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[1 Dec 2012 | No Comment | 24,459 views]
Speak2Tweet: Google & Twitter Partner Up with US State Dept. to Monopolise Information Flow Out of Syria

By the Editor.
Amid Internet and telephone network outages in Syria, US-trained opposition activists use US-supplied satellite phones to contact Google & Twitter’s ‘Speak2Tweet‘ service. Despite these efforts, the service seems so far to be a resounding failure.
Internet and telecommunications networks have been failing across Syria, leading some including Tony Cartalucci to speculate that NATO may be preparing a psychological warfare operation(1) to bolster the flagging unconventional war against Syria.
Recent developments add weight to this theory. There are now reports(2) that Google and Twitter have re-launched their ‘Speak2Tweet’(3) service …

blog, Featured, North America, The Arab World »

[9 Jun 2012 | 20 Comments | 58,967 views]
Avaaz: Empire Propaganda Mill Masquerading as Grassroots Activism

By the Editor.
‘Activism’ and ‘human rights’ foundation Avaaz blames the Houla massacre on Assad and calls for foreign intervention. A peek into the background of Avaaz explains its pro-empire position, and who is really behind it.
The ultra-shadowy Avaaz Foundation is purportedly a non-governmental organisation that seeks to(1) “close the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want.”
A mere three days after the Houla Massacre in Syria, while all parties were clamouring to figure out what had happened and who was responsible, Avaaz took the …

The Arab World »

[27 Feb 2012 | One Comment | 38,643 views]
Encircled Syrian Rebels Using Western Journalists As Human Shields In Homs

For the release of our compatriots and colleagues held captive in Baba Amr
by Thierry Meyssan, 26 February, 2012.
Several journalists are held in the sealed-off Baba Amr area. According to Atlanticist leaders, they are prevented from leaving by the constant pounding of the rebel stronghold by the Syrian Army. As an on-the-spot privileged witness of the negotiations, Thierry Meyssan gives an account of the situation: the journalists are kept as prisoners by the Free “Syrian” Army which uses them as human shields. Their evacuation by the Syrian Red Crescent has been …

blog, Central & South Asia, Featured »

[17 Jan 2012 | One Comment | 23,171 views]
The Salala Massacre: NATO’s Naked Aggression Against Pakistan And The Hegemonic Israeli-Indo-American Strategy Behind It

by the Editor and Jonathan Azaziah.
NATO’s Bloody Attack On Pakistan: The Motive
In the early morning of Saturday 26 November two NATO Apache helicopters, an AC-130 gunship, and a number of fighter jets perpetrated a sustained and deadly attack on two Pakistani army border posts on the Afghan-Pakistan border. Located high on the Salala mountain ridge, the two army posts were brutally attacked for approximately two hours. In what was evidently a naked act of aggression, the US-led forces bombarded the border posts for forty-five minutes, left for twenty minutes, and …

Featured, North America, The Arab World »

[13 Jan 2012 | 3 Comments | 14,675 views]
Cynthia McKinney: Why is President Obama sending 12, 000 U.S. troops to Libya?

Those who create the chaos have a plan and in the midst of chaos, they usually are the ones who will win.  Those who wrote the plan of this chaos were affiliated with the Project for a New American Century–read A Clean Break if you already haven’t.
by Cynthia McKinney.
It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and Libyan sources that our President now has 12,000 U.S. troops stationed in Malta and they are about to make their descent into Libya.
For those of you who have …

blog, Central & South Asia, Featured »

[11 Dec 2011 | One Comment | 66,392 views]
Game-changing and decisive events unfold at breakneck pace in Pakistan

By the Editor.
Read on for breaking analysis from Pakistani luminary Zaid Hamid. Events are fast unfolding, and with potentially dire global implications. In summary:

The corrupt head of Pakistani puppet regime Zardari flees to Dubai for “treatment” after a “heart attack”. In reality he is meeting with the CIA to try and save his regime;
Pakistani army claims recent US attacks on Pakistan “deliberate”, “part of a plot” and to support the TTP insurgents;
US forces forced to vacate Shamsi airbase in southwest Pakistan. Shamsi was being used for …

Featured, The Arab World »

[27 Oct 2011 | 22 Comments | 25,928 views]
The Destruction of Libya and the Murder of Muammar Gaddafi

by P. Ngigi Njoroge, 24 October, 2011.
I get terribly affected by the kind of things that are happening today, and confess to not being able to be dispassionate.
But some important facts we should keep in view if we want to remain sane and work out a saving response to European and American criminal aggression against us are the following.
Muammar Gaddafi came from an Arab tribe living in Libya. He belonged to a culture completely different from American and European culture. He therefore did not—and never pretended to—champion Western values of …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[22 Oct 2011 | 18 Comments | 56,585 views]
The ‘rebel’ assassination of Muammar Gaddafi: a NATO operation from A to Z

By the Editor.
Updated 24 October, 2011 – click here to go to the update.
Muammar Gaddafi – revolutionary leader of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya – was assassinated on Thursday 20 October, 2011, in the Libyan city of Sirte. The precise circumstances surrounding his death have been clouded with mystery and contradicting reports, but the media consensus is that NATO’s ‘rebel’ stooges captured and killed him. This has lent the unelected and universally despised NTC occupation government a decisive propaganda victory in the war on Libya. However, a picture …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[7 Oct 2011 | 3 Comments | 14,492 views]
NATO & NTC militia employ ‘Fallujah’ tactics in Sirte; critical humanitarian catastrophe unfolding as civilians are openly targeted

By the Editor.
A major humanitarian catastrophe is afflicting Sirte, as NATO and NTC militia employ ‘Fallujah’ tactics. Sirte is being transformed into a ‘free-fire’ zone where civilians and civilian buildings are being openly targeted in order to crush resistance and terrorise residents into flight.
In this report alone:

Residents suffering indiscriminate shelling, mortars, and rocket fire;
Patients dying as hospitals lose power, lack medicines, oxygen, and fuel;
NATO bombs hospital during NTC-announced ceasefire;
Civilian buildings and apartment blocks razed to the ground by NATO bombs;
Critical shortages of drinkable water, food;
NTC militia kill family in car, …

Featured, The Arab World »

[29 Sep 2011 | 4 Comments | 31,254 views]
Mass killing and humanitarian disaster in NATO siege of Sirte

by Bill Van Auken.
Refugees from the Libyan coastal city of Sirte report that thousands have died as a result of relentless NATO bombardment and shelling by the the Western-backed “rebels.”
The two-week-old NATO siege of Sirte has left the city without adequate food, drinkable water, medicine and other basic necessities of life, creating hellish condition for its population of 100,000.
While the Benghazi-based National Transitional Council (NTC) has repeatedly issued announcements that the so-called rebels had advanced toward the city center under NATO air cover, they have again and again been forced …