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By Tony Cartalucci.
In a war the globalists dared not even debate domestically amongst their bankrupt, imploding societies, they are now oafishly extending their litany of verifiable lies, and unverified accusations over the combat phase of their meddling in Libya.
We were told that UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution 1973 was to establish a no-fly zone over Libya to protect civilians. We would only be kidding ourselves if we didn’t realize the entire resolution was just the “camel’s nose entering the tent” – and that full-fledged war …
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By Patrick Martin, originally titled: US, France and Britain launch war of aggression against Libya
The United States, France and Britain began air strikes and missile attacks on Libyan targets Saturday, initiating a war of aggression that threatens to destabilize North Africa and the entire Middle East. The first two days of bombing have already claimed many lives among the Libyan population that the imperialist powers falsely claim to be protecting.
The war is the first step in a campaign by Washington and its partners in crime to strike back against the …
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Written by Chris Floyd.
When the UN intervention into Libya was first announced, we immediately heard how the United States would not be in the forefront of the military action; the lead would be taken by other nations, with US acting largely as a supplier and facilitator for the “broad-based coalition” arrayed against Libya (including some real live Ay-rabs! as the interventionists enthusiastically noted.) But it took less than two days to give the lie to this claim.
On Saturday, just after the French — …
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Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
March 19, 2011
Washington DC, March 19 – Late today US and British cruise missiles joined with French and other NATO combat aircraft in Operation Odyssey Dawn/Operation Ellamy, a neo-imperialist bombing attack under fake humanitarian cover against the sovereign state of Libya. Acting under UN Security Council resolution 1973, US naval forces in the Mediterranean on Saturday night local time fired 112 cruise missiles at targets which the Pentagon claimed were related to Libya’s air defense system. But Mohammed …
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By Scott Creighton.
The UN Security Council passed the “no fly” resolution pertaining to Libya at around 6 pm this evening. Five countries abstained from voting.
But in the resolution, we can see what this is all about; getting the oil and getting our network of privately owned central banks into Libya. They will chop up the nationalized oil company of Libya and hand over their central banking system as well.
“The resolution establishes “a ban on all flights in the airspace of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya” while excluding an occupation force. It also calls …
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011 – by Staff Report (originally titled: “Desperate Cult of Technology”).
The bullying enforcement of digital viewing is enough to make me switch off, says Rowan Pelling … I’m not sure whether it’s surprising, or predictable, that I married the last man in the entire country who rents an analogue television set. My husband pays £10.80 a month for the privilege of having one of the nation’s most antiquated Panasonics, complete with hefty backside and 26-inch screen. This eccentric practice is not because he is too dim …
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Morning Star, Monday 14 March 2011.
William Hague’s backing for a no-fly zone, and his “sympathy” for former Tory foreign secretary Malcolm Rifkind’s call for military supplies to be sent openly to Libyan opposition forces, are extremely dangerous.
They should be understood in the context of the armed intervention by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Co-operation Council troops in Bahrain, and Arab League backing for a Libyan no-fly zone.
There is a coming together of hawkish European Union states, with Britain and France to the fore, and the Gulf feudal dynasties …
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The Observer, Sunday 10 November 2002 01.48 GMT.
British intelligence paid large sums of money to an al-Qaeda cell in Libya in a doomed attempt to assassinate Colonel Gadaffi in 1996 and thwarted early attempts to bring Osama bin Laden to justice.
The latest claims of MI6 involvement with Libya’s fearsome Islamic Fighting Group, which is connected to one of bin Laden’s trusted lieutenants, will be embarrassing to the Government, which described similar claims by renegade MI5 officer David Shayler as ‘pure fantasy’.
The allegations have emerged in the book Forbidden Truth …
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By Tony Cartalucci.
“Which Path to Persia?” was a Brookings Institute report written in 2009 describing in excruciating detail the Anglo-Americans’ designs against Iran. It included plans for provoking war with Iran, arming and supporting terrorists within Iran, and the funding and organizing of a color revolution, all within the admitted backdrop, not of protecting the continental United States from a dangerous Iran, but rather protecting American hegemony in the Middle East. And of course, the overthrow and reformation of Iran serves to …