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[9 Jun 2012 | 20 Comments | 58,986 views]
Avaaz: Empire Propaganda Mill Masquerading as Grassroots Activism

By the Editor.
‘Activism’ and ‘human rights’ foundation Avaaz blames the Houla massacre on Assad and calls for foreign intervention. A peek into the background of Avaaz explains its pro-empire position, and who is really behind it.
The ultra-shadowy Avaaz Foundation is purportedly a non-governmental organisation that seeks to(1) “close the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want.”
A mere three days after the Houla Massacre in Syria, while all parties were clamouring to figure out what had happened and who was responsible, Avaaz took the …

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[10 Apr 2012 | No Comment | 12,717 views]
Are Google Ideas and the Israel Lobby “trying to do good things for the world”?

Written by Maidhc Ó Cathail. March 30, 2012 at 2:27 am.
Looking through who Google Ideas director Jared Cohen is following on Twitter, I came across this intriguing connection to the Israel lobby:
Scott Carpenter ‏@JSCarpenter11
Principal, @GoogleIdeas, where thinking and technology tackle the thorniest problems. Previously founder and director of Project Fikra @washinstitute.
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) was created by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) “to do AIPAC’s work but appear independent.” According to the think tank AIPAC built, Project Fikra is “a multiyear program of research, publication, and …

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[2 Mar 2012 | One Comment | 32,937 views]
The Accusation Of “Anti-Semitism” I: Zionism, “Jewish Israelis” And Revisionism

by Jonathan Azaziah
Prelude: In the wake of my two-part deconstruction of “mask of Zion” wearer Uri Avnery and the grave intellectual and ideological  problems within the International Palestine Solidarity Movement, I was accused of “anti-Semitism” by a well-known voice within the blogosphere who rushed to Avnery’s defense. While this person’s reply to my vastly-documented work did not warrant such a response, I diligently composed this series to demolish and banish any similar accusations that are sure to arise in the future. In this first part, we delve into the true …

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[23 Feb 2012 | 5 Comments | 32,643 views]
Zionist Media Domination: The Jewish Suicide Bomber That You Never Heard Of

By the Editor.
Updated February 24, 2012. Click here to go to the update.
In 1983 American police foiled a significant terror attack that most Americans to this day are utterly oblivious to. On October 18, 1983, a suicide bomber strapped with explosives was caught in the spectators’ gallery of the US House of Representatives, attempting to blow up the US Capitol.(1) The reason most Americans know nothing of this plot, is that the terrorist was a Jewish Israeli named ‘Israel Rabinowits’. The astounding ignorance of Americans is owing …

blog, Featured, The Arab World »

[3 Feb 2012 | 7 Comments | 30,414 views]
Was the Gaza Flotilla Massacre a Turkish-Israeli False Flag and Precursor to the War on Syria?

By the Editor.
Updated Saturday 4 February, 2012. Click here to go to the update.
On 31st May 2010, armed Israeli terrorists committed a heinous act of violence that sent shockwaves around the world. It stunned those not familiar with Israel’s history of terrorism, hatred, bloodshed and murder. Others however, including the Palestinians who are intimately familiar with the usurping Zionist entity’s modus operandi, could only look on unsurprised at this macabre reminder of what ‘Israel’ represents.
After the fact, potentially explosive information has surfaced – the implications of which …

Featured, The Arab World »

[31 Jan 2012 | No Comment | 12,853 views]
Israelis can tell the whole story of Sudan’s division – they wrote the script and trained the actors

by Fahmi Howeidi. Friday, 14 January 2011.
Now that we have been unable to defend the unity of Sudan, it might benefit us to understand what has happened there. Perhaps that will alert us to the fact that secession of the south is not the end, but is one of a series of splits intended to dismantle the Arab world surrounding Egypt.
From very early on, Zionists realized that minorities in the Arab world represent a natural ally to their state of Israel and so they planned to build bridges with them. …

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[17 Jan 2012 | One Comment | 23,175 views]
The Salala Massacre: NATO’s Naked Aggression Against Pakistan And The Hegemonic Israeli-Indo-American Strategy Behind It

by the Editor and Jonathan Azaziah.
NATO’s Bloody Attack On Pakistan: The Motive
In the early morning of Saturday 26 November two NATO Apache helicopters, an AC-130 gunship, and a number of fighter jets perpetrated a sustained and deadly attack on two Pakistani army border posts on the Afghan-Pakistan border. Located high on the Salala mountain ridge, the two army posts were brutally attacked for approximately two hours. In what was evidently a naked act of aggression, the US-led forces bombarded the border posts for forty-five minutes, left for twenty minutes, and …

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[15 Jan 2012 | One Comment | 23,356 views]
“International Zionism Is Strangling The World”: Interview With Jonathan Azaziah

by Kourosh Ziabari.
Jonathan Azaziah is an Iraqi-American Muslim poet, activist, analyst, writer and journalist from Brooklyn, New York, currently residing in Florida. His articles, poems and music predominantly deal with international Zionism and the cruel effect that it has on the world’s oppressed people. He is also a staff writer for Pakistan’s premier alternative media outlet, Opinion Maker, and a frequent guest and co-host of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement’s Ugly Truth radio broadcast.
Jonathan took part in an enlightening, explosive interview with me and expressed his viewpoints regarding the renewed war threats …

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[4 Jan 2012 | 2 Comments | 9,304 views]
U.S. Troops going to Israel

January 2, 2012 – Whiteout Press.
Jerusalem. In one of the most blacked-out stories in America right now, the US military is preparing to send thousands of US troops, along with US Naval anti-missile ships and accompanying support personnel, to Israel. It took forever to find a second source for confirmation of this story and both relatively mainstream media outlets are in Israel. With one source saying the military deployment and corresponding exercises are to occur in January, the source providing most of the details suggests it will occur later this …

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[2 Dec 2011 | 8 Comments | 221,948 views]
Pakistan: Gateway to the Zionist Endgame

By the Editor.
Updated December 20, 2011: expanded and clarified the section pertaining to the David Ben-Gurion quote.
Israel’s plan to eviscerate the Arab and Muslim states, eyes nuclear Pakistan as the final hurdle. In the wake of NATO’s deadly November 26 attack on Pakistan, the S.I.T.E. Intelligence Group rears its head to carry forward the Zionist deceptions.
In February 1982 an important Hebrew paper appeared in a Jewish journal named KIVUNIM (Directions). Penned by Oded Yinon and titled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties‘, the essay delineates strategies …