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[1 Mar 2011 | No Comment | 11,894 views]
The Noble American Humanitarian, from Iraq to Libya

Hat tip to ‘Off the freakin’ track’ for translating and forwarding this.
Here’s a few short words (paraphrased) from Belgian writer Michel Collon.

NATO stands ready to intervene in Libya. Thus, those who bomb civilians in Afghanistan, want to protect them in Libya. Those who would not lift a finger when Israel massacred Gaza have suddenly developed an immense love for the Arabs!
As Henry Kissinger once confessed: “The main powers have no principles, only interests.”
Even if we wish for the suffering of Libyans to stop, they will suffer no less under an …

Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[30 Oct 2010 | No Comment | 11,659 views]
Security alert ties up US air cargo shipments

By Patrick Martin.
Air cargo shipments across the Atlantic and along the US East Coast were brought to a standstill Friday in a terrorism scare that included searches of cargo planes and hangars in New York, Newark and Philadelphia.
Fighter jets escorted a passenger jet from the United Arab Emirates to New York’s JFK airport, allegedly because of a single package from Yemen in the aircraft’s cargo. Canadian Air Force jets first intercepted Emirates Airways Flight 201 as it entered North American airspace, and F-16s picked up the plane at the US …

Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[6 Jul 2010 | No Comment | 5,379 views]
Oil Imperialism and the US-Israel Relationship

Noam Chomsky interviewed by Roger Hurwitz, David Woolf & Sherman Teichman
Leviathan, 1:1-3, Spring, 1977, pp. 6-9, 86 [March, 1977]
QUESTION: Given the fact that now you have a government dominated by people like Carter and Brzezinski who were deeply involved in the Trilateral Commission, which emphasized maintaining a strong relationship with both Western Europe and Japan, will there be a new emphasis on new policy?
CHOMSKY: First of all, I don’t think there is any significant difference between the Trilateral view and the Kissinger view. The difference is …