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Articles tagged with: public spending cuts

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[19 Dec 2010 | One Comment | 5,790 views]
Resisting an ideology of inequality: Jody McIntyre interviewed

Matthew Cassel, The Electronic Intifada, 17 December 2010.
Over the past month, journalist and activist Jody McIntyre has joined a growing number of students, workers, activists and others in the United Kingdom in protesting a government decision to cut public sector funding, especially in the field of education. Last week, as tens of thousands of students took to the streets of central London, parliament voted in favor of a plan that will raise tuition fees by 300 percent.
Jody, who spent months alongside Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip protesting …

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[15 Dec 2010 | No Comment | 5,053 views]
Jody McIntyre Destroys BBC Reporter Live On Air

By the Editor.
Hat tip to Scott Creighton over at American Everyman for posting this video.
Recently assaulted activist and demonstrator Jody McIntyre, verbally demolishes a BBC reporter live on air in this video interview. After the condescending, patronising interviewer’s repeated attempts to paint Jody and his fellow protesters as violent and threatening, Jody responds:
“Do you think that I could have, in any way, posed a physical threat from the seat of my wheelchair, to an army of police officers armed with weapons? This whole line of argument is absolutely ludicrous …

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[19 Nov 2010 | One Comment | 6,661 views]
Europe’s dirty secret

By Stefan Steinberg and Barry Grey.
In a revealing admission concerning the relationship between capitalist governments and international financial interests, the Financial Times on Tuesday wrote of “Europe’s dirty secret.”
The newspaper editorialized against the plan of the European Union, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund to loan Ireland tens of billions of euros in order to guarantee in full the investments of international bankers and bondholders in the country’s failing banking system.
Under the plan, Ireland will effectively surrender sovereignty over its economic policy to the EU and …

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[17 Nov 2010 | One Comment | 8,739 views]
The party game is over. Stand and fight

By John Pilger.
“Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth, like dew
Which in sleep had fall’n on you:
Ye are many – they are few.”
These days, the stirring lines of Percy Shelley’s “Mask of Anarchy” may seem unattainable. I don’t think so. Shelley was both a Romantic and political truth-teller. His words resonate now because only one political course is left to those who are disenfranchised and whose ruin is announced on a government spreadsheet.
Born of the “never again” spirit of 1945, social democracy has surrendered to an …

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[11 Nov 2010 | No Comment | 3,465 views]
Students shake the halls of power

Morning Star, Wednesday 10 November 2010.
Over 50,000 workers and students shook the Westminster halls of power today with a march against the raising of tuition fees.
Anger at the Con-Dem cuts and fee rises spilled over just hours after the march with 300 protesters occupying Tory HQ at Millbank.
Windows were smashed and small fires started inside with nine protesters and two police officers reportedly injured.
Riot police were so overwhelmed by the 2,000-strong protest outside Millbank that as the Star went to press the building remained occupied and they had abandoned plans …

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[21 Oct 2010 | No Comment | 4,414 views]
British government announces unprecedented social cuts

By Ann Talbot.
The Conservative-Liberal Democrat government’s autumn spending review has introduced the most savage package of public spending cuts ever seen in Britain. Half a million public-sector jobs will be lost as £83 billion, or $128 billion, is cut from the budget. Another half million private-sector jobs will go as a result.
Spending for welfare benefits will be slashed by a total of £18 billion between the cuts contained in the spending review and those already made in the emergency budget earlier this year.
The military faces an 8 percent average cut …