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[4 Jan 2014 | 9 Comments | 81,633 views]
BBC Caught Fabricating Videos to Push Libya and Syria War Agendas

By the Editor.
Many find it difficult to believe the sheer boldness of the lies peddled by the British Broadcasting Corporation – the world’s largest and most respected broadcasting organisation. Nevertheless, the BBC’s nefarious agenda has come to the fore during the wars on Libya and Syria, where it has taken every opportunity to justify foreign military intervention in both countries. In some cases the BBC has been quite ham-fisted in its attempts to deceive viewers, resulting in its foul play becoming readily apparent.
BBC claims footage of Indian protest …

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[9 Apr 2013 | 30 Comments | 105,586 views]
The Dawkins Doctrine: How ‘Critical Thinking’ Atheists Become Servile Followers of Dogma

By the Editor.
The ‘New Atheists’, who claim to be at the cutting edge of critical, independent thought, have adopted the false dogma of 9/11 as their religion.
I want to start out this piece by making a couple of things clear about my beliefs.  I do not suggest for a millisecond that readers should care; there’s nothing more nauseating than a person who trumpets their personal beliefs at any given opportunity. (Sadly in the case of many atheists, this is often done in the pursuit of smugly asserting one’s perceived intellectual …

9/11, blog, North America, The Arab World »

[8 Feb 2013 | 6 Comments | 30,905 views]
The Antidote to ‘War on Terror’ & ‘Arab Spring’ Doublespeak: The 2013 Doublespeak Dictionary

By the Editor.
Updated 11 February 2013 with new additions: democracy, dictator, humanitarian intervention, no-fly zone.
“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink. In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics’. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia. When the general atmosphere is bad, language …

9/11, North America, The Arab World »

[8 Feb 2013 | No Comment | 15,030 views]
“Zero Dark Thirty”: The deeper, darker truths

By Dr. James H. Fetzer.
Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:46AM GMT.
Osama bin Laden was not killed on 2 May 2011 during the raid on a compound in Pakistan. He actually died in Afghanistan on or about 15 December 2001 — and he was buried there in an unmarked grave.
Local obituaries reported Osama’s death at the time. Even FOX News subsequently confirmed it. He was buried in an unmarked grave in accord with Muslim traditions. He did not die in Pakistan.”
A film that may even take the Academy Award for “Best …

9/11, blog, Central & South Asia, Featured, The Arab World »

[2 Dec 2011 | 8 Comments | 221,923 views]
Pakistan: Gateway to the Zionist Endgame

By the Editor.
Updated December 20, 2011: expanded and clarified the section pertaining to the David Ben-Gurion quote.
Israel’s plan to eviscerate the Arab and Muslim states, eyes nuclear Pakistan as the final hurdle. In the wake of NATO’s deadly November 26 attack on Pakistan, the S.I.T.E. Intelligence Group rears its head to carry forward the Zionist deceptions.
In February 1982 an important Hebrew paper appeared in a Jewish journal named KIVUNIM (Directions). Penned by Oded Yinon and titled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties‘, the essay delineates strategies …

9/11, blog, Central & South Asia, Featured, Headline, North America, The Arab World »

[20 Sep 2011 | 12 Comments | 457,952 views]
September 11, 2001: Zionist shock therapy and the birth of the lie

By the Editor.
New York City, New York. Shock is a curious thing. The human mind is at its most susceptible when the proverbial rug has been pulled from under its feet. When a momentous, shocking event occurs we are thrust into an uncomfortable, unfamiliar, frightening place. We look for explanations, try to make sense of chaos whilst we are at our most vulnerable. Our malleable minds accept and subconsciously cling to the first narrative our ‘protectors’ offer, whether real or imagined, whether plausible or nonsensical.
The …

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[19 Sep 2011 | No Comment | 15,895 views]
The 9/11 Delusion: Israel’s False Flag, Jingoism And Inhumanity

by Jonathan Azaziah. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2011.
Welcome to hell madames and sirs, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies. Welcome to dystopia, a nightmarish incarnation where Orwellianism flourishes like fungus in the darkness of the forest and American jingoism and Western exceptionalism act as its foundational pillars. Welcome to a world where militarism is the religion of the masses and rituals of piety and righteousness include the spilling of innocent blood in faraway lands, inhabited by the undesirables commonly mislabeled as ‘ay-rabs and moozlums,’ or in classic …

9/11, Featured, The Arab World »

[18 Sep 2011 | One Comment | 12,186 views]
Dare I say its name?

by Nahida, September 12, 2011.
The term White Supremacism defines the likes of KKK, of racists, neo-nazis etc, and projects a notion of wickedness and evil .
Wherever suitable, the term is used freely and without hesitation, generally by the Left, including the anti-Zionist Jewish Left. No one thinks twice before accurately using the term to portray anyone who claims that so called “White” people are superior to “people of colour”.
In some instances, the term is used in association with those who express concerns that the cultural identity of their society might be threatened …

9/11, blog, Central & South Asia, Featured, North America, The Arab World »

[13 Sep 2011 | 2 Comments | 7,625 views]
Interview with Pakistani analyst Zaid Hamid: essential context on the ‘War on Terror’

By the Editor.
The false flag 9/11 attacks of ten years ago saw the advent of the ‘War on Terror’ and ushered in a new era of global war, the target of which it cannot be denied is Islam and Muslim nations. Adding context to this, Mark Glenn’s December 2010 interview with Pakistani analyst Zaid Hamid is incredibly instructive.
Several essential historical events are covered which bear on current events in intimate ways and simply must be kept in mind in order to reach a working understanding of the ‘War on …

9/11, Featured, North America, The Arab World »

[13 Sep 2011 | No Comment | 5,417 views]
Moment of Silence

by Emmanuel Ortiz, 11th September 2002.
Before I start this poem, I’d like to ask you to join me
In a moment of silence
In honor of those who died in the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon last September 11th.
I would also like to ask you
To offer up a moment of silence
For all of those who have been harassed, imprisoned,
disappeared, tortured, raped, or killed in …