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[8 Jun 2011 | 4 Comments | 51,089 views]
Viagra-induced rape: ICC ups the ante on propaganda as desperate NATO struggles to crush Libyan resistance

By the Editor.
Several news outlets including the BBC, right wing Israeli paper Ynet News, and Yahoo News, are running the latest instalment in the desperate propaganda effort to bolster NATO’s flagging war on Libya.
The chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, has said at a news conference today that his office is investigating the possibility that Gaddafi ordered rape to be used as a weapon to ‘control’ the population. Without providing a single shred of evidence Ocampo expounds what is basically a litany of baseless hearsay …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[7 Jun 2011 | One Comment | 27,190 views]
UK Government admits to military ‘mentoring’ team in Libya, refuses to discuss special forces operations

By the Editor.
Immediately after the onset of Operation Odyssey Dawn, the British media was replete with reports of British boots on the ground in Libya. Such a flagrant violation of international law (and the UN resolution that NATO purports to be acting on) prompted me to write to my elected representative for some answers. On Tuesday 29 March – 11 days after the start of NATO’s illegal aggression, I wrote to Julian Huppert – Member of Parliament for Cambridge.
2 months later, I have now received a response which …

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[5 Jun 2011 | No Comment | 14,130 views]
Al Jazeera continues to flog mythical Libya narrative

By the Editor.
It’s astonishing that Al-Jazeera can still refer to the NATO-backed, CIA-led, al-Qaeda linked ‘rebels’ as the ‘Libyan people’.  They continue to plug the tired old lie that the Libyan insurrection is a popular uprising, rather than a violent, foreign-linked and backed attempt at regime change.  This isn’t astonishing at all however, knowing what Al-Jazeera has been like from the start on this.
Over 700 civilian deaths as a result of NATO bombing in Libya is conspicuously absent from this poor excuse for journalism.
To see more of Al-Jazeera’s shameful warmongering, …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[28 May 2011 | One Comment | 7,979 views]
Gaddafi’s wife breaks silence, speaks to CNN – slams NATO war crimes, ‘life has no value’

By the Editor.
CNN reporter Nima Elbagir has purportedly spoken to Safia Gaddafi, wife of Muammar Gaddafi in what CNN claims is the first time she has spoken to foreign or domestic media. The interview was arranged by CNN, through Safia’s office manager.
Safia decided to come forward due to the NATO murder of her son Saif Al-Arab, along with 3 of Gaddafi’s grandchildren, all of whom were under the age of 12. This heinous war crime has been brushed under the carpet by the contrived bin Laden fairy tale, …

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[12 May 2011 | 6 Comments | 43,227 views]
7/7: the terror drill, the military explosives, and the Israeli connection

By the Editor.
The official 7/7 account, as with 9/11, is a pack of lies. Though several independent researchers have done a great job in exposing the myth, it has been bolstered by a faux inquest, a fawning corporate media, and a largely unquestioning, overly trusting public.
Most notably, John Hill’s film 7/7 Ripple Effect reviews the evidence and lays out an alternate (and much more credible) narrative. I highly recommend it; you can view it here.
7/7 exhibits eerie similarities with the 9/11 cover-up including the simultaneous drills taking place …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[14 Apr 2011 | 3 Comments | 8,455 views]
Department of Defense Press Release Hints at Impending Ground Invasion of Libya

By the Editor.
As Al Jazeera reports an impending escalation in the war on Libya, the following April 08 press release from the Department of Defense hints at a ground invasion involving US troops, as well as a general escalation of the US war effort despite Obama claiming to have taken a back seat. The DoD has decided to keep two of its European brigade combat teams that were previously slated for withdrawal, citing the reason as being to “maintain a flexible and rapidly deployable ground force to fulfill the United …

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[2 Apr 2011 | 3 Comments | 15,619 views]
7/7 2005: Forensic Investigations Find Military Grade Explosives at All Four Sites; Official Narrative Mysteriously Changes to ‘Homemade’ Explosives

Editor’s note.
In the immediate aftermath of the 7th July 2005 bombings, forensic investigations found traces of military grade high explosives at all four bomb sites. This was widely reported in the media (see sources below). As time went on, the UK government’s (and its mouthpiece, the BBC’s) official narrative changed to ‘homemade explosives’.  Reports of high explosives being used are now very difficult to find, and have never been mentioned again.
Forensic investigations are a scientific process. The presence of military grade high explosives was confirmed by Christophe …

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[17 Mar 2011 | 6 Comments | 33,016 views]
Libya: The Western-Linked and Backed National Council, and the Hallmarks of War Propaganda

By the Editor.
The Libyan National Council is the ‘opposition’ inasmuch as the US State Department is the ‘opposition’.
Leading Libyan opposition figure and executive of Libya’s National Transitional Council (aka ‘Interim Governing Council’, ‘National Transitional Council’, and ‘Libyan National Council’) Mr Mahmoud Jibril, is not only a leading proponent of neoliberal ‘trade reform’ in Libya, but he has close links with the US and UK. This ex-Gaddafi insider studied and taught in the US for several years, and he is head of Libya’s biggest think tank, the National Economic Development …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[21 Feb 2011 | One Comment | 5,463 views]
Economic Terrorism: Egypt in the Crosshairs

By the Editor.
The UK Independent is today reporting that globalist David Cameron is flying to Egypt for ‘talks’.
Free-market fundamentalist Cameron takes every opportunity to wax lyrical about how we must ‘open markets’ and deregulate economies in order to prosper. Further, in his recent speech to the Kuwaiti national assembly he stressed the need for economic reform in the Middle East:
“In the end, 21st century economies require open societies. I am convinced that the best guarantor of prosperity and stability is for economic and political progress to go in …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[12 Feb 2011 | 2 Comments | 14,587 views]
Who is Wael Ghonim?

By the Editor.
It’s truly inspiring to see what the Egyptians have achieved.  The hard part starts now though.  Mubarak may be gone, but those who supported him for so long will be seeking to co-opt this revolution to maintain the status quo.  There are already signs of this happening, I hope that the Egyptians can keep their eyes peeled – they will need to watch the American hand like a hawk if they want to achieve true freedom.
You might have heard of a guy called Wael Ghonim, a 30 year …