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The world community is being subtly brainwashed to accept the radical neo-colonial policy of ‘humanitarian’ military intervention
Creative Destruction Part III
By F. William Engdahl. Global Research, May 4, 2011.
The most remarkable facet of NATO’s war against Libya is the fact that “world opinion,” that ever so nebulous thing, has accepted an act of overt military aggression against a sovereign country guilty of no violation of the UN Charter in an act of de facto neo-colonialism, a ‘humanitarian’ war in violation of basic precepts of the laws of nations. The …
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By Deborah Dupre. June 5th, 2011 12:23 pm ET.
Human rights violations escalating in Libya due to NATO strikes and related abuses all tied to CIA
Today, reports from Libya by independent journalists include NATO’s terrorizing children at school with bombs, evidence that the CIA has paved the way for the conflict by its involvement with Libyan rebels, and Cynthia McKinney in Tripoli Saturday visiting NATO injured hospital patients, one asking “Why do they want to kill us?”
Human rights violations in Libya are escalating due to NATO strikes and its related …
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By the Editor.
Immediately after the onset of Operation Odyssey Dawn, the British media was replete with reports of British boots on the ground in Libya. Such a flagrant violation of international law (and the UN resolution that NATO purports to be acting on) prompted me to write to my elected representative for some answers. On Tuesday 29 March – 11 days after the start of NATO’s illegal aggression, I wrote to Julian Huppert – Member of Parliament for Cambridge.
2 months later, I have now received a response which …
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06 June 2011 | Popular Struggle Coordination Committee.
Tamimi, who has been held in custody for over two months, pleaded not guilty to the charges against him and held a defiant speech explaining his motivation for organizing civil resistance to the Occupation. See his full statement below.
After more than two months in custody, the trial of Bassem Tamimi, a 44 year-old protest organizer from the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, finally commenced yesterday. Tamimi, who is the coordinator for the Nabi Saleh popular committee, pleaded not guilty to the charges …
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By John Pilger, 26 May 2011.
When Britain lost control of Egypt in 1956, Prime Minister Anthony Eden said he wanted the nationalist president Gamal Abdel Nasser “destroyed… murdered… I don’t give a damn if there’s anarchy and chaos in Egypt”. Those insolent Arabs, Winston Churchill had urged in 1951, should be driven “into the gutter from which they should never have emerged”.
The language of colonialism may have been modified; the spirit and the hypocrisy are unchanged. A new imperial phase is unfolding in direct response to the Arab uprising …
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By the Editor.
It’s astonishing that Al-Jazeera can still refer to the NATO-backed, CIA-led, al-Qaeda linked ‘rebels’ as the ‘Libyan people’. They continue to plug the tired old lie that the Libyan insurrection is a popular uprising, rather than a violent, foreign-linked and backed attempt at regime change. This isn’t astonishing at all however, knowing what Al-Jazeera has been like from the start on this.
Over 700 civilian deaths as a result of NATO bombing in Libya is conspicuously absent from this poor excuse for journalism.
To see more of Al-Jazeera’s shameful warmongering, …
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By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya. June 3, 2011.
Washington, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the European Union (EU) are talking about an endgame in Libya. David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy are talking about a new phase in the war as they prepare to send helicopter gunship squadrons to fight inside Libya. They claim that the departure of Colonel Gaddafi is imminent. The Italian Foreign Minister says Colonel Gaddafi is finished too. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen says the same. The leaders of the Benghazi-based Transitional Council are already speaking …
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What Does the ICC Stand For?
The Imperialist Crime Cover-Up
By DIANA JOHNSTONE. June 2, 2011.
Last May 16, Luis Moreno Ocampo, chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, officially sought an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Moammer Kadhafi for “crimes against humanity”. Also accused were the leader’s son Seif al-Islam Kadhafi and Libyan intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi.
U.S. jurist David Scheffer told Agence France Presse: “NATO will doubtless appreciate the ICC investigation and indictment of top Libyan leaders, including Kadhafi.”
Well, yes. And nobody is better placed to know what …
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Foreign Exchange: Saddam Turns His Back on Greenbacks
By William Dowell for TIME. Monday, Nov. 13, 2000.
Europe’s dream of promoting the euro as a competitor to the U.S. dollar may get a boost from SADDAM HUSSEIN. Iraq says that from now on, it wants payments for its oil in euros, despite the fact that the battered European currency unit, which used to be worth quite a bit more than $1, has dropped to about 82[cents]. Iraq says it will no longer accept dollars for oil because it does not want …
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By Miles Goslett for The Daily Mail. Last updated at 2:27 PM on 14th May 2011.
A helicopter mysteriously landed at the scene of Dr David Kelly’s death shortly after the body was found.
The aircraft only remained on the ground for five minutes before leaving, suggesting it either deposited or collected somebody or something.
Details from its flight log, released under the Freedom of Information Act, show that the helicopter – hired by Thames Valley police – landed at Harrowdown Hill in Oxfordshire at 10.55am on July 18, 2003, 90 minutes …