See the UPDATE section at the end of this article.
Were the Norway terrorist attacks designed in part to cover this story? Both occurred July 22nd, 2011 and only one has really seen the light of day in the alternative as well as the mainstream media.
Last week Pravda reported that NATO attacked the Great Manmade River pipeline in Libya which literally brings water across the desert to millions of Libyans and farms in western …

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[20 Jul 2011 | No Comment | 25,574 views]
Sowing the Seeds of Violence and Instability

By Ghali Hassan. Tuesday, Jun 7, 2011.
“In terms of a violent society and armed citizens, the U.S. is in a league of its own and sadly the state of disregard for the law and justice filters all the way down from the White House.
– Yvonne Ridley, British journalist
In June 2006, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described the criminal destruction of Lebanon by the Israeli fascist forces as the “birth pang” of a “New Middle East” characterised by violence and instability. The aim is to break-up the Arab states …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[6 Jul 2011 | 3 Comments | 10,081 views]
Report: UN praises Libya on human rights, social protection, equality

By the Editor.
In a January 2011 United Nations Human Rights Council report, a dizzying number of nations praised the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for its record spanning the areas of human rights, social protection, and equality (especially for women). Libya is also lauded for its rehabilitation programmes and services for the disabled.
Counted amongst the line-up of countries applauding Libya’s human rights record is Qatar, the nation that bankrolled the pernicious propaganda effort underpinning NATO’s illegal war. With reports that have since been verified as lies, the corporate media has tried to …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[5 Jul 2011 | 2 Comments | 8,051 views]
The Green Book and the farce that is modern ‘democracy’

By the Editor.
With Muammar Gaddafi being perhaps the most vilified person on the planet right now, I thought it would pay to try and get a better understanding of him. I’ve had my fair share of people telling me how he ‘indoctrinates’ Libyans with The Green Book and how Libya’s children are forced to study it. Needless to say these are the same people who call an all-out war of aggression a ‘no-fly zone’, and a foreign-backed armed insurrection a ‘pro democracy protest’.
Having only read part I of the book, …