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911: The Charlie Veitch Situation

5 July 2011 7,835 views 2 Comments

By the Editor.

In ‘Charlie Veitch is a sell-out and a coward‘, I wrote about Veitch’s sudden u-turn on 9/11. Just to update the situation – since then it has come out that the TV show he has been invited to work on is by the BBC and is aimed at debunking ‘9/11 conspiracies’. Don’t all gasp at once.

This is precisely what we’ve all been expecting as the tenth anniversary approaches – more misdirection and propaganda to discredit the truth movement and distract from the ongoing cover-up. The Critical Thought Agenda have compiled a short video that lays down very accurately (I’d argue) what the BBC has up its sleeve. We have to make sure the herd doesn’t fall for this pernicious propaganda.


  • ME said:


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