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[16 Nov 2012 | 2 Comments | 13,560 views]
WATCH: Israeli Occupiers Suppress Gaza Protest in Jerusalem

By the Editor.
Today at approximately 12:30pm Israeli forces put down a Gaza protest at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. Several youths were abducted by the occupying forces, and women were shoved to the ground by soldiers and border police.
The first video is filmed looking down on Damascus Gate from the outside, and shows a number of youths being attacked and taken away by Israeli forces.

(Video: 16 November, 2012. Martin Iqbal)
I filmed the following video moments later on Sultan Suleiman Street immediately north of the gate, and it shows a Palestinian …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[27 Oct 2012 | 3 Comments | 14,856 views]
Palestine: Should We Celebrate Settler-Colonialists For Refusing to Serve in the IOF?

By the Editor.
Jewish ‘Israeli’ refusenik Moriel Rothman receives widespread media attention as Palestinian prisoner Ayman Sharawna, facing imminent death on hunger and water strike, is met with silence. Should we even be celebrating settler-colonialists who refuse to enlist?
“I, like many in the American Jewish community, am a Zionist“ ~ Moriel Rothman.
Recently, ‘Israeli’ refusenik Moriel Rothman was detained in ‘Israeli’ prison for refusing to enlist in the ‘Israeli’ Occupation Army. The individual action of refusing to enlist in the IOF is a commendable step. However with regards to …

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[12 Aug 2012 | One Comment | 19,121 views]
PFLP leaders: Sinai attacks fit into the Zionist plan

Published August 12, 2012 by The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
Comrade Rabah Muhanna, member of the Political Bureau of the PFLP, said that the criminal attacks against the Egyptian soldiers in Sinai fit into the Zionist plan, aimed at straining the relationship between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Palestinian people at a memoriaal service for the Egyptian martyrs organized by Palestinian factions in Gaza. Hundreds of Palestinians attended the memorial, held at the Red Crescent hall in Gaza City, to express solidarity with the Egyptian people.
Comrade …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[17 Jul 2012 | 5 Comments | 14,141 views]
The Visible Ghosts of Palestine

By the Editor.
A walk through occupied Al Khalil (Hebron) offers a shocking and heartbreaking insight into the struggle of the oppressed souls of one of Palestine’s most important cities. Day by day, Al Khalil is becoming a ghost town as the indigenous Palestinians are forced out through a wickedly evil campaign of terrorism, intimidation, and oppression.
Israel’s occupation is multi-faceted, one which attacks the Palestinians’ freedom, culture, economy, and way of life, as well as their very survival in ways which will shock and perturb any person who harbours even …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[14 Jun 2012 | 9 Comments | 52,153 views]
The Palestine Solidarity Movement: A Recipe for Kosher anti-Zionism

By the Editor.
British Palestine Solidarity outfit ‘Palestine Place’ provides a platform for anti-Syrian speakers, while ostracising and banning activists who choose to discuss topics designated as ‘no-go’ by Zionist ideology. This is symptomatic of a wider disease prevalent in the ‘Palestine Solidarity Movement’.
The Palestine Solidarity Movement, not only within the UK but across nations worldwide, is becoming increasingly fractured and impotent. The movement is characterised by swathes of different groups squabbling amongst themselves, and ostracising members(1) who cross certain red lines – red lines which have been drawn …

Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[7 Jun 2011 | One Comment | 7,371 views]
West Bank activist Bassem Tamimi to Israeli judge: Your military laws are illegitimate, our struggle against occupation is just

06 June 2011 | Popular Struggle Coordination Committee.
Tamimi, who has been held in custody for over two months, pleaded not guilty to the charges against him and held a defiant speech explaining his motivation for organizing civil resistance to the Occupation. See his full statement below.
After more than two months in custody, the trial of Bassem Tamimi, a 44 year-old protest organizer from the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, finally commenced yesterday. Tamimi, who is the coordinator for the Nabi Saleh popular committee, pleaded not guilty to the charges …

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[6 Jun 2011 | No Comment | 7,809 views]
Welcome to the violent world of Mr. Hopey Changey

By John Pilger, 26 May 2011.
When Britain lost control of Egypt in 1956, Prime Minister Anthony Eden said he wanted the nationalist president Gamal Abdel Nasser “destroyed… murdered… I don’t give a damn if there’s anarchy and chaos in Egypt”. Those insolent Arabs, Winston Churchill had urged in 1951, should be driven “into the gutter from which they should never have emerged”.
The language of colonialism may have been modified; the spirit and the hypocrisy are unchanged. A new imperial phase is unfolding in direct response to the Arab uprising …

Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[16 May 2011 | No Comment | 7,569 views]
Israeli troops kill unarmed Palestinian protestors on borders

By Patrick O’Connor.
Israeli soldiers yesterday killed at least fifteen Palestinians and wounded many more as they suppressed protests held at border posts facing Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza to mark the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the Zionist state.
This latest massacre of Palestinian civilians inflicted by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) again demonstrates the Israeli government’s brazenly unlawful operations. The situation also exposes the Obama administration’s “humanitarian” pretext for the bombardment of Libya.
NATO’s war is supposedly necessary to protect unarmed civilians from the possibility of being killed by government forces—but …

Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[11 Jan 2011 | 2 Comments | 6,869 views]
Gaza on the edge of no return

A fragile ceasefire holds in Gaza, but it can’t last. Amira Hass – an Israeli journalist who lived there for three years – reports on the unbearable tension of life inside the strip.
“Get away from the window, you’re crazy!” screamed Kauthar. She was terrified to find her daughter standing on the couch by the window, observing the street from the seventh floor. The window had bars. She was afraid not that the girl might fall, but that she would be struck by fire from a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle). A …