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[4 Jan 2014 | 9 Comments | 81,633 views]
BBC Caught Fabricating Videos to Push Libya and Syria War Agendas

By the Editor.
Many find it difficult to believe the sheer boldness of the lies peddled by the British Broadcasting Corporation – the world’s largest and most respected broadcasting organisation. Nevertheless, the BBC’s nefarious agenda has come to the fore during the wars on Libya and Syria, where it has taken every opportunity to justify foreign military intervention in both countries. In some cases the BBC has been quite ham-fisted in its attempts to deceive viewers, resulting in its foul play becoming readily apparent.
BBC claims footage of Indian protest …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[30 May 2012 | 9 Comments | 69,988 views]
Lies, Damned Lies, and Wikipedia

By the Editor.
How many times have you used Wikipedia when trying to find out the basic facts surrounding an unfamiliar event or topic? How many times has Wikipedia been your first port of call? When one seeks information online relating to a divisive, confusing, or hotly debated topic, nine times out of ten the first port of call will be a search engine, most likely Google. Resultingly (as we will see), the online encyclopedia ‘Wikipedia‘, now a household name, has become the chief first source of information …

blog, Featured, North America, The Arab World »

[23 Feb 2012 | 5 Comments | 32,634 views]
Zionist Media Domination: The Jewish Suicide Bomber That You Never Heard Of

By the Editor.
Updated February 24, 2012. Click here to go to the update.
In 1983 American police foiled a significant terror attack that most Americans to this day are utterly oblivious to. On October 18, 1983, a suicide bomber strapped with explosives was caught in the spectators’ gallery of the US House of Representatives, attempting to blow up the US Capitol.(1) The reason most Americans know nothing of this plot, is that the terrorist was a Jewish Israeli named ‘Israel Rabinowits’. The astounding ignorance of Americans is owing …

Featured, The Arab World »

[21 Nov 2011 | 5 Comments | 17,981 views]
Wadah Khanfar, Al-Jazeera and the Triumph of Televised Propaganda

by Thierry Meyssan, 26 September, 2011.
Al-Jazeera – the Qatari news channel that in the space of 15 years established itself in the Arab world as an innovative news outlet – suddenly embarked in a vast intoxication campaign to overthrow the regimes of Libya and Syria through any means. As demonstrated by Thierry Meyssan, this was not a conjunctural shift but one that was planned long in advance by individuals who shrewdly concealed their personal interests to the public. Revelations follow …
The Qatari-based Al-Jazeera channel announced the resignation of its director …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[25 Sep 2011 | 27 Comments | 46,746 views]
Libya: NTC concocts mass grave story in brazen propaganda ploy

By the Editor.
Updated 25 September, 2011 – click here to go to the update.
Updated again 28 September, 2011 – click here to go to this update.
In a truly stunning display of dishonesty, the BBC has reported, citing no evidence to back its claim, that a mass grave containing over 1,200 bodies has been found in Tripoli’s Abu Salim prison complex. The BBC attempts to tie this ‘finding’ to the equally concocted ‘Abu Salim prison massacre‘, as it claims that the bodies are those of the inmates supposedly killed in 1996.
In …

Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[20 Jul 2011 | No Comment | 25,592 views]
Sowing the Seeds of Violence and Instability

By Ghali Hassan. Tuesday, Jun 7, 2011.
“In terms of a violent society and armed citizens, the U.S. is in a league of its own and sadly the state of disregard for the law and justice filters all the way down from the White House.
– Yvonne Ridley, British journalist
In June 2006, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described the criminal destruction of Lebanon by the Israeli fascist forces as the “birth pang” of a “New Middle East” characterised by violence and instability. The aim is to break-up the Arab states …

blog, Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America »

[14 Jul 2011 | One Comment | 68,457 views]
UN 2011 mid-year report on Afghanistan reveals alarming new trend in war propaganda

By the Editor.
As the first half of 2011 sees record civilian deaths in occupied Afghanistan, the UN is today continuing its disgusting attempts to whitewash the US/NATO role.  With stunning audacity, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan’s 11 June press release attempted to absolve the US-NATO occupiers of any role in the record level of civilian deaths in the month of May 2011.
One month on, today’s 2011 Mid-year Report continues the same contemptuous apologist tactics, but it also reveals an alarming new trend in the UN’s war propaganda.  By …

Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[5 Jul 2011 | No Comment | 7,318 views]
The Powers of Manipulation: Islam as a Geopolitical Tool to Control the Middle East

by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya.
As Washington and its cohorts march towards the Eurasian Heartland, they have tried to manipulate Islam as a geo-political tool. They have created political and social chaos in the process. Along the way they have tried to redefine Islam and to subordinate it to the interests of global capital by ushering in a new generation of so-called Islamists, chiefly amongst the Arabs. 
The Project to Redefine Islam: Turkey as the New Model and “Calvinist Islam”
Turkey in its present form is now being presented as the democratic model for the rebelling Arab masses to …

Central & South Asia, Featured, North America »

[24 Jun 2011 | No Comment | 7,117 views]
Obama’s Afghanistan speech: An exercise in political duplicity

By Bill Van Auken, 23 June 2011.
In his nationally televised speech Wednesday night, President Barack Obama announced a minimal withdrawal of US troops from the nearly decade-old war in Afghanistan. Obama’s proposal represented a tacit admission of the failure of the US intervention in Afghanistan and of the immense crisis of American capitalism to which a decade of multi-trillion-dollar expenditures on militarism has substantially contributed.
In concrete terms, Obama’s withdrawal proposal was crafted to give the US military command nearly everything it wanted, while helping him to get through his next …

blog, Featured, Headline, The Arab World »

[22 Jun 2011 | 34 Comments | 32,152 views]
A note on the ‘disappointed Palestinians’ letter to Cynthia McKinney

By the Editor. (Last updated 24 June 2011)
Yesterday yansoon.net published an ‘Open Letter to Gaddafi Supporter Cynthia McKinney from Disappointed Palestinians’.  This group of completely anonymous ‘disappointed Palestinians’ slams McKinney for appearing on Libyan State TV and ‘praising Gaddafi’, as they put it.  What exactly gives these unknowns the right to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people is beyond me. Before I tackle this disingenuous letter, some background on Yansoon.
Yansoon claims to be a blog dedicated to providing news, opinion and analysis on Arab issues, primarily from young, …