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Libya: full-scale US invasion planned for October; special forces on ground since February

18 June 2011 21,040 views 19 Comments

By the Editor.

Military sources that have contacted Infowars have information suggesting that a full-scale US ground invasion is in the works for Libya, reportedly slated for October. This comes as no surprise. After three months of war, NATO has spectacularly failed to achieve its objective of regime change using its bumbling CIA-led, al-Qaeda linked ‘rebels’, supported by special forces on the ground since before a single bomb was dropped.

NATO troops on the ground before airstrikes began

Remember the fact that NATO troops are currently on the ground in Libya and have been for months already. Take the following news reports (emphases added):

Press TV, 01 March 2011:
Britain, France and the United States have dispatched hundreds of military advisors to Libya to set up military bases in the country’s oil-rich east, reports say.

British and US special forces entered Libyan port cities of Benghazi and Toburk on February 23 and 24.

The UK Telegraph, 02 March 2011:
Special forces are thought to have been in Libya for about 10 days and have already played a leading role in rescuing hundreds of oil workers.

The UK Mirror, 20 March 2011:
Hundreds of British SAS soldiers have been operating with rebel groups inside Libya for three weeks, the Sunday Mirror can reveal today.

The UK Daily Mail, 25 March 2011:
The bombing of the country came as it was revealed that hundreds of British special forces troops have been deployed deep inside Libya targeting Colonel Gaddafi’s forces – and more are on standby.

While Chancellor George Osborne repeated that UK ground troops would not be involved, the Daily Mail can reveal there are an estimated 350 already mounting covert operations.

In total it is understood that just under 250 UK special forces soldiers and their support have been in Libya since before the launch of air strikes to enforce the no-fly zone against Gaddafi’s forces.

The troops in Libya were drawn from a squadron of SAS and SBS personnel, some who have been in the country for a month and are being re-supplied with water, food and ammunition via airdrops from Cyprus.

Those numbers were further boosted by nearly 100 this week when paratroopers from the Special Forces Support Group (SFSG) were sent to Libya as coalition commanders prepare to increase the tempo of operations.

A further 800 Royal Marines are on five days’ notice to deploy to the Mediterranean to support humanitarian relief and aid operations.

After reading these reports in March I wrote to my elected representative demanding to know whether British troops were in fact in Libya. In response, the UK Minister for the Armed Forces refused to comment, but admitted to the presence of a UK ‘military mentoring’ team in Libya.

NATO’s repeated assertions that a ground invasion is not on the table simply distract from the self-evident truth: it has already started.

Full-scale ground invasion planned for Autumn 2011

In mid April I reported on a Department of Defense press release which hinted at preparations being made for a full-scale ground invasion of Libya. Adding weight to this, Infowars has spoken to sources inside the Ft. Hood military installation in Texas who claim that a full-scale ground invasion of Libya is planned for October-November this year.

One source ‘Chris’, in Maryland, former Special Ops, confirmed the following:

…additional Special Forces are headed to Libya in July, with a Cavalry Division (heavy armor) and three corps deploying in late October and early November. Initial numbers are estimated at 12,000 active forces and another 15,000 in support, totaling nearly 30,000 troops.

Another source known as ‘Specialist H’, Mortuary Affairs at USCENTCOM tells of US casualties that have already fallen in Libya. According to him, 2 US soldiers and 3 civilians have already died in Libya from combat bullet wounds. If true, this is something that is yet to be reported by the Western press. The Infowars video report can be viewed below.

At the outset of the war, NATO leaders scoffed when analysts suggested regime change was their goal. Now the pretense has been well and truly dropped, with American and European leaders demanding Gaddafi step down at every verse end (when they’re not busy trying to kill him, murdering civilians and children in the process). With ground troops already in Libya and NATO’s blundering mission failing miserably, it seems that the ‘no ground invasion’ pretense is about to be dropped just as quickly.

~ empirestrikesblack | Follow @nit2am on Twitter


  • ukmitch said:

    The ground invasion can’t come soon enough. Let’s see the gloves taken off. We need to fight dirt with dirt. It will also give those guardians of liberty and human rights, Russia and China, something else to winge about, when their friend Gaddifi is booted out, hopefully en route to the Hague.

  • Jack Orf said:

    I apologize to the world over ukmitch’s comments. A good portion of us in the USA know this is all a joke and not real. I won’t be waving my flag when we “win” either.

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