Articles tagged with: libya
9/11, blog, Central & South Asia, North America, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
Many find it difficult to believe the sheer boldness of the lies peddled by the British Broadcasting Corporation – the world’s largest and most respected broadcasting organisation. Nevertheless, the BBC’s nefarious agenda has come to the fore during the wars on Libya and Syria, where it has taken every opportunity to justify foreign military intervention in both countries. In some cases the BBC has been quite ham-fisted in its attempts to deceive viewers, resulting in its foul play becoming readily apparent.
BBC claims footage of Indian protest …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
How many times have you used Wikipedia when trying to find out the basic facts surrounding an unfamiliar event or topic? How many times has Wikipedia been your first port of call? When one seeks information online relating to a divisive, confusing, or hotly debated topic, nine times out of ten the first port of call will be a search engine, most likely Google. Resultingly (as we will see), the online encyclopedia ‘Wikipedia‘, now a household name, has become the chief first source of information …
Featured, The Arab World »

By LIZZIE PHELAN, June 24th 2011.
I made this speech on June 16 2011 at the Venezuelan Embassy’s cultural venue in London. With Latin America looking increasingly fragile in light of several of the continents important progressive figures being struck with cancer (which as Hugo Chavez said for it to be a coincidence was against all laws of probability) and due to several other factors, the points made here are becoming increasingly pertinent, especially in the face of agressions against multiple sovereign countries that are a thorn in the side to …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
Updated Saturday 4 February, 2012. Click here to go to the update.
On 31st May 2010, armed Israeli terrorists committed a heinous act of violence that sent shockwaves around the world. It stunned those not familiar with Israel’s history of terrorism, hatred, bloodshed and murder. Others however, including the Palestinians who are intimately familiar with the usurping Zionist entity’s modus operandi, could only look on unsurprised at this macabre reminder of what ‘Israel’ represents.
After the fact, potentially explosive information has surfaced – the implications of which …
Featured, North America, The Arab World »

Those who create the chaos have a plan and in the midst of chaos, they usually are the ones who will win. Those who wrote the plan of this chaos were affiliated with the Project for a New American Century–read A Clean Break if you already haven’t.
by Cynthia McKinney.
It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and Libyan sources that our President now has 12,000 U.S. troops stationed in Malta and they are about to make their descent into Libya.
For those of you who have …
Featured, The Arab World »

by Thierry Meyssan, 26 September, 2011.
Al-Jazeera – the Qatari news channel that in the space of 15 years established itself in the Arab world as an innovative news outlet – suddenly embarked in a vast intoxication campaign to overthrow the regimes of Libya and Syria through any means. As demonstrated by Thierry Meyssan, this was not a conjunctural shift but one that was planned long in advance by individuals who shrewdly concealed their personal interests to the public. Revelations follow …
The Qatari-based Al-Jazeera channel announced the resignation of its director …
Featured, The Arab World »

by P. Ngigi Njoroge, 24 October, 2011.
I get terribly affected by the kind of things that are happening today, and confess to not being able to be dispassionate.
But some important facts we should keep in view if we want to remain sane and work out a saving response to European and American criminal aggression against us are the following.
Muammar Gaddafi came from an Arab tribe living in Libya. He belonged to a culture completely different from American and European culture. He therefore did not—and never pretended to—champion Western values of …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
Updated 24 October, 2011 – click here to go to the update.
Muammar Gaddafi – revolutionary leader of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya – was assassinated on Thursday 20 October, 2011, in the Libyan city of Sirte. The precise circumstances surrounding his death have been clouded with mystery and contradicting reports, but the media consensus is that NATO’s ‘rebel’ stooges captured and killed him. This has lent the unelected and universally despised NTC occupation government a decisive propaganda victory in the war on Libya. However, a picture …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
Alhurra (also known as al-Hurra) is a US-based satellite television network established in 2004, and which broadcasts in over 22 countries worldwide. Referring to Alhurra as a ‘news network’ constitutes the most egregious misuse of language; funded by the US Congress, Alhurra is nothing more than an Arabic-language extension of the US State Department’s propaganda mill, the Voice of America. As is customary for such Orwellian propaganda mainstays, Alhurra is Arabic for “The Free One“.
Voice of America, the English language partner of Alhurra is operated by …
blog, Featured, The Arab World »

By the Editor.
A major humanitarian catastrophe is afflicting Sirte, as NATO and NTC militia employ ‘Fallujah’ tactics. Sirte is being transformed into a ‘free-fire’ zone where civilians and civilian buildings are being openly targeted in order to crush resistance and terrorise residents into flight.
In this report alone:
Residents suffering indiscriminate shelling, mortars, and rocket fire;
Patients dying as hospitals lose power, lack medicines, oxygen, and fuel;
NATO bombs hospital during NTC-announced ceasefire;
Civilian buildings and apartment blocks razed to the ground by NATO bombs;
Critical shortages of drinkable water, food;
NTC militia kill family in car, …