Editor’s note
The following analysis was emailed to me by Jonathan Azaziah after I had asked him for his thoughts on Communism. Specifically I asked Jonathan how one can reconcile the notion that Communism is supposed to be an ideology based on altruism and social justice, while, in the case of the Bolshevik Revolution, it has been characterised by tyranny, terrorism, and unspeakable suffering.
by Jonathan Azaziah.
I do not, repeat, do NOT view Communism (Marxism) as a movement and ideology based on social justice by any means. Communism was not birthed …
By the Editor.
A walk through occupied Al Khalil (Hebron) offers a shocking and heartbreaking insight into the struggle of the oppressed souls of one of Palestine’s most important cities. Day by day, Al Khalil is becoming a ghost town as the indigenous Palestinians are forced out through a wickedly evil campaign of terrorism, intimidation, and oppression.
Israel’s occupation is multi-faceted, one which attacks the Palestinians’ freedom, culture, economy, and way of life, as well as their very survival in ways which will shock and perturb any person who harbours even …
By the Editor.
There are two kinds of people in this world.
The first seeks knowledge, while the second seeks gratification.
The first trembles with anger when injustice is done to others; the second is numb and unconcerned.
The first recognises their duty to speak out, while the second dismisses injustice as being out of their hands or simply ‘the way it is’.
The first is loyal and loving to their human & non-human brothers and sisters, while the second is loyal to their nation.
The first rejects dogma and thinks independently; the second blindly respects …
By the Editor.
British Palestine Solidarity outfit ‘Palestine Place’ provides a platform for anti-Syrian speakers, while ostracising and banning activists who choose to discuss topics designated as ‘no-go’ by Zionist ideology. This is symptomatic of a wider disease prevalent in the ‘Palestine Solidarity Movement’.
The Palestine Solidarity Movement, not only within the UK but across nations worldwide, is becoming increasingly fractured and impotent. The movement is characterised by swathes of different groups squabbling amongst themselves, and ostracising members(1) who cross certain red lines – red lines which have been drawn …
A leading German daily has revealed that the Houla Massacre was carried out by the ‘rebels’ in Syria. Those killed were nearly exclusively families from the Alawi and Shia minorities in Sunni-majority Houla. This included several dozen members of one extended family, which had converted from Sunni to Shia Islam. Also killed was the family of a Sunni member of parliament who was considered a government collaborator by the rebels.
Posted by b on June 9, 2012.
The prime German daily, the center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, has anew report (in …