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[14 May 2011 | No Comment | 26,089 views]
Libya: US-NATO Axis Aims to Divide Country and End Sovereignty; End Chinese Energy Partnership; Prevent African Independence from Globalist Financial System

Gaddafi was advocating to end African Union subservience to EU/US by pushing for African Development Bank and replacing Franc with African currency;

Western policy of funding and arming al Qaeda-linked militants, Islamists and cutthroat killers in Libya mirrors US Afghanistan policy;

Mainstream media focus on Misrata can be understood from an economic/industrial context: the city hosts the headquarters of the Libyan Iron and Steel Company (Lisco) that exports over 60 percent of its products with nearly 50 percent going to Italy and Spain, as well as Libyan National Oil …

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[13 May 2011 | No Comment | 9,618 views]
Libyan Rebels Killing Civilians in Benghazi

By Stephen Lendman / May 12th, 2011.
In London, at a June 1999 anti-Yugoslavia war rally, Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter scathed US and UK leaders, saying:
Let us face the truth… (N)either Clinton nor Blair gives a damn about the Kosovar Albanians. This action has been another blatant and brutal assertion of US power using NATO as its missile… to consolidate… American domination of Europe.
Today, Obama doesn’t give a damn about Libyans, any more than about Iraqis, Afghans or working Americans. At issue only is Washington wanting unchallenged dominance everywhere, including over …

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[6 May 2011 | 3 Comments | 11,727 views]
Libya Fact Sheet

By Ron Ridenour / May 5th, 2011.
Libya is Africa’s largest exporter of oil, 1.7 million tons a day, which quickly was reduced to 300-400,000 tons/day due to US-NATO bombing.
Libya exports 80% of its oil: 80% of that to several EU lands (32% Italy, 14% Germany, 10% France); 10% China; 5% USA.
Gaddafi has been preparing to launch a gold dinar for oil trade with all of Africa’s 200 million people and other countries interested. He has been working with this since 2002 together with Malaysia. As of recently, only South Africa …

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[2 May 2011 | 7 Comments | 52,288 views]
Gaddafi’s refusal of the World Bank, IMF, Western multinationals & AFRICOM: the real casus belli obscured by ‘humanitarian’ deceits

Libya’s Robin Hood and the Robbers

With every passing day, the Libyan picture becomes clearer. The emerging picture confirms what most people, including imperialists, know — that the reason for the military action against Libya is anything but humanitarian.
Protecting Libya’s civilians from Muammar Gaddafi’s forces is only a cover for a campaign aimed at regime change and the plunder of the resources not only of Libya but also of the whole of Africa.
According to a shocking article posted on OpEdNews.com, the Libyan war has its …

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[21 Apr 2011 | 3 Comments | 30,142 views]
Why Is Gaddafi Being Demonized?

By Anonymous African Woman / April 21st, 2011.
It was [Mouammar] Gaddafi’s Libya that offered all of Africa its first revolution in modern times – connecting the entire continent by telephone, television, radio broadcasting and several other technological applications such as telemedicine and distance teaching. And thanks to the WMAX radio bridge, a low cost connection was made available across the continent, including in rural areas.
It began in 1992, when 45 African nations established RASCOM (Regional African Satellite Communication Organization) so that Africa would have its own satellite and slash communication …

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[20 Apr 2011 | One Comment | 5,566 views]
Flat-out lies continue as NATO moves to invade Libya

Britain and France escalate war in Libya
By Patrick Martin.
Great Britain and France, the two European powers spearheading the war against Libya, are taking new steps to escalate the military intervention. British Foreign Minister William Hague announced Tuesday that as many as 20 British military officers were going to Benghazi to direct the forces fighting Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi. France has deployed additional air capability, including the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.
The British decision is the most fateful, since it is a clear signal that the NATO powers, including the United …

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[18 Apr 2011 | No Comment | 8,397 views]
Imperialist powers prepare escalation of Libyan war

By Patrick Martin.
The United States, Britain and France are moving towards a significant escalation of the war against Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi, with leaders of the US-backed rebellion calling for the deployment of ground troops from the NATO powers, as well as stepped-up bombing.
The impetus for escalation comes from the evident failure of the initial intervention, which combined heavy NATO bombing with an offensive by the US-backed rebel forces based in eastern Libya, with their headquarters and political center in Benghazi.
Over the weekend, Gaddafi’s forces continued to hold the military …

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[18 Apr 2011 | One Comment | 5,433 views]
Washington’s Long War Against Africa

By James Petras / April 17th, 2011.
The US bombing of Libya in support of rebel clients in the spring of 2011 is part and parcel of a sustained policy of military intervention in Africa since at least the mid 1950’s. According to a US Congressional Research Service Study published in November 2010,1 Washington has dispatched anywhere between hundreds and several thousand combat troops, dozens of fighter planes and warships to buttress client dictatorships or to unseat adversarial regimes in dozens of countries, almost on a yearly bases.
The record shows the …

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[16 Apr 2011 | No Comment | 6,460 views]
BBC, Libya, & Cluster Bombs

Globalists want to expand Libya war- rhetoric fortuitously changes in tandem.
By Tony Cartalucci.
Bangkok, Thailand April 16, 2011 – The ink was not even dry on the joint op-ed in New York Times written under the names of Obama, Sarkozy, and Cameron, when justification for their proposed expansion of the conflict was conveniently rolled out for public consumption. Reports by the corporate-financier fundedHuman Rights Watch immediately followed up calls to expand the mandate in Libya, claiming “cluster bombs” were being used in the city of Misrata.
The Libyan government has denied these allegations stating …