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[15 Jan 2012 | One Comment | 23,351 views]
“International Zionism Is Strangling The World”: Interview With Jonathan Azaziah

by Kourosh Ziabari.
Jonathan Azaziah is an Iraqi-American Muslim poet, activist, analyst, writer and journalist from Brooklyn, New York, currently residing in Florida. His articles, poems and music predominantly deal with international Zionism and the cruel effect that it has on the world’s oppressed people. He is also a staff writer for Pakistan’s premier alternative media outlet, Opinion Maker, and a frequent guest and co-host of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement’s Ugly Truth radio broadcast.
Jonathan took part in an enlightening, explosive interview with me and expressed his viewpoints regarding the renewed war threats …

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[11 Dec 2011 | One Comment | 66,392 views]
Game-changing and decisive events unfold at breakneck pace in Pakistan

By the Editor.
Read on for breaking analysis from Pakistani luminary Zaid Hamid. Events are fast unfolding, and with potentially dire global implications. In summary:

The corrupt head of Pakistani puppet regime Zardari flees to Dubai for “treatment” after a “heart attack”. In reality he is meeting with the CIA to try and save his regime;
Pakistani army claims recent US attacks on Pakistan “deliberate”, “part of a plot” and to support the TTP insurgents;
US forces forced to vacate Shamsi airbase in southwest Pakistan. Shamsi was being used for …

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[20 Nov 2011 | No Comment | 8,376 views]
Matthew Gould and the Plot to Attack Iran

British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould held meetings with Minister of Defence Liam Fox (including in his capacity as Shadow Minister of Defence), pro-Israel lobby groups, and Mossad. Gould and Fox now stand suspected of long term participation with Israel in a scheme to forward war with Iran.
by Craig Murray on November 14, 2011 12:03 pm.
This is Matthew Gould, second from right, British Ambassador to Israel, who was pictured speaking at a meeting of the Leeds Zionist Federation that was also the opening of the Leeds Hasbarah Centre. The Leeds Zionist …

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[14 May 2011 | No Comment | 8,120 views]
Pakistan: US has Overstayed Welcome

Amidst drone attacks & bombings, Pakistan threatens to strand US forces in Afghanistan
By Tony Cartalucci.
Bangkok, Thailand May 14, 2011 – After a double bombing in Pakistan’s north that resulted in over 80 deaths, the Western media was quick to report an unverified phone-call made from an “undisclosed location” to Reuters and AFP claiming the Taliban was responsible.
Reuters stated, “Now Pakistani rulers, President Zardari and the army will be our first targets. America will be our second target,” Ehsanullah Ehsan, a spokesman for Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan …

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[9 Mar 2011 | No Comment | 9,659 views]
Brookings Institute/ex-CIA Wonk Reveals Middle East Agenda

By Tony Cartalucci.
“Which Path to Persia?” was a Brookings Institute report written in 2009 describing in excruciating detail the Anglo-Americans’ designs against Iran. It included plans for provoking war with Iran, arming and supporting terrorists within Iran, and the funding and organizing of a color revolution, all within the admitted backdrop, not of protecting the continental United States from a dangerous Iran, but rather protecting American hegemony in the Middle East. And of course, the overthrow and reformation of Iran serves to …

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[13 Jan 2011 | No Comment | 7,997 views]
Even Lost Wars Make Corporations Rich

By Chris Hedges.
Power does not rest with the electorate. It does not reside with either of the two major political parties. It is not represented by the press. It is not arbitrated by a judiciary that protects us from predators. Power rests with corporations. And corporations gain very lucrative profits from war, even wars we have no chance of winning. All polite appeals to the formal systems of power will not end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We must physically obstruct the war machine or accept a role as …

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[4 Dec 2010 | No Comment | 6,917 views]
Wikileaks, Iran, and the US’s Arab Allies: What the Corporate Media Are Not Saying

By Deepa Kumar.
The corporate media are reliable and consistent.  They consistently focus on the sensational, and they reliably take the position of the US government.  So, it should come as no surprise that the recent release of US diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks is being covered with much sound and fury, signifying little.
On the sensational and gossip-mongering front we have Gaddafi’s Ukrainian nurse, Angela Merkel’s “manly” leadership skills, Putin’s cozy relationship with Berlusconi, sex crimes charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, etc.  On the mundane lapdog front we have repeated stories touting …

Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[17 Oct 2010 | No Comment | 8,111 views]
The War On Terror

By Paul Craig Roberts.
Does anyone remember the “cakewalk war” that would last six weeks, cost $50-$60 billion, and be paid for out of Iraqi oil revenues?
Does anyone remember that White House economist Lawrence Lindsey was fired by Dubya because Lindsey estimated that the Iraq war could cost as much as $200 billion?
Lindsey was fired for over-estimating the cost of a war that, according to Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, has cost 15 times more than Lindsey estimated. And the US still has 50,000 troops in Iraq.
Does anyone remember that …

blog, Featured, North America, The Arab World »

[31 Aug 2010 | 10 Comments | 22,618 views]
Wall Street ‘Exposé’ Directed by CFR Shill

By the Editor.
My curiosity was piqued when a friend told me of the upcoming Wall Street documentary exposé ‘Inside Job’. It’s got some pretty good reviews, and perhaps it will pack enough punch to educate the general public about the theft of taxpayer money that constituted the euphemistically termed ‘bailout’. Online reviews have praised the film, “A wake-up call of macroeconomic proportions”, “Economics explained beautifully” – certainly sounds worth a watch.
Admittedly though, you have to be quite naive to think that a genuine expose of Wall Street could …

blog, Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[20 Aug 2010 | 3 Comments | 25,546 views]
Hollywood – Manufacturing Consent

By the Editor.
I learned of Oliver Stone’s new documentary film ‘South of the Border’ many months ago, and have been eagerly anticipating it ever since. It’s a welcome change from the suffocating bias that clouds the mainstream media (especially in the US) with regards to South America and Hugo Chavez in particular. In a nutshell, Stone’s new piece gives the viewer an insight into the Socialist revolution in South America and the leaders pioneering it. You’ll also get a brief history of how US imperialism and financial …